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The Fremont Connection, October 4, 2024 Issue
- [Registrant]City of Fremont
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Fremont
- Posted : 2024/10/04
- Published : 2024/10/04
- Changed : 2024/10/04
- Total View : 53 persons
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- 土曜:日本語補習校 。在留邦人子女に対し、日本の教科書による補習教育を行っており...
土曜:日本語補習校 。在留邦人子女に対し、日本の教科書による補習教育を行っております。日本へ帰国し日本の教育へ移行する際に、学習上の障害を減らすことを目的とし、文科省指定の教科書を使い教育を行っております。進んで学習し、粘り強く追及する精神とたくましい活力をもち、仲良く認め合う子どもへの育成を目指します。幼稚部: 4歳児~ 8時50分~12時45分小学部: 1~6年生 8時35分~15時10分中学...
+1 (972) 458-0478ダラス補習授業校
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+1 (212) 391-9111Interesse International Inc.
- 作るのはちょっと面倒だけど、 食べたい料理が有るお店。横浜で長年経験を積んだシ...
+81-439-32-1225レストラン シベール
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+1 (310) 508-9272Akihira Enterprise Limousine Service
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+1 (619) 234-5627San Diego Japanese Christian Church
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- 本多屋は店内とアウトドアで元気にオープン♪🎊焼き鳥、サラダ、お刺身、寿司、ラーメ...
4:30PMから12:00AMまで休みなしで営業中❕人気の焼き鳥をはじめお刺身、サラダ、寿司、揚げ物、焼き魚、炒め物、締めのラーメンなど300種類以上(店舗により異なります)ご用意しており、お飲み物もビール、ワイン、焼酎、日本酒、梅酒、チューハイと数多く揃えております☆HONDA-YA Tustin店、KAPPO HONDA Fountain Valley店、2つのロケーションでお待ちしております...
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+81-438-40-5633TG JOB CARS
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Hawaii Stay Pro
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グラマラス+コテージ=『グランコテージ』という新しい宿泊のカタチが体験できるBAYSIDE KANAYA。全室オーシャンビューで東京湾に沈む夕日を見ながら、バーベキューをしたり焚火エリアで焼マシュマロを食べたりなかなか過ごせない癒しのひと時をお過ごしください✨
+81-439-27-1415BAYSIDE KANAYA ベイサイド金谷
- 幼稚園児から小学生、高校生、大学生、社会人まで。ハワイ現地校の補習から日本教育の...
ハワイの家庭教師 x 塾 = 家庭塾で飛躍的な学力アップ!!幼稚園児から小学生、高校生、大学生、社会人まで。ハワイ現地校の補習から日本教育の補習、各種英語系資格受験やさらには日米トップ校受験まで!勉強のことならお任せ下さい!●ハワイ現地校の補習●日本教育の補習●英語系資格受験(運転免許筆記試験対策も含む)●日米のトップ校受験
+1 (808) 306-1677Focus Labo LLC | フォーカス教育研究所
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シカゴ日本商工会議所は、シカゴ進出日系企業などを中心におよそ500件の会員により構成される地域経済団体です。 シカゴと日本の相互理解を深めビジネス交流を促進するため、①会員サービス事業、②教育支援事業、③地域貢献事業を中心に事業活動を行っています。
+1 (312) 245-8344シカゴ日本商工会議所
- 【君津駅徒歩2分】季節や旬を味わえるコース料理が自慢の日本食料理店です。ご接待、...
当店は君津駅前、徒歩2分にある日本料理店です。ご接待、お節句などの慶事・法事・同窓会など各種お集りにご利用ください。個室のご用意がございます。お席は便利なテーブルと椅子のお席か、お座敷タイプのどちらもご用意できますのでご予約の際にお申し付けください。 (個室をご利用の際はコースのお料理のご注文をお願いしております。)ランチは1,100円(税込)より。ミニ懐石2,750円(税込)〜コース料理4,40...
+81-439-52-1010日本料理 和泉沢
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Fremont building, lake, sign, police and fire employees, and business district. The Fremont Connection in Text with City of Fremont logo
October 4, 2024
Public Safety Fair [ ]
Fremont Public Safety Fair Tomorrow
Join us on Saturday, October 5 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm for the Public Safety Fair! You'll learn about safety services and education, including fire prevention, crime prevention, and available local resources for public health and safety.
Fire and police vehicles and equipment, including our fire engines, patrol cars, the mobile command vehicle, SWAT vehicle, just to name a few, will be showcased. Kids can practice safe bicycling and scooter riding at the Bike Rodeo where they will walk, ride, and roll through “Safe Moves City” with intersections, crosswalks, bike lanes, traffic signs and more!
Mosquitos [ ]
Mosquitoes in Fremont
The Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District has received a number of concerns about aggressive daytime-biting mosquitoes in Fremont. They have provided information on how they are treating areas throughout Fremont.
