Senior Center June Newsletter
- [등록자]City of Sunnyvale
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Sunnyvale, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/06/03
- 게재일 : 2024/06/03
- 변경일 : 2024/06/03
- 총열람수 : 60 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 창업 38년 셰프의 정성이 담긴 이탈리안 요리를 즐겨보세요. 계절마다 바...
카모가와에서 정통 이탈리안 요리를 먹는다면 레스토랑 아페티토. 파스타, 호박 수프 등 엄선된 재료로 고객이 만족할 수 있는 요리를 목표로 만들어 왔습니다. 인기 메뉴인 '황금 호박 수프'는 테이크아웃도 가능합니다 ! 또한 가게의 쇼케이스에서는 케이크 판매도 하고 있습니다. 계절마다 바뀌는 케이크도 함께 즐겨 보세요 ♪
. +81-4-7093-3467レストラン アペティート
- アフリカゾウやキリンなどが一緒に見渡せるアフリカ園や、ガラス越しにホッキョクグマ...
+81-22-229-0631セルコムホーム ズーパラダイス八木山
- 집에서 즐기는 정통 라멘 ! 면을 고집하는 명성 USA입니다. 생면라면 ...
집에서 즐기는 정통 라멘 ! 면을 고집하는 명성 USA입니다. 생면라면 ・ 야키소바 ・ 우동 ・ 냉 중화요리 ・ 오키나와 소바 ・ 나가사키 짬뽕 등 다채로운 상품 라인업이 매력적입니다 ♪ 아이디어에 따라 맛의 무한한 가능성을 보여주는 '어레인지 레시피' 공개 중 !
+1 (909) 464-1411Myojo USA, INC.
- "米国でNO.1の生殖補助医療企業に選ばれた"代理出産、配偶子提供のプロフェッシ...
MARG(ミラクル・エンジェルス・リプロダクティブ・グループ/Miracle Angel Reproductive Group)は、女性の生殖医療に特化した企業で、アメリカ、日本、イギリスの生殖補助医療技術を研究し、アジア圏の女性に卵子凍結、体外受精、遺伝子選択、性別決定、卵子提供、米国代理母妊娠、幹細胞保存、およびそれらに関連する無料カウンセリングを提供しております。
+1 (949) 623-8331Angels Creation Reproductive Center Inc
- 🍜 추천 상품 소개 🌟 일본의 그 라멘을 집에서 즐길 수 있습니다 ♪ 이...
🍜 추천 상품 소개 🌟 일본의 그 라멘을 집에서 즐길 수 있습니다 ♪ 이번 주 한정 주간 세일은 목요일까지 ! 요시노야 규동, 하야시라이스루, 마루짱 야키소바가 인기입니다 ❗ ️자세한 내용은 이쪽
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 일본어로 치료를 받을 수 있는 정신과 클리닉입니다. 마음의 문제 ・ 고민...
사무실에는 일본어를 구사할 수 있는 스태프도 있으므로 부담없이 일본어로 문의해 주십시오 🍵 본 클리닉에서는 약물요법 외에도 2019년 미국 식품의약국 ( FDA )에 승인된 에스케타민, 2008년부터 승인된 TMS (경두개 자기자극치료)를 통한 진료를 시행하고 있습니다. 강한 스트레스 ・ 불안을 느끼시는 분, 기분이 우울해서 어떻게 할 수 없는 분, 혼...
+1 (714) 867-7037Dr. Alejandra Suzuki, MD | Americas TMS Center
- 춤추고 싶은 마음만 있으면 된다 ! ! 함께 춤추지 않을래요 !?
나이, 경험 상관없이 ! 아기부터 키즈, 성인부터 시니어까지 ! 춤추고 싶은 사람이 즐겁게 춤출 수 있는 Genki Crew Dance School ! Hip-Hop, 발레, Jazz, Mommy and Me 피트니스, Nirvana Fitness Nirvana 피트니스 등 해보고 싶은 것을 찾을 수 있다 !
Genki Crew Dance School
- 企業サイトやショッピングサイトなどのウェブ制作、集客のためのオンラインマーケティ...
+1 (310) 533-8245Seeknet USA
- 이치하라시를 중심으로 한 유료 요양원입니다. 24시간 간호사 상주 ・ 제...
