Tap In Dallas: Episode 5
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]City of Dallas
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Dallas, TX
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/08/15
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/08/15
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/08/15
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 109 คน
- หากท่านต้องค้นหาร้าน โปรดดู [คู่มือแนะนำตัวเมือง]
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100%グルテンフリークレープEight Turn Crepeの一番の特徴はグルテンフリーの米粉を使用していること!より多くのお客様に楽しんでいただくためにグルテンフリーの米粉で生地を作っています。朝食・ランチ・ディナー・デザートどのお食事としても楽しんでいただけるように甘いものから塩味のあるものまで幅広くご用意しております。
+1 (929) 358-7988Eight Turn Crepe
- 1975年創業。鴨川で本格中華を食べるなら中国料理東洋!伝統の味を受け継ぎながら...
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+81-4-7096-6678中国料理 鴨川食堂
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高級車、ラグジュアリーカーを買うなら当店が断然お得!!ローン、分割払いできます。異なる仕様状況や年式、車種、価格などの中から、お客様が求めるクルマを探し、買って納得していただけ、乗って安心していただける中古車をお届けしたい。これがWestern Motorsのポリシーです。リースとはお車の契約時に契約期間後のお車の買取り額を事前に設定しその差額を期間内に払うシステムです。設定額は通常下取りにお車を...
+1 (213) 923-6558Western Motors
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当校は海外在住の小学生、中学生、高校生のための受験指導を専門にオンライン個別指導を行っております。帰国子女枠、一般受験枠で難関中学、高校、大学の受験をお考えの皆さまをアメリカでの理系教科と英語授業に豊富な経験を持つVARTEX EDUCATIONS講師陣がサポート致します。NYやLAなど日本人の駐在者家族が多い大都市では、近年日本の塾がどんどん進出してくるにもかかわらず、地方ではまだまだ車で1時間...
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京都金閣寺の改装工事にも携わった宮大工を中心に、長年培ってきた経験と技術を用いて、住む方のライフスタイルに合わせた提案と施工を行います。 伝統的な日本家屋から現代住宅まで、弊社にお任せください。身近な補修から住宅リフォーム、外構、造園まで幅広く対応致します。お見積り無料ですので、問い合わせフォーム または お電話でお気軽にご相談ください。お電話での問い合わせは19:00まで受け付けております。
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+81-439-57-7011和食処 季楽里
August 15, 2024
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Tap in Dallas - Communications, Outreach and Marketing from the City of Dallas
Home Repair
*Tap In and Watch* [ https://youtu.be/lpO8hNps4ic ]
Exciting Opportunity for Dallas Homeowners: Tap In Dallas Features Jasmine Bazley on HIPP Program!
This month, we were thrilled to have Jasmine Bazley, Area Redevelopment Manager for Housing and Community Development, join us on Tap In Dallas to discuss the Home Improvement and Preservation Program (HIPP). This program offers Dallas homeowners up to $24,000 for essential repairs like HVAC, electrical, roofing, and more.
*What is HIPP?*
HIPP helps Dallas residents keep their homes safe and livable by covering critical repairs. The program is open to all Dallas homeowners, with up to $24,000 available per home.
*Workshops and How to Apply*
The department has hosted 25 workshops to guide residents through the application process. “We’re going over the application, we’re going over the program. It’s all housing staff leading the meeting, so you have the people right in front of you who are working on the applications and reviewing the applications to answer questions,” Jasmine explained.
*"Applications open on August 19 and close on August 30 at 5 PM".* To apply, you’ll need your application, ID, Social Security card, and home deed. Homeowners must apply and live in the home.
Submit your application to* HIPP@Dallas.gov* or in person at Dallas City Hall. For questions, call 214-670-3644.
*Selection Process*
HIPP uses a lottery system for selection. If not selected, your application stays on file for future consideration if more funding becomes available.
Don’t miss this chance to improve your home! "*Click Here*" [ https://dallascityhall.com/departments/housing-neighborhood-revitalization/Pages/Residents-Programs.aspx?active=Residents-1 ] for more details and check out Jasmine Bazley’s full interview on the Tap In Dallas podcast! *https://dal.city/TapInDallasEpisode5*
*Tap In and Be Heard!!* [ https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=nnA1KQzBCUijAoUtNp-HAC6uR37bVphAgDVNr87zjfFURTcwNExVUUQ5NUpVUVhFSUtXUjlCTjBYSi4u ]
Your Voice, Your City: Help Shape the Future of Dallas with the 2024 Bond Survey!
Dallas is a city on the move, and 2024 has already been a monumental year for progress and community empowerment. In May, the City of Dallas approved a historic $1.25 billion bond, a visionary investment in the future of our beloved city. This bond is set to transform our streets, storm drains, police facilities, recreation centers, and so much more, ensuring that Dallas remains a vibrant and thriving community for years to come.
But this bond isn’t just about bricks and mortar; it’s about *you*—the residents of Dallas who make our city what it is today. The decisions made this year will shape our neighborhoods, improve public safety, and enhance the quality of life for everyone. That’s why we need your feedback!
We want to know: *Do you feel that your voice was heard in the 2024 Bond process?* Your input is crucial in guiding how we prioritize and implement these projects. Whether you’re passionate about safer streets, better parks, or more robust public services, now is your chance to make sure your thoughts are counted.
Taking our survey is quick and easy, and it’s the best way to let us know how we did and how we can do better. Your feedback will directly influence the way we approach future projects and ensure that every Dallas resident feels included in our city’s growth and development.
*Let your voice be heard!* Visit "*Dal.city/DallasBondEN [ https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=nnA1KQzBCUijAoUtNp-HAC6uR37bVphAgDVNr87zjfFURTcwNExVUUQ5NUpVUVhFSUtXUjlCTjBYSi4u ] *"to complete the survey today. Together, we can continue to build a Dallas that reflects the dreams and aspirations of everyone who calls this city home.
