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Tampa Weekly: Pride Month, art, and more...
- [Registrant]City of Tampa
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Tampa, Florida, US
- Posted : 2024/06/10
- Published : 2024/06/10
- Changed : 2024/06/10
- Total View : 203 persons
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- 군진시 및 인근 도시의 나무 벌채 ・ 가지치기, 정원 풀베기는 나무꾼상회...
벌목에 어려움을 겪고 있는 나무나 잡초 처리로 고민이 있으신가요 ? 말끔히 맡겨주세요 ! 나무꾼상회에서는 정원 나무 한 그루의 벌목부터 대규모 벌목, 트리클라이밍 기술을 이용한 특수 벌목까지 폭넓게 진행하고 있습니다.
- 소데가우라 현지 맛집으로 선정된 '가우라멘'을 먹을 수 있는 대중 중식 ...
대중 중식 호사나에서는 소매가우라시 관광협회가 주최하는 소매가우라 향토음식 '소매1 그랑프리'에서 우승한 화이트 가우라멘을 먹을 수 있습니다◎ 메뉴가 다양하고 어린이 메뉴도 준비되어 있으니 가족이나 친구와 함께 꼭 한번 방문해 보세요◎!
- '야마 스시 마켓플레이스' San Gabriel점은 창립 40주년을 맞이...
San Gabriel에 위치한 Yama Seafood는 올해 40주년을 맞아 Yama Sushi Marketplace로 이름을 바꾼 인기 생선가게다. 매일 신선한 회와 초밥을 제공하고 있다. 파티 트레이 주문도 가능합니다 ! 초밥 외에도 미역 샐러드, 오징어 샐러드 등의 반찬, 절임, 그리고 아이스크림, 롤케이크 등의 디저트, 스낵, 스낵, 과자, 주스...
+1 (310) 954-0805Yama Sushi Marketplace
- 자동차 수리 ・ 도장 ・ 중고차 판매 등 자동차에 관한 일이라면 무엇이든...
피트 라인은 수리, 판금 도장 시설, 모든 자체 보유 ! 고객이 납득할 수 있는 가격과 품질을 보장합니다. 부담없이 상담해 주십시오. ☆ 일반수리 ☆ 오일교환 ☆ 스모그체크 ☆ 무상점검 ・ 견적 ☆ 유리수리 ・ 교환, TINT
타이어 교체 ☆ 수리 중 대차 ☆ 에어컨 수리 ☆ 무상점검 ・ 견적 ☆ 사고수리 ☆ 도장수리... +1 (310) 532-0270pit line international, inc.
- 인터넷 슈퍼 Weee!!!🚚[오늘 1월 20일까지] 쇼핑에 사용할 수 있...
인터넷 슈퍼 Weee!!!🚚[오늘 1월 20일까지] 쇼핑에 사용할 수 있는 8달러 OFF 쿠폰 배포 중💫 이번 주는 초숙성 빵, 키코만 간장, 금빛콩나물 낫토, 무지개송어, 돼지 등심 등 매일 사용할 수 있는 식재료가 특가 ❗ ️ 많은 지역에서 최단 익일 배송해드립니다! 😊
+1 (510) 358-8960Weee!
- 2월 4일 신학기 시작 ! ・ SAPIX USA는 산호세/뉴욕 지역에 교...
지금까지는 뉴욕교에서 온라인 수업으로만 LA에 계신 분들께 수업을 제공해 왔습니다. 2024년 2월부터 산호세교가 개교함에 따라 시차 없이 수업을 제공할 수 있게 되었습니다 ! 미국에 온 지 얼마 되지 않은 아이부터 영주권자까지 다양한 코스에 대응하고 있습니다 ! 주의 사항 : 로스앤젤레스 지역에는 학교 건물이 없습니다. 산호세 학교 등 온라인 수...
+1 (650) 537-4089SAPIX USA
- 뉴욕의 일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터는 북미 최대 규모를 자랑하는 뉴욕시의...