이치하라시를 중심으로 한 유료 요양원으로 24시간 간호사 상주 ・ 제휴병원과 연계하여 지원 ・ 종신 이용 가능. 지역과의 세심한 연계와 방문 간호를 통한 섬세한 서비스가 주요 특징입니다. 가족과 함께 매일 안심하고 지내고 싶은 분, 나카요시홈에 맡겨주세요.
- 미국 전역에서 인기 있는 찹쌀 도넛, 갓 짜낸 몽블랑을 얹은 소프트 아이...
Kai Sweets에서는 돼지고기 커틀릿 카레, 오므라이스, 핫/아이스 음료, 타피오카티, 마카롱, 딸기 찹쌀떡, 슈크림, 크레페 등의 디저트를 제공하고 있으며, 2019년부터는 mochimochi Kai Sweets에서 찹쌀 도넛도 제공하고 있습니다. 시작했습니다. 그리고 2022년에는 Kai Creamery를 오픈했습니다 ! 갓 짜낸 몽블랑을 얹은 ...
- 뉴욕 ・ 도쿄에 사무소를 두고 있는 회계법인입니다. 고객의 모든 니즈에 ...
글로벌 네트워크를 활용하여 고객의
UNIVIS AMERICA, LLC・ 법인세 신고서 작성 ・ 개인 확정신고서 작성
- 宇佐風土記の丘
- ★ 헤어컷 신규 예약 접수 중 ★ '환대'를 컨셉으로 고객뿐만 아니라 직...
전 직원 모두 일본인 ! 높은 품질의 기술과 환대 서비스로 매일 좋은 인상을 남길 수 있도록 도와드리겠습니다 !
+1 (408) 656-2766K's Hair Salon
- 정신과 ・ 정신과 전문의 타카시 마츠키의 DC 사무소에 오신 것을 환영합...
전근, 유학, 국제결혼 등 다양한 이유로 매년 수많은 일본인이 미국에 오지만, 그 중 많은 사람들이 낯선 이국 생활, 새로운 직장이나 학교에서의 부적응, 문화와 언어의 장벽, 일본 가족이나 친구와의 이별 등 다양한 스트레스에 노출되어 있다. 강한 스트레스는 다양한 정신질환을 유발할 수 있습니다. 이런 증상이 있나요 ? 기분 저하, 피로감, 피로감, 기...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
- 구인 ・ 구인은 트라이콤퀘스트 - The Professional Recr...
저희 바이링구얼 컨설턴트는 여러분의 커리어 목표를 이해하고, 정확한 조언을 통해 목표 달성까지 지원하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다 。 이력서 작성 지원부터 기업 ・ 구직자 모두를 이해하는 개별 컨설팅 、 포지션 소개, 면접 준비 회의 면접 준비 미팅, 그리고 취업 후 사후관리까지 아낌없이 지원하겠습니다 。.
+1 (310) 715-3400TriCom Quest
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*Senior Center Activities Newsletter June 2024*
San Juan Bautista Mission and State Historical Park
San Juan
Your day begins with lunch at Jardines de San Juan. Choose from: A) Beef Taco & Cheese Enchilada B) Two Cheese Enchiladas C) Chile Verde or V) Vegan Burrito. Meals include chips with salsa, rice and beans, flan and your choice of iced tea, lemonade or coffee.
After lunch we'll take a docent-led tour of the historic Mission and nearby State Historic Park. There we'll visit the historic Plaza Hotel, the Zan-etta House and the Plaza stables which were built in the 1800s.
This daytrip requires a significant amount of walking including uneven surfaces and steps.
* *Date:* Thursday, July 18
* *Time:* 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (check in at 8:30 a.m. at Senior Center)
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$ 121 Res / $151 Nonres
*Day trips are nonrefundable.*
*For more information or to register, call 408-730-7360.*
Elkhorn Slough Safari Boat Tour & Phil’s Fish Market
Enjoy a boat ride on the Elkhorn Slough with naturalists guiding you through its scenic beauty and abundant wildlife. Dine at Phil’s Fish Market, famous for outstanding seafood. Choose from: A) Caesar Salad with Charbroiled Chicken B) Snapper Tacos C) Fish & Chips or V) Sicilian Pasta with Roma Tomato Basil Sauce. Your choice of iced tea or coffee and lemon bars for dessert.
This trip requires a moderate amount of walking on uneven surfaces including a boat ramp. Please dress in layers with comfortable shoes. Choose from one of two lunch seatings—11 a.m. or 1 p.m. Lunch seating times are first-come, first-served. Upon registration, an additional waiver will be provided. This is required and must be returned to the Senior Center by Aug. 6.