Mosquito Update from Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District
The mosquitoes you're seeing throughout Fremont, Aedes dorsalis, are native to California and they do not transfer diseases that are harmful to humans. They are incredibly irritating and make outside unappealing to visitors and residents. The Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District is setting traps around the area to decrease the amount of mosquitoes, but since these mosquitoes produce in the marsh, it is more effective for their team to prevent them from flying away from the marsh rather than to trap them inland. Mosquitoes need standing water for their life cycle, and unfortunately these mosquitoes reproduce in the marsh where there are strong restrictions on what we can do.
The areas for treatment are in both federally and locally protected marshlands that limit which products can be used in their environmentally sensitive locations. They have treated for Aedes dorsalis and have lowered their numbers, however due to the large size of the marsh, including areas overseen by other counties, they are unable to cover every single possible location. The District expects the mosquitoes to recede a bit after the heat wave passes in a few days.
You will see the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District in the marsh throughout the year treating for Aedes dorsalis and other seasonal mosquitoes. If you start noticing small black and white spotted or striped mosquitoes, please let the district know, as those could be invasive mosquitoes. For more information about their work, see their website, ** [ ]
City seal in mosaic tile, City Council Meeting in text, and City of Fremont logo with three mountain peaks [ ]
Upcoming Council Meeting on October 8
At next week’s City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, which begins at 7:00 pm, the meeting agenda will include a Parking Enforcement Authority Ordinance:
* Introduce an Ordinance Amending Section 10.05.550 and Adding Section 10.05.555 to the Fremont Municipal Code to Enhance Parking Enforcement Authority - proposes revisions to Fremont Municipal Code parking regulations.
* The proposed code amendments are intended to make enforcement of existing rules prohibiting long term street parking more effective and to prohibit the parking of large vehicles in residential areas under most circumstances.
Visit our Agenda Center to view the *meeting agenda* [ ] and how to attend and you may also watch the *recording* [ ] from last week's meeting.
*View Meeting Agenda* [ ]
City Seal with colorful mosaic tiles. In text: City Boards and Commissions Positions Available [ ]
*Apply to be a City of Fremont Commissioner or Advisory Board Member*
Looking for a way to make a difference in the Fremont community? Consider serving the City of Fremont as a commissioner or an advisory board member! Current board and commission vacancies include the following:
*Art Review Board *
* Vacancy: One Representative
*Building Appeals Board *
* Vacancies: Three Representatives Board Members must have specific expertise/experience related to building construction and State and local Building and Fire Codes. Board members need not reside in Fremont.
*Environmental Sustainability Commission *
* Vacancy: "One Development/Construction Representative"
*George W. Patterson House Advisory Board *
* Vacancy: One "At Large Representative"
* Vacancy: One "Mission Peak Heritage Foundation Representative"
* Vacancy: One "Washington Township Historical Society Representative"
*Human Relations Commission *
* Vacancy: One Representative
*Library Advisory Commission *
* Vacancies: "Two At-Large Representatives"
* Vacancy: "One Friends of the Library Representative"
*Recreation Commission *
* Vacancy: One Representative
*Rent Review Board *
* Vacancy: "One Tenant Representative"
*Senior Citizens Commission *
* Vacancy: One Representative
The City Clerk’s Office welcomes applications for all Boards, Commission and Committees throughout the year. For more information about each board and commission, or to download an Advisory Body application, visit * [ ]*. You may also obtain an application from the City Clerk’s Office at 3300 Capitol Ave., Building A. For more information contact 510-284-4060 or **
*More Information* [ ]
Building Appeals Board [ ]
*New Building Appeals Board for Fremont*
On September 17, the Fremont City Council adopted a new ordinance for Fremont that creates a Building Appeals Board to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions, and determinations made by the City's Building Official and Fire Marshal related to building and fire codes. This is in response to a court ruling that determined that the City’s existing appeals process—which is currently managed by a single hearing officer—does not comply with the California Building Code.
The ordinance allows for a three-member Building Appeals Board appointed by the City Council. Members do not have to be Fremont residents. They are required to have special knowledge of state and local building and fire codes. The City’s Building Official or designee serves as the secretary to the board but does not have voting rights. A fee of $2,101 is associated with any appeal to the board, and the fee becomes effective November 18, 2024.
The ordinance also establishes the City's Planning Commission as the hearing body for post-entitlement appeals pursuant to California’s Housing Accountability Act.
For more information about the Building Appeals Board, including how to apply to serve on the board, visit the *Board’s webpage [ ]*.
*Application to Serve on Board* [ ]
*More Information* [ ]
Roadways [ ]
Navigating Our Streets
As Fremont grows and innovates, our city’s roadway infrastructure evolves to enhance safety and accessibility for all residents. The City’s General Plan and Mobility Action Plan aims to increase walking and biking while reducing crashes involving those vulnerable users. The City is committed to educating all roadway users on safely navigating these new infrastructure treatments, ensuring they remain confident and secure while driving, walking, or biking.
The recent changes in Fremont’s roadways include the addition of roundabouts, intersection improvements, protected bike lanes, street markings, and updated traffic signal systems. These improvements are designed to reduce severe injury/fatal crashes and reduce vehicle speeds while optimizing traffic flow, but they can be unfamiliar to many drivers.