일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터 일본 ・ 소사이어티 어학센터는 북미에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 뉴욕시의 일본어 교육기관이다. 센터에서는 연중 일본어 강좌 외에도 서예, 일본어 교사 양성 강좌, 일본인을 위한 영어 회화 교실 등 다양한 수업과 워크숍, 집중 강좌를 개설하고 있다. 또한, 매달 한 번씩 뉴욕에 거주하는 일본인과 일본어를 배우는 뉴욕 시민이 한자...
+1 (212) 715-1269Japan Society Language Center
- 일상용부터 선물용까지 ・ 다양한 식재료 라인업과 JSHOP만의 엄선된 식...
J Shop에서는 매일 신선한 식재료를 준비해 드립니다. 도매상이기에 가능한 고급 레스토랑 수준의 식재료를 가정에서 즐기실 수 있습니다. 또한 일본에서 특별히 주문하고 싶은 상품이 있으시면 언제든지 상담해 주십시오. 넓은 주차장도 완비되어 있으니 꼭 한번 들러주세요. 최고의 식재료로 매일 정성껏 도시락을 만들고 있습니다. 점심이나 저녁에 맛보시기...
+1 (808) 200-5076J-Shop - 生鮮日本食料品専門店
- 아침 7시 30분부터 영업】창업 26년. 기사와라즈시 지역 주민들이 좋아...
기사와라즈시에서 26년째 영업을 하고 있는 페퍼스 베이커리는 개점과 동시에 많은 고객들이 찾아온다. 지역 주민들에게 사랑받는 빵을 계속 제공할 수 있도록 시행착오를 거치면서 다양한 맛과 식감의 빵을 판매하고 있습니다. 단팥빵과 카레빵, 크림빵은 인기가 많으니 서둘러 방문해 주시기 바랍니다 !
. +81-438-23-0061ペッパーズパントリー
- 코스타메사에 있는 정통 일식 ・ 초밥집입니다.
부담 없이 즐길 수 있는 정통 일식을 목표로 개업했습니다, 맛에는 자신 있습니다 !
+1 (949) 631-0403Sky Bay Sushi
- ハワイ・ワイキキの女性専用隠れ家マッサージサロン。長年の実績と東洋式美容を融合さ...
+1 (808) 388-3576スタービューティールーム | Star Beauty Room
- 아기부터 성인까지 폭넓게 치료하고 있습니다. 치아는 평소의 관리가 중요합...
치아를 자꾸 뒤로 미루고 있지는 않나요 ? 실제로 아프고 난 뒤에는 큰 치료로 이어질 수 있습니다. 반년마다 한 번씩은 치과에서 체크해 보세요.
+1 (808) 518-8696中谷歯科医院 | Natsuko W. Nakatani, DDS
- 香港の病院を探すなら【世界オンラインドクター】ご相談・お問合せを承ります。
海外で医療を受けられる時、5つの心配事1.『病院』の心配Q1. 病気・ケガの時、どこの病院が良いですか?A1. 主治医に患者様の病状を伝え、最寄りの病院・クリニックをご紹介致します。2.『言葉』の心配Q2. 日本語が通じますか?医療通訳はいますか?A2. 日本語での予約受付を承ります。必要時は現場に医療通訳を派遣致します。3.『医療費』の心配Q3. 医療費が不安、治療にどれくらいかかりますか?A3...
(+852) 5632-1500世界オンラインドクター
- 미국 휴대폰 ・ SIM은 17년 전통의 한나셀이 당신의 미국 생활을 도와...
미국으로 건너가기 전에 일본에서 미국 휴대폰을 구입 ! 무료 배송으로 일본 ・ 미국으로 배송해 드립니다. eSIM은 신청한 당일 개통도 가능합니다 ! 급작스럽게 귀국이 결정되어도 언제든지 인터넷에서 무료로 해지할 수 있어 안심입니다 ♪.
アメリカ携帯 HanaCell(ハナセル)
- 허니비는 아이들의 자립심과 사회성을 키우고 자기긍정감을 높여주는 목소리로...