* *Date:* Wednesday, Aug. 14
* *Time:* 9:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (check in at 8:45 a.m. at the Senior Center)
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$135 Res / $169 Nonres
*Day trips are nonrefundable.*
*For more information or to register, call 408-730-7360.*
Tee Time with Trenton
Trenton Hill
Let's par-tee! Come by, share a cup of tea and chat with Trenton Hill, Senior Center Manager. He will be hosting drop in "office hours" at the Senior Center lounge. Stop by and find out what's new, ask questions, provide feedback, discuss concerns or other interests, like golf!
* *Date: *Tuesday, June 25
* *Time: *2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
* *Location:* Senior Center Lounge
* Free tea and hot water provided
Senior Center City Café
*Click menu image to enlarge*
June [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CASUNNYVALE/2024/05/29/file_attachments/2891911/6.%20June%202024.pdf ]
The Senior Center lunch program offers lunch meals Monday through Friday by reservation only. Make your reservation one day in advance or same day before 9:30 a.m. by calling 408-730-7371.
* Dine-In encouraged. *
* *Fees: *
* Daily Lunch $6
* 5-Meal Card $25
Baking Demonstration -
Apricot Cherry Cobbler with Pastry Chef Michele
It’s Time for Summer Fruits! Chef Michele will demonstrate how to make a delicious Apricot and Cherry Cobbler! After sampling this warm and gooey creation, walk over to the Olson’s Barn to check out their apricot harvest.
* *Date: *Monday, July 1
* *Time:* 1 to 2 p.m.
* *Ages: *50+
* *Fees: *$5 Res / $6 Nonres
* *Instructor:* Michele Pett
* *Location:* Orchard Pavilion, Senior Center
*Register for Apricot Cherry Cobbler Baking Demonstration* [ https://registration.sunnyvale.ca.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=ij00030W061C242O3O4O2G3M5L53706800694V554X1I5N5U5L571A4U4J4J5E735K3Y5J4Y18005R516O065I55574E1U5D4H4E5C025L4O574V0L714H4J4X6E654H6L&primarycode=EE7LCH&keyword=&beginmonth=&endmonth=&subtype=&category=&grade=&keywordoption=Match+One&sort=ActivityNumber&instructor=&dayoption=Only&timeblock=&display=Detail&spotsavailable=&bydayonly=No&beginyear=&season=&type=&gender=&daysofweek=&location=&age=&module=AR&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_buttonsearch=Search ]
Knitting and Crochet
Join in on fun, relaxation conversation as you share the love of knitting and crochet. Bring your own project and supplies. Project help is available.
* *Date:* Tuesdays
* *Time:* 1 to 3 p.m.
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *Free
* *Location: *Sequoia Room, Senior Center
Dungeons and Dragons (D&D)
Curious about what makes the game so popular? Wonder what your kids or grandkids do when they play D&D? Stop by this drop-in class and learn how to play! No registration or experience necessary. Scott Griffith has over 40 years of experience leading D&D games and teaches you everything you need to know.
* *Date:* Tuesdays
* *Time:* 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *Free
* *Location: *Sequoia Room, Senior Center
Evening of Cultural Arts -
*Tom Rigney & Flambeau *
Get ready to dance with the hottest grooves with Tom Rigney and Flambeau! Tom Rigney and Flambeau specializes in blazing Cajun two-steps, low-down Blues, Boogie Woogie and funky New Orleans grooves with much of the repertoire composed by Rigney. Along the way, you may pick up a trace of Rigney’s Irish roots or echoes of Eastern Europe — it just makes the musical gumbo that much tastier.
* *Date:* Friday, June 14
* *Time:* 7 to 9:30 p.m.
* *Fees: *$35
* *Location: *Sunnyvale Theatre, Community Center
Questions? 925-449-1724
*Purchase Tickets Today!* [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tom-rigney-flambeau-tickets-857152083957?aff=oddtdtcreator ]
Dance Programs: We want to hear from you!
survey [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WQ6ZYY8 ]
The Sunnyvale Senior Center is interested in learning more about your experience with our dance programs. Whether you're a regular, never attended, or casual participant, we want to hear from you. This survey only takes a couple minutes and will help shape the future of the programs offered. Thank you for your time.