This is your city. This is your future. *Let’s shape it together!*
"Make sure to tap into the conversation and stay involved. Your participation is the key to our success. Thank you for being an active part of Dallas’s bright future!"
Jazz Up Your Labor Day: Dallas’ Riverfront Festival Returns!
Jazz event
*Tap In and Groove* [ https://www.tbaalriverfrontjazzfestival.org/ ]
Get ready to groove, Dallas! The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) is set to light up the city with one of the biggest musical events of the year—the Riverfront Jazz Festival! Mark your calendars for Labor Day Weekend, from Friday, August 30 through Sunday, September 1, 2024, as the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas transforms into a musical paradise.
The festival kicks off with a bang on opening night, “Jammin’ New Orleans Style,” featuring none other than 5-time Grammy Award-winning artist Ceelo Green, joined by the vibrant Dallas Second Line Jazz Band. This is just the beginning of a weekend filled with unforgettable performances.
The star-studded lineup includes musical legends and rising stars alike, such as The String Queens, Fantastic Negrito, Norman Brown, Maysa, Stokley, Jeffrey Osborne, Ginuwine, Rudy Love and The Encore featuring Robert Trusco, Stanley Jordan, Cassandra Wilson, Take 6, Natural Change, Down To The Bone, Patrice Rushen, Sheila E., Tower Of Power, and FOUR BROTHERS ON BASS featuring AJ Brown, Walter Hamilton, TAJ, Braylon Lacy, and members of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. Special performances by Ruben Studdard with Guest Conductor John McLaughlin will add even more magic to this spectacular event.
In addition to these incredible acts, twenty of Dallas' finest artists will pay tribute to the greatest jazz singers, and twenty-seven young talents will shine on the Dallas Mavericks Promising Young Artists Stage.
Curtis King, the visionary behind the festival, expressed his excitement: “We’re thrilled to bring festival-goers some of the greatest music artists on today’s scene. It’s rare to see such a diverse and high-caliber lineup all in one place, on one weekend, and at an affordable price.”
Make sure to stop by and look for the Tap In Dallas Team as you enjoy the festival! Whether you’re a jazz aficionado or just looking for a fun way to spend the weekend, this event promises something for everyone.
For tickets and more information, visit *tbaalriverfrontjazzfestival.org [ https://tbaalriverfrontjazzfestival.org ]*, call the TBAAL Box Office at 214.743.2400, or purchase tickets through Ticketmaster.com. Interested in setting up a booth? Call 214.743.2441.
All proceeds from the festival will benefit TBAAL’s Youth Arts-and-Education programs and support the institution’s long-term sustainability. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary event—see you there!
*Get Involved in Shaping Dallas' Future: 2024 Budget Workshop *
*Tap In and Engage* [ https://dallascityhall.com/departments/budget/Pages/Budget-Engagement.aspx ]
Budget Townhall
As a Dallas resident, your voice matters in shaping the future of our city. The 2024 Budget Workshop is your opportunity to get involved in the decisions that directly impact our community. This workshop is not just an event—it's a chance for you to have a say in how the City of Dallas allocates its resources, prioritizes projects, and plans for the year ahead. Your participation can make a real difference in ensuring that our city's budget reflects the needs and priorities of all its residents.
*Why This Workshop Matters*
The City of Dallas is committed to transparency and community involvement, and the 2024 Budget Workshop is a key part of that effort. During this workshop, city officials will present an overview of the proposed budget, detailing where funds are allocated and explaining how these decisions were made. This is a chance for residents to ask questions, provide feedback, and express their concerns or support for various initiatives.
*How You Can Participate*
There are several ways for you to get involved in the 2024 Budget Workshop:
* *Budget Engagement Portal*: Visit *city/budgetengagements [ https://dal.city/budgetengagement ]*to explore the budget in detail. This portal provides access to important documents, presentations, and videos that explain the budget process and the specific allocations for different city departments. You can also submit your feedback directly through this platform, making it easy to share your thoughts with city officials.
* *Attend a Budget Town Hall*: The City of Dallas is hosting a series of Budget Town Hall meetings across the city. These meetings are designed to bring city officials and residents together to discuss the budget in an open and interactive environment. Check out the schedule and find a meeting near you at *dal.city/dallasbudgetownhall [ https://dal.city/budgetengagement ]*.Your participation in these town halls is crucial to ensure that your voice is heard.
* *Stay Informed with City Hall in Action*: For those who can't attend in person, the *City Hall in Action [ https://dal.city/CityHallinAction ]* website provides updates, live streams, and recordings of budget-related meetings and workshops. This is a great way to stay informed about the budget process and learn how the city is addressing the concerns of its residents.
*Make Your Voice Count*
The budget is more than just numbers on a page—it's a reflection of our city's priorities and values. By participating in the 2024 Budget Workshop, you can help ensure that Dallas remains a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving community for everyone. Whether you're passionate about public safety, parks and recreation, transportation, or housing, your input is vital in shaping the future of our city.
Don't miss this opportunity to make your voice heard. Get involved today and help shape the future of Dallas!
?? *Join the Movement, Dallas!* ??
Tap In Dallas is your go-to source for everything happening in our city—from the latest community updates to exciting events and essential resources. We're on a mission to reach *10,000 subscribers*, and we need YOUR help!
?? *Subscribe today* and stay in the loop with all things Dallas. ?? *Share Tap In Dallas* with a friend or neighbor and help us grow our community.
Together, we can make Dallas stronger, more connected, and better informed. *Tap In, Share, and Let’s Hit 10K!* ??
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