☆ 어바인에 있는 지육 데이케어 ☆ 수치화할 수 없는 '비인지 능력' 육성에 중점을 두고, 배려심 ・ 자기표현력 ・ 경쟁하는 힘을 키웁니다. 언어발달지연 ・ 바이링구얼 대책 ・ 발음연습 커리큘럼 있음 ! 두뇌발달을 촉진하는 소근육을 활용한 활동이 가득 ! Instagram → @honeybee328 daycare 어바인에 있는 일본계 데이케어 / 보육원...
+1 (310) 801-2517Honey Bee Learning Center
Mayor Jane Castor, Tampa City Council, and community members celebrated the start of Pride Month by raising the LGBT Pride flag above City Hall.
City of Tampa's 5th Annual Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony & Festival
Join our 5th Annual Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony & Festival on June 14 from 11 am to 2 pm at City Center at Hanna Avenue (2555 E Hanna Avenue). There will be entertainment, free food, and vendors. The flag-raising ceremony will begin at 11 am. This event is free and open to the public.
Note: City of Tampa offices will be closed on June 19 in observance of the Juneteenth holiday.
Special Call Meeting on Hillsborough County Community Investment Tax
Tampa City Council will host a special call public meeting on June 13 at 11 am to discuss the Hillsborough County Community Investment Tax (CIT). See the agenda at ( .
Backyard Digester Program
Food waste not only wastes food, but it wastes money and precious resources too! We are looking for residents who are committed to diverting their kitchen waste through a new, innovative program. It is available to the City of Tampa residential trash and recycling customers only. Learn more and apply here ( .
Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday
Stay Tampa Ready and stock your emergency kit now by taking advantage of the Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday! Qualifying items are tax-free through June 14. Visit ( for a complete list of exempt items.
Summer BreakSpot
Summer BreakSpot provides free, nutritious meals to kids and teens under 18 while schools are closed. Find a Florida Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness's Summer BreakSpot near you at ( .
Sulphur Springs Pool Shuttle to Copeland Pool
Tampa Parks & Recreation will operate a shuttle to Copeland Pool from Sulphur Springs Pool ( - running six days a week through August 10 (the scheduled end of operation for Tampa’s seasonal pools). All riders will need signed waivers. Children under 9 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian to swim. A parent/guardian is recommended for all minors.
Open House – A New Public Art Concept
Contribute to our city's newest public art piece right from your computer or phone! A new outdoor sculpture is coming to City Center at Hanna Avenue. For the building’s expansive outdoor plaza, the artist duo AREA C Projects has designed Open House: a large-scale sculpture that visualizes City Center as a place where plans and ideas for new homes, new businesses and new projects of all kinds begin to take form in real life. Open House visualizes these dream structures through a colorful sculpture that plaza users can move around and within. It will also incorporate a gathering of culturally & personally significant Tampa street names contributed by Tampa community members. Share your ideas today at ( .
Job of the Week
The Housing Department is hiring a Housing Counselor II ( to perform tasks related to housing assistance, relocation, and foreclosure prevention programs. Establishing eligibility for low-interest loan programs, deferred payment loans, and loans from local lending institutions for owner-occupant, commercial, and/or investor-owner is more than averagely difficult. Applicants should have certification as a Housing Counselor by an accredited institution.
Boom by the Bay crowd and performers
City of Tampa announces return of Boom by the Bay with a huge waterfront fireworks display (
That’s So Tampa
It’s totally family-friendly, and there will be live entertainment at the waterfront park throughout the day.
Tampa raises LGBT Pride flag for Pride month (
WFLA NewsChannel 8
“They are neighbors, our friends, and our family. It is our community,” Mayor Jane Castor said.
Aerial map of South Tampa
City of Tampa will soon begin work on improving Interbay Boulevard (
Spectrum Bay News 9
The project, called MacDill Air Force Base Access Improvements is being done to improve access to the base and improve driving conditions on Interbay.
