Cambium's New HQ, Entrepreneur Meetups, and a Growing Tech Ecosystem
- [등록자]City of El Segundo
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]El Segundo, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/11/14
- 게재일 : 2024/11/14
- 변경일 : 2024/11/14
- 총열람수 : 37 명
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【木更津市の高倉観音・坂東第三十番霊場 平野山高蔵寺】当寺院では、お一人様を原則にご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので 、ご予約が必要となります。住職がお一人様づつ心をこめてご祈祷(ご供養)を致しますので、秘密厳守、更に一層のご利益が期待できます。遠方にご先祖様がいらっしゃり、法要等を行うことが出来なくて気がかりの方、ご供養いたしますのでご相談ください。
El Segundo Business Portfolio
Cambium Celebrates New HQ in El Segundo
City councilmembers and city staff joined Cambium to celebrate the opening of its new headquarters—an exciting milestone for both the company and El Segundo’s growing tech ecosystem. Cambium has expanded its footprint from 6,000 to 25,000 sq. ft. in the iconic former Wyle Labs building, marking a significant leap in its capabilities and growth.
This expansion is a powerful reflection of Cambium’s leadership in advanced materials for the aerospace and defense industries and El Segundo’s continued appeal as a hub for innovation. As co-founder Stephan Herrera noted, “"We looked at a lot of other places, and there was no comparison".” With a vibrant tech community and business-friendly environment, El Segundo remains the ideal location for companies at the forefront of technological advancement.
Want to see the celebration in action? Watch the full recap of Cambium's grand opening at the link below.
watch full video [ https://youtu.be/uDIWYP2BOsM?si=tC_k_Gj1QAT0Dk7w&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
. [ https://time.com/7094627/arbor-power-station/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Arbor Named One of TIME's
Best Inventions of 2024
El Segundo is thrilled to announce that local energy startup, Arbor has been named one of *TIME's Best Inventions of 2024 [ https://time.com/7094627/arbor-power-station/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]*! This recognition shines a spotlight on the groundbreaking technology being developed right here in our city, "Where Big Ideas Take Off".
Founded by former SpaceX scientist, Brad Hartwig, Arbor is transforming organic waste from agriculture, forestry and food into clean, carbon-negative energy using oxy-combustion technology - a process inspired by rocket engines. This is no coincidence. As the birthplace of SpaceX, El Segundo has cultivated a culture of pushing boundaries, inspiring many SpaceX alumni to launch their own ventures in the city.
Congratulations to Arbor for ambitiously addressing one of the planet's most pressing challenges - sustainable energy production.
. [ https://open.spotify.com/episode/0p3pGi3oqraZno2Kb1DJG0?dlsi=9b8eb94e5d0b4b31&nd=1&si=gVTwZKo1S2WhY2BT6pLnHw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
El Segundo Featured on
"Silicon Valley Impact" Podcast
The Economic Development Division recently partnered with "Silicon Valley Impact" to highlight the city's growing reputation as a dynamic hub for early-stage companies. In this special feature, Mayor Drew Boyles, Mayor Pro Tem Chris Pimentel, Deputy City Manager Barbara Voss, Senior Management Analyst Cristina Reveles, and Radiant CEO Doug Bernauer discuss the strategic initiatives driving El Segundo’s thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.
The podcast offers an inside look at how El Segundo’s unique blend of strategic location, resources, and pro-business policies are helping to fuel innovation and support startups at every stage of growth.
*Listen to the full episode here [ https://open.spotify.com/episode/0p3pGi3oqraZno2Kb1DJG0?dlsi=9b8eb94e5d0b4b31&nd=1&si=gVTwZKo1S2WhY2BT6pLnHw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ].*
Southern California's Deep Tech Hub
. [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/home/showdocument?id=9795&t=638671184110757205&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Source: JLL Managing Director, Owen Fileti
As we celebrate "Global Entrepreneurship Week", the recently released '*Deep Tech Ecosystem Map [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/home/showdocument?id=9795&t=638671184110757205&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]'* from JLL Managing Director Owen Fileti, highlights El Segundo as the undisputed leader in SoCal’s deep tech sector. With the highest concentration of hard tech startups in the region, El Segundo stands at the forefront of innovation, supporting industries such as aerospace, defense, and advanced manufacturing.
This powerful map underscores El Segundo’s role as the epicenter of cutting-edge technologies, attracting visionary entrepreneurs and businesses looking to scale.
Explore the map and see for yourself why El Segundo is the heart of Southern California’s deep tech revolution.
El Segundo Powers Up
Startup Connections at Tech Meetup
The City of El Segundo recently teamed up with the Tech Breakfast Club, a premier startup networking group, to host a vibrant morning meetup. The event brought together ambitious founders, top-tier investors, and city leaders for a day of networking, idea exchange and collaboration. Held in the heart of Smoky Hollow - a dynamic neighborhood and a hotbed for innovative tech startups - the meetup provided a unique opportunity to connect entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and policymakers to explore new opportunities in El Segundo's rapidly growing entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Catch a glimpse of the conversations and hear more about the vibrant energy in El Segundo at the link below.
watch full video [ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cityofelsegundo_wherebigideastakeoff-activity-7257102590578970624-dA-L?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Contact Us [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/business-advantages/contact-us?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
Schedule a Tour [ https://www.elsegundobusiness.com/real-estate/schedule-a-tour?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
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