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RapidRide J Line Construction News: November 22, 2024
- [Registrant]City of Seattle
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Seattle, WA
- Posted : 2024/11/22
- Published : 2024/11/22
- Changed : 2024/11/22
- Total View : 43 persons
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RapidRide J Line banner
The RapidRide J Line upgrades Route 70 with improved RapidRide service levels, enhancing bus speed, access, reliability, and station amenities. The project includes protected bike lanes, a new water main, new paving on Eastlake Ave E, and upgraded sidewalk and curb ramps.
RapidRide J Line
Here's what is included in this email update:
* University District Drainage Work
* Construction Schedule and Locations
* Online Drop-in Sessions
University District Drainage Work
We have started drainage work on NE 43rd St and will be at two locations. The first location is at the intersection of NE 43rd St and 11th Ave NE, where we will be upgrading drainage inlets and closing the eastbound lane for one block between 11th Ave NE and 12th Ave NE. The other location is at NE 43rd St and Roosevelt Way NE, beginning as soon as November 22, with work anticipated to take four days and include pedestrian detours and a temporary shuttle stop relocation. Once this work is complete, we anticipate beginning drainage work at NE 42nd St and 11th Ave NE, and NE 41st and 11th Ave NE.
During this work, please anticipate detours, noise, and vibrations. Once the work is complete, all detours will be removed, and any closed lanes will be patched and reopened.
Construction crews completing drainage work on East Garfield Street.
"Crews working at E Garfield St. "
Construction Schedule and Locations
In recent weeks, we have received frequent questions from business owners and residents throughout the project area asking when we expect construction to begin near them and if construction is in one area or working in a certain direction. Construction crews are currently focused on three locations:
* On 11th Ave NE and Roosevelt Way NE in the University District
* On Eastlake Ave E between Fuhrman Ave E and E Allison St
* On Eastlake Ave E between E Blaine St and E Galer St
We anticipate our crews will continue their drainage work and that they will begin to work in northbound direction from E Blaine St northwards towards E Lynn St.
Work will not be concentrated in one area during the project. We anticipate work continuing throughout the project area in various locations so that we can complete the overall project in the most efficient way. We will continue to meet weekly with our construction team to learn where work will be, and we'll share that information in this email and on the project website [ ]. We will also notify anyone who may be directly affected by the work.
Online Drop-in Sessions
Join us for our weekly online open house every Thursday between 2 and 3 p.m. Please note that we will take a pause for the Thanksgiving holiday and will resume the following week. Feel free to join our meeting anytime during the hour-long session to ask your questions in the way that makes you most comfortable. You can leave your camera off, type your questions in the chat, or simply listen as others share theirs. We look forward to connecting with you!
You can access the online meetings with the details below:
Meeting link [ ]
Meeting ID: 237 305 138 093
Passcode: mBSfNf
*How to Stay Informed*
To ensure you're informed of the latest updates and developments on the RapidRide J Line project, we encourage you to sign up for our project emails. This will give you detailed information about construction activities, timelines, and any changes that may affect your neighborhood. Please feel free to share the details of our website and project emails with friends, family, or anyone who might be interested in knowing more about this exciting initiative. You can sign up for the emails and find more information on our project website [ ]. Thank you for your continued support and engagement!
*Contact us** *
If you have any questions, please contact us at
Darrell Bulmer
Communications and Outreach Lead | (206) 257-2022
*Need Translation?*
For information on our work to upgrade the Route 70 bus route to a RapidRide bus line, in your language, please leave a voicemail in your preferred language at (206) 257-2202
Para obtener información en su idioma sobre nuestro trabajo para convertir la Ruta 70 del autobús a una línea RapidRide, llame al (206) 257-2202
若想通過您的語言了解有關 70 號公車路線升級為快速線 (RapidRide) 的工程資訊,請致電 (206) 257-2202
若想通过您的语言了解有关 70 号公交路线升级为快速线 (RapidRide) 的工程信息,请致电 (206) 257-2202
70번 버스 노선을 RapidRide 노선으로 업그레이드하기 위한 당국의 작업에 대한 정보를 귀하의 언어로 확인하려면 (206) 257‑2202로 전화하십시오
Route للحصول على المعلومات حول عملنا لتطوير مسار الحافلة 70
(206) 257-2022 بلغتك، اتصل بالرق م RapidRide إلى خ ط
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Seattle, WA 98104
*Phone: 206-684-2489 (CITY)*
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