*Take Survey Now!* [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WQ6ZYY8 ]
Ballroom Dance Lessons - Update
Dance for fun and fitness. No registration required. *Space is limited. *First-come, first-served. For the month of June learn East Coast Swing.
* *Date:* Tuesdays
* *Time (Change): *2:30 to 4 p.m.
* Starting June 4 through August 6
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *$2 Members / $3 Nonmembers
* *Location:* Orchard Pavilion, Senior Center
Social Ballroom Dance - Update
Get on the dance floor and move to the music in a safe and supportive atmosphere. It’s recommended to wear leather-soled shoes that will stay firmly on the feet. Participants are encouraged to bring a partner.
* *Date (Change):* Moved to Fridays
* *Time: *1 to 3:30 p.m.
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees: *Free for Members / $3 Nonmembers
* *Location:* Orchard Pavilion, Senior Center
***No dance on June 5. *
***Moved to Fridays June 7 to Aug. 9, *
***Back to Wednesdays on Aug.14*
Table Tennis Location Update
table tennis
Non-instructional, recreational table tennis for all levels. Up to 6 tables available. Single and double play are welcome. Rotation of players occurs during the session if busy. Bring your own paddle and wear tennis shoes. All plays are governed by the International Table Tennis Federation rules.
* *Date:* Monday - Friday
* *Time: *9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
* *Ages:* 50+
* *Fees:*
* *$5 per day / $20 yearly pass for Senior Center members
* *$6 per day for Nonmembers
* *All drop-in participants must stop by the Sunnyvale Senior Center to pay drop-in fee before attending.
* *Summer Location:*
* *Lakewood Park Building*
Senior Center Monthly Movie
Senior Center Monthly Movies will be taking a break during Summer months.
*Returning on Monday, September 9. *Movie title to be determined.
Exhibit Program Brings Local Artists to the Walls of Sunnyvale
Through May 2025, three walls in Sunnyvale will be home to a series of art exhibits by regional artists:
* Sunnyvale Senior Center (2 walls, main hallway)
* Sunnyvale Library (main entry wall)
Now through July 10, view the work of Ria Sharma, Margaret Luo and Angelo Lopez
For more information, visit Public Art [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/about/public-art ] or contact the Sunnyvale Public Art Program at 408-730-7758 or publicart@sunnyvale.ca.gov.
Driver Safety Course
Initial and Refresher Driver Safety Courses are offered periodically throughout the year at the Sunnyvale Senior Center. Register in advance, space is limited.* Please register at the Senior Center Front Desk by check only.*
* *Cost: *$20 AARP members; $25 non-AARP members
* *Upcoming Initial Course:* July 18 and 25 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (must attend both days)
Sunnyvale Community Services -
Backpack Drive
Sunnyvale Community Services are collecting NEW backpacks to assist low-income students in kindergarten - 12th grade. With the rising cost of living, we anticipate the 2024 school year will be challenging for low-income families struggling financially, with little left for items like essential school supplies and a new backpack. *Backpacks will be collected until July 19.* If you are not able to help donate a backpack, please consider making a monetary donation to Ready to Learn program [ https://svcommunityservices.org/donate-online/ ]. Donations will help provide back packs, school supplies, and funding for academic enrichment to the unhoused and underprivileged children in our local community.
*Drop off locations: *
* *Senior Center* (near welcome desk)
* *City Hall* (2nd/4th floor staff lounges)
* *Library* (staff lounge)
* *Corporation Yard* (Parks office)
Quick Links
Classes and Activities Registration [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities ]
Activity Appointments and Passes [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/classes-and-activities/activity-appointments-and-passes ]
Sunnyvale Senior Center [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/community-centers/senior-center ]
City Special Events [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/recreation-and-community/special-events ]
Volunteer at the Senior Center [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/get-involved/volunteer ]
[ https://www.facebook.com/SunnyvaleRecreation ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvale_recreation/ ] [ https://www.youtube.com/sunnyvalerecreation ]
*Contact Us*
Sunnyvale Senior Center
Email Sunnyvale Senior Center <seniorcenter@sunnyvale.ca.gov>
Sunnyvale.ca.gov [ https://Sunnyvale.ca.gov ]
Manage Subscriptions [ https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/CASUNNYVALE/subscriber/new?preferences=true ] | Subscriber Help [ https://subscriberhelp.granicus.com/s/ ]
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