Shattered Black history at Tampa’s Perry Harvey Park is whole again (
Tampa Bay Times
“I never experienced this outpouring of, for lack of a better word, love,” he said.
Tampa residents will soon pay more for trash collection. Here’s what to know.
Tampa residents will soon pay more for trash collection. Here’s what to know. (
Tampa Bay Times
The city currently charges less than Hillsborough County, but more than St. Petersburg and Pinellas.
City of Tampa hosts free compost giveaway for residents (
10 Tampa Bay
Since the program started on Feb. 1, 2024, about 3,950 tons of yard waste have been composted.
Financial discipline, housing programs help couple buy first home (
ABC Action News
The Knox’s home ownership was helped by a partnership with CDC of Tampa, The City of Tampa, and the Community Redevelopment Agency.
Meet Lynisha Muldrow, Tampa Parks and Recreation Leader III at Rowlett Activity Center, has worked for the City of Tampa for 12 years. She loves having fun with her center’s kids and making a positive impact on their lives. Her Supervisor Alvin Holder said, “Lynisha has exhibited exemplary skills in all areas of our Parks and Recreation program. Her loyalty and dedication to serving the public has been outstanding. It is obvious that she believes in the mission and vision of our department. Lynisha continually displays her commitment to the department during her daily program activities with the kids and adults, her willingness to assist other employees, and her desire to accept additional responsibilities with cheerleading and Out of School Time summer trainings. Lynisha is one of the brightest lights on the North Team, and she continues to excel in all phases of the Parks and Recreation Programming Division.”
What do you like to do in your free time? Spend time with my family, my kids. They keep me busy. They do different sports, multiple sports. We’ll go to an outing like Busch Gardens, do a family fun day. When it’s just me and my husband, I try to pamper myself as much as possible: massage, nails.
What’s your favorite restaurant in Tampa? Kobé Steakhouse. It’s a hibachi grill. It’s a whole presentation, how they have to draw the people that are around them in and they are making the food in front of you. It’s entertaining, and the food is delicious.
What is your favorite meal to cook? Spaghetti. It is fast, my kids love it, and it’s quick when I get home, boom-boom. My sister be like “Y’all eat the same thing,” but if I cook something different my kids won’t eat it. If it works for them, that’s what we’re going to go with.
What’s your favorite part about your job? When I was working at Copeland, I was sitting with Coach Donna, and one of the kids that she had at the park was Nelson Agholor, the NFL player. Now he’s on the Ravens. After all those years, he still comes back and he gives. For him to still take time out of his busy schedule and how he comes and he makes sure that Coach Donna is still there, still doing good – that’s what I want. I want to make sure that I give the kids the same things that Coach Donna gave him. She must have made a great impact on him that he will always remember her. That’s what I would want. All the kids that walk through the door, I want to impact them in some kind of way to where 30 years down the line they are coming back to check on me. When I saw that – it’s real. He gave equipment, he gave basketballs, he gave footballs, he bought all the kids PDQ, some chicken tenders and fries, and a cookie. It was just so touching to me.
The Tampa Convention Center hosted nearly 20,000 visitors and military & government personnel from around the world for SOF Week 2024 - with an estimated economic impact of $12,671,955. This is an international conference dedicated to Special Operations Forces that is held in Tampa every year.
New Mural Alert! You can find this new, colorful 50 ft mural on the Pam Iorio Parking Garage (640 S. Florida Ave), painted by Nneka Jones of ** Art You Hungry? (
& entitled "Give Me My Flowers.” This piece was commissioned by the City of Tampa, Tampa's Downtown, & Gasparilla Festival of the Arts.
Tuesday, June 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Tuesday, June 11 at 6:15 p.m.
Thursday, June 13 at 11 a.m.
Groundbreaking - ONE TAMPA PROJECT
Friday, June 14 at 11 a.m.
Saturday, June 15 at 10 a.m.
Saturday, June 15 at 3:15 p.m.
Sunday, June 16 at 8:30 a.m.
Sunday, June 16 at 11:30 a.m.
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