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Auburn's 2024-2025 Downtown Sculpture Gallery - NEW ON VIEW!
- [Registrant]City of Auburn
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Auburn, WA, US
- Posted : 2024/09/20
- Published : 2024/09/20
- Changed : 2024/09/20
- Total View : 51 persons
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야마하, 카와이, 스타인웨이를 중심으로 다양한 피아노를 보유하고 있습니다. 모든 아시아 ・ 유럽 공장에서 새것과 같은 품질로 복원된 고품질의 피아노를 보다 저렴한 가격으로 고객님에게 전달해 드립니다. 일본어로 부담없이 문의하실 수 있습니다. 피아노를 찾고 계신다면 꼭 연락주세요.
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회원 수는 약 900여 가구로, 달라스 ・ 포트 워스 지역에 거주하는 일본인과 일본계 미국인의 상호 이익과 친목, 문화, 복지를 위한 활동과 한일 간의 우정과 상호 이해를 증진하기 위해 지역사회와의 교류를 목표로 하고 있다. 주요 행사로는 가을 축제, 소프트볼 대회, 신년회, 바자회, 각종 강연회, 기업 견학, 일본어 말하기 대회, 일본 문화 소개 등이 ...
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Auburn Art Happenings
Auburn's 2024-25
Downtown Sculpture Gallery
The City of Auburn's 2024-2025 *Downtown Sculpture Gallery [ ]* showcases 12 outdoor sculptures of various sizes, types and mediums. Primarily located along Main Street, the sculpture gallery changes annually providing different artwork for Auburn residents to experience and enjoy.
Visitors and locals alike are invited to vote [ ]for their favorite sculpture for the annual People's Choice Award. The recipient of the People’s Choice Award will be announced in August 2025 and the award includes a $500 prize. Voting is open until the end of July 2025.
*"Vote for your favorite sculpture [ ] for the
"**"2024-25 "People's Choice" Award!"*
updated downtown sculpture gallery map 2024-2025
Check out the 2024-2025 sculptures:
Artist: *Jill Drllevich [ ]*
Title: "Balance"
*Medium:* Nuclear Reactor Fan Blade
*Location:* B St SW & Main "*(#1)*"
*Statement: *“Balance” speaks to the strength and beauty gained through ones ability to achieve a state of equilibrium. The raven, in the sculpture, is in perfect balance with its environment as we often see in nature. As humans, we struggle with this concept which is evident in our lives daily.
Balance by Jill Drllevich [ ]
Picking Goldens by Dan Brown [ ]
Artist: *Dan Brown [ ]*
Title: "Picking Goldens"
*Medium:* Steel and Brass
*Location:* A Street SW & Main "*(#2)*"
*Statement:* I live in the Okanogan Valley and apples are a way of life here. I happened to have this brass apple and the idea for the sculpture formed around it. Sculpting humans is a challenge for me, so I like to make one occasionally to work on my skills.
Artist: *Shawn Johnson [ ]*
Title: "Memories of a Heron"
*Medium:* Steel Painted
*Location:* 1st Street NW & N Division "*(#3)*"
*Statement:* Whenever you have the luck of seeing one of us in a community of living organisms, an ecosystem of nutrients rich in “energetic flow”, think of the squawk of the Great Blue Heron & the sweeping melodies of these ancient musicians.
Memories of a Heron by Shawn Johnson [ ]
Transparencies in Time by Jose Trejo-Maya [ ]
Artist: *Jose Trejo-Maya [ ]*
Title: "Transparencies in Time"
*Medium:* Steel, Aluminum, Plexiglass
*Location:* W Main St & S Street "*(#4)*"
*Statement:* The sculpture came from dreams and being close to the sacred native American ceremonies as it is transparent and refracts the traditions of the Elders and we pay homage to them in a mirror.
Artist: Anthony Heinz May [ ]
Title: "Entropy of a Tree"
*Medium:* Locally-sourced fir
*Location:* W Main St & S Division St "*(#5)*"
*Statement:* Webpage structures can function as a tree, but no tree structure functions as a webpage. For example, a fir tree absorbs carbon dioxide (pollution) and releases oxygen in the atmosphere. Webpages release carbon dioxide while "absorbing" oxygen humans breathe while viewing them.
Entropy of a Tree by Anthony Heinz May [ ]
Nurselog by Jon Kalin [ ]
Artist: *Jon Kalin [ ]*
Title: "Nurselog"
*Medium:* Mixed Media
*Location:* 10 E Main Street "*(#6)*"
*Statement:* Inspired in part by Buster Simpson's 1991 "Host Analog", this is a nurse log reinterpreted in a Brutalist style.
Artist: *Ken Turner [ ]*
Title: "Life's Ups and Downs"
*Medium:* Stainless Steel
*Location:* 10 E Main Street "*(#7)*"
*Statement:* A sprout rises out of plant debris, grows to full height, then dies creating a base for a new sprout. The circle of life.
Life's Ups and Downs by Ken Turner
Totem Of Ages by Ed McCarthy
Artist: *Ed McCarthy [ ]*
Title: "Totem for the Ages"
*Medium:* Painted Steel
*Location:* E Main & Auburn Ave "*(#8)*"
*Statement:* Totem of the Ages has a form as if shaped by time and markings from an unknown period of the past (or maybe future). The bright colors add a contemporary flare to the piece further questioning its origin. Encountering the seemingly ancient relic in an unexpected setting is intended to encourage the observer to contemplate our relationship to time, nature and the environment.
Artist: *MacRae Wylde [ ]*
Title: "Two Cones"
*Medium:* Clear Coated Steel on Wood Column
*Location:* 123 E Main Street "*(#9)*"
*Statement:* "Two Cones” is a visually simple form based on connecting circles.
Two Cones by MacRae Wylde
Helios II by Lin McJunkin and Milo White
Artists: *Lin McJunkin [ ] & Milo White [ ]*
Title: "Helios II"
*Medium:* Mild Steel, Painted and Cast Glass Beads
*Location:* B St NE & Main "*(#10)*"
*Statement:* Helios is the Greek god who personified the sun whose light is reflected by the moon’s surface, represented here in these extruded spirals filled with silvery glass beads.
Artist: *Shelly Durica-Laiche [ ]*
Title: "Crescent"
*Medium:* Steel
*Location:* Auburn Way S & Main "*(#11)*"
*Statement:* Crescent represents my current exploration of the circle through abstract steel sculpture. I'm especially inspired by the many ways that circles exist in the natural world. From an atom to a planet you'll see them reoccur. They seem to be the most organic expression of life.
Crescent by Shelly Durica-Laiche
Crackle by Jenny Ellsworth
Artist: Jenny Ellsworth [ ]
Title: "Crackle"
*Medium:* Reclaimed Steel
*Location:* D Street NE & Main "*(#12)*"
Statement: Crackle embodies the innovative spirit of sustainability by transforming repurposed shovels into a captivating pinecone sculpture, where old materials find new life in a creative and playful expression.
*"The 2023-24 People's Choice Award goes to...
"Heavy" by Nathan Robles
Congratulations to artist Nathan Robles [ ] for the most total votes to win the People's Choice Award! Every year people tend to find a sculpture that they gravitate to and have as a favorite, and we appreciate the community's contribution and votes toward this important award.
Heavy by Nathan Robles
"*For additional information, please visit*"
"* [ ]*"
"The Downtown Sculpture Gallery is part of the City of Auburn's Parks, Arts and Recreation programming. The Downtown Sculpture Gallery was partially funded through Local Revitalization Financing funding received from the State of Washington and 4Culture [ ] King County Lodging Tax."
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