To learn more about navigating Fremont’s roadways please visit the *City's website.* [ ]
*More Information* [ ]
Fremont Cares [ ]
*New "Fremont Cares" Story*
The City is continuing to share our "Fremont Cares" stories to help amplify the experiences of our unhoused residents and highlight *homeless response efforts [ ].* Our latest *story [ ]*follows the journey of someone who faced worsening health issues while living in his car, but ultimately found a safe place to call home. To receive future stories by email or text message, sign up for the City’s *Homelessness Interest List [ ].* To learn how you can help, visit the City’s *How to Help webpage* [ ].
*Fremont Cares: There's No Place Like Homee* [ ]
NLC Open House [ ]
*Nature Learning Center Open House*
Looking for some adventure this fall? Explore the wonders of nature at Fremont’s *Nature Learning Center* [ ]! Join us for our open house on Saturday, October 12 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Located in Fremont’s Central Park at 40224 Paseo Padre Parkway (near the Aqua Adventure Waterpark), the Center offers a free, immersive experience for all ages. Explore the importance of wildlife and the environment, get up close with local animals through taxidermic mounts, delve into our pollinator garden, and learn about our local watersheds.
This open house event will feature a special talk at 10:00 am. A speaker from the *California Bluebird Recovery Program [ ]* will share insights on these special birds and how you can help our feathered friends by installing a nest box at home.
Don't miss this chance to learn about our local wildlife and the importance of protecting bluebirds and other nesting species!
*Event Information* [ ]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Vigil [ ]
*Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Candlelight Vigil 2024*
Narika and S.A.V.E host their Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Candlelight Vigil on Wednesday, October 23, during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Co-sponsored by the City of Fremont Human Relations Commission, the free, collaborative event invites the community, local leaders, and local organizations to participate.
Attendees will have access to community resources and cultural celebrations and will hear reflections from community members on the importance of domestic violence awareness. Tea and nourishment will be provided.
Domestic Violence Awareness Candlelight Vigil
Event Details:
Fremont Downtown Event Center
Wednesday, October 23
6:30 to 8:00 pm.
*Event Information* [ ]
ACWD Workshop [ ]
Upcoming Landscape Workshops for Fremont Residents
This month, the *Alameda County Water District (ACWD) [ ]*, in partnership with the *Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) [ ]*, is hosting two free drought-themed landscape workshops for Fremont residents. Check them out below and register at the link!
*Designing Rainwater Catchment Systems in the Landscape* Wednesday, October 9 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Zoom Learn about features and systems you can add to your landscape for capturing and storing rainwater to use for irrigation. Information about ACWD's rain barrel rebate will be provided. *Learn more and register.* [ ]
*Re-Think Your Lawn: Creating Water-Efficient and Climate Resilient Landscapes* Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. ACWD’s Headquarters at 43885 S. Grimmer Blvd. Learn how to transform your water-thirsty lawn into a beautiful, low maintenance and water efficient landscape that can better withstand emerging impacts of climate change, including prolonged droughts. Information about ACWD's Lawn Be Gone rebate will be provided. *Learn more and register*. [ ]
calendar and stars [ ]
Upcoming Events & Community Meetings
***Friday, October 4 (Every Friday Through October 18*: ** [ ]Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave. Produced by the Fremont Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Food Truck Mafia.
*Saturday, October 5: [ ]* City of Fremont Public Safety Fair from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the parking lot between the Police Department Building and the Fremont Main Library.
*Monday, October 7: [ ]* Joint City Council/Fremont Unified School District (FUSD) Board Meeting at 5:30 pm at FUSD, 4210 Technology Dr.
*Tuesday, October 8*: [ ] City Council Meeting, at 7:00 pm, City Hall, 3300 Capitol Ave.
******Friday, October 11 [ ]: ******Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Saturday, October 12 [ ]*: Nature Learning Center Open House from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, 40224 Paseo Padre Parkway.
*****Wednesday, October 16 [ ]: *****Wellness Expo from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Age Well Center Lake Elizabeth, 40086 Paseo Padre Pkwy.
**Friday, October 18: [ ]**Trick-or-Treat Event from 5:00 to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 18 [ ]: [ ]*Fremont Street Eats from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Tuesday, October 22 [ ]*: Abracadabra Kids Edition from 3:40 to 4:50 pm at the Centerville Community Center Park: 3355 Country Drive.
*Thursday, October 24* [ ]: Fremont Family Resource Center 25th Anniversary Celebration and Fundraiser, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Downtown Event Center, 3500 Capitol Ave.
*Friday, October 25* [ ]: Movies Under the Stars: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, at 7:00 pm in Central Park, Fremont.
*Saturday, October 26 [ ]*: Diwali Art Workshop from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Shinn Historic Park and Arboretum: 1251 Peralta Blvd, Fremont.
*View Full Calendar* [ ]
In Case You Missed It:
Fremont Police Department Community Survey [ ]
Free COVID Tests Available [ ]
Update on Homelessness Response [ ]
conversation bubbles, and my Fremont, my city, my voice in text [ ]
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