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Rail Transit Facilities Electrician Lead
- [Registrant]King County
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]King County, WA
- Posted : 2024/10/18
- Published : 2024/10/18
- Changed : 2024/10/18
- Total View : 53 persons
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*Learn how Metro connects you with what matters* [ ]* *
*King County Metro's Rail Division *is seeking one (1) Career Service *Rail Facilities Electrician Lead *that will be responsible for assigning and coordinating the work of journey-level Rail Facilities Electricians. Work involves providing technical assistance and lead direction to crewmembers engaged in maintenance, repair and upgrades of the Light Rail operating facilities, supporting systems and equipment. This position works directly with the chief of facilities and responsibilities also include the coordination and oversight of work performed by outside contractors working in an assortment of crafts, engaged in variety of building and systems maintenance, and repair and enhancement. This is a working lead position and all normal duties of a Rail Facilities Electrician will also be performed.
About King County Metro Transit *
King County Metro Transit's Rail Division manages and maintains Sound Transit's Link light rail service and City of Seattle’s streetcar system. Link light rail currently spans a 33-mile route from SeaTac to Lynnwood and a 6.6-mile route from Redmond to South Bellevue. By the end of 2026, light rail is projected to expand to nearly 60 route miles, adding seven new stations. Additional expansions to the Link system will be coming online for years to come.
Seattle Streetcar includes the 1.3 mile South Lake Union line and the 2.5 mile First Hill line, proudly serving the diverse and vibrant communities around Seattle’s downtown core. These rail services complement Metro's extensive fixed-route bus system and mobility services. Puget Sound transit agencies are collaborating to create an integrated transit network that enables people to travel farther, faster, and more easily.
*"This position is considered safety sensitive. Applicants for these positions are required to undergo drug testing prior to employment and subsequent to commencement of employment, will be subject to random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return to duty, and follow-up drug and alcohol testing in compliance with Federal DOT alcohol and controlled substance testing program protocols."*
*Who May Apply*
This position is open to the general public and all King County employees.
*Position Information
*This recruitment will be used to fill one (1) Career Service Rail Facilities Electrician Lead and will be used to establish an eligibility list to fill future career service vacancies which may occur over the next twelve (12) months, at the discretion of the hiring authority.
*Work Location*
Employees may report to any of the following locations: Rail Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) Central at 3407 Airport Way S, Seattle WA 98134, OMF East 1925 120th Ave NE Bellevue WA 98005, or any additional locations that may open in the future.
*Work Schedule*
This non-exempt position is overtime eligible. Employee in this position must be willing and able to work one of three shifts (day, swing or graveyard), including any combination of days off. The workweek and scheduled hours may vary. Work shift is subject to change based on seniority bid system and needs of the business. In addition, this position has on-call responsibilities and must respond to emergency situations as needed. Current schedules are listed below but are subject to change based on operational needs:
1st and 2nd shifts are straight eights. and 3rd shift is 4 tens. Dayshift: 6:00am-2:00pm; Swing shift: 1:00pm-9:00pm; Graveyard: 08:00pm-6:00am
*Pay Information: *
First shift (Days) pay rate is $68.98/hour.
Second shift (Swing) and Third shift (Graveyard) pay rate are both $73.12/hour.
*For more information regarding this recruitment, please contact:*
Jacky Lu, Talent Advisor, body { font-size: 1em; font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; color: #333333; }
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