Temp paving and air vent line installation completed at S.E. 35th Pl and E. Mercer Way
- [등록자]King County
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]King County, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/11/08
- 게재일 : 2024/11/08
- 변경일 : 2024/11/08
- 총열람수 : 26 명
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기미츠시의呉服店『이세겐』에서는 주문 제작으로 이불 리폼을 실시하고 있습니다. 사용 중인 이불을 언제까지나 오래 사용할 수 있도록 다시 만들어 드립니다. 그 외 학생복 ・ 간병복 ・ 여성복, 축제용품 등 다양한 종류의 양품이 모여 있으니 꼭 한번 들러주세요.
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콩과 물만 사용 ! 콩 본연의 단맛을 느낄 수 있는 무조정 두유를 직접 만들어 판매하고 있습니다. 이 수제 두유를 사용해 만든 두유 푸딩은 캐러멜과 함께 먹으면 딱 좋은 단맛을 느낄 수 있다. 그 외 가토쇼콜라 등 구운 과자류도 판매하고 있으니 꼭 한 번 들러보세요.
November 2024
Temporary paving and air vent line installation completed at Southeast 35th Place and East Mercer Way
Work continues in the area
*Two-way access restored on S.E. 35th Pl:*
Crews finished installing and testing the air vent line at East Mercer Way at S.E. 35th Pl. Crews temporarily paved the intersection, and it is now open to two-way vehicle traffic (see map below). Residents can now access their homes from E. Mercer Way.
Residents can access their homes from S.E. 35th Pl and E. Mercer Way.
Residents can access their homes from E. Mercer Way and S.E. 35th Pl.
*Crews will continue to be in the area for the following work*:
* Curb ramp installation along Frontage Road near the Mercer Island Boat Launch – Frontage Road and the boat launch will remain open.
* Puget Sound Energy (PSE) electrical work at E. Mercer Way and S.E. 35th Pl – This work is expected to take about a day. Access will be maintained by Uniformed Police Officers at the intersection.
* Restoration and landscaping near S.E. 35th Pl and the boat launch.
* *As the holidays approach, crews will be moving large equipment out of the area **to **ma**ke* *space for vehicles on S.E. 35th Pl.*
*Water line tie-in:*
The water line tie-in on S.E. 35th Pl will be completed in coordination with the City of Mercer Island Public Works. This will provide reliable services for your neighborhood for many years to come. During this work, there will be temporary detours in place. We will update the project website and email the Area 6 list serv once we have more information about the schedule and impacts for the water line tie-in.
* *
*Permanent paving planned in 2025:*
Final, permanent paving is weather dependent and can only be completed during the permitted paving window that runs from mid-March to mid-October. During this work, there will be temporary detours in place. We will update the project website and email the Area 6 list serv once this work is scheduled.
What to expect during construction:
* Permitted work hours are Monday to Friday and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays.
* Work outside these hours will be done as approved by the City of Mercer Island.
* All work will be performed in the public right-of-way.
* Noise, dust, and vibrations typical of an active construction project.
* Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.
* Garbage, recycling, composting, and mail service will be maintained.
* Crews will assist with pick-up and delivery services during work hours.
* If services are interrupted, or if you are expecting a delivery at a specific date or time, please call the project hotline at 425-305-3578.
* Construction schedules can change based on factors such as site conditions, weather, and material availability. Please check the project website [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade/update-sign-ups ] for updates.
Learn more about this project
* Contact the community services team at 425-305-3578 or email NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov
* Visit the project website: kingcounty.gov/MercerEnataiSewer [ https://kingcounty.gov/depts/dnrp/wtd/capital-projects/active/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade.aspx ].
* Alternative Formats Available: 206-477-5371 or TTY Relay: 711
*Sign up for location-specific email lists on our website.* [ https://kingcounty.gov/en/dept/dnrp/waste-services/wastewater-treatment/capital-projects/north-mercer-island-enatai-sewer-upgrade/update-sign-ups ]
Los servicios de interpretación y traducción están disponibles para usted sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, comuníquese con NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
免費為您提供口譯和筆譯服務。如果您需要這些服 務,請聯絡 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
免费为您提供口译和笔译服务。如果您需要这些服 务,请联络 NMEsewer@kingcounty.gov, 425-305-3578
About King County Wastewater Treatment Division
King County Wastewater Treatment Division protects public health and the environment by collecting and cleaning wastewater while recovering valuable resources for a healthy and resilient Puget Sound. We provide services to 18 cities, 15 local sewer districts, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and nearly 2 million people across a 424-square-mile area in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties.
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