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Auburn Veterans Parade 2024 - Awards & Thank You!
- [Registrant]City of Auburn
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Auburn, WA, US
- Posted : 2024/11/14
- Published : 2024/11/14
- Changed : 2024/11/14
- Total View : 24 persons
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Vets 2024 Thanks
A HUGE thanks to all those who attended, participated in, and supported Auburn’s 59th annual Veterans Parade - it was a WONDERFUL day in Auburn!
Thousands of spectators lined Main Street in Auburn to see nearly 160 parade entries, comprised of just shy of 4,000 parade participants. The parade featured a C-17 & Huey Helicopter flyover, military units, veteran marching groups, honor guards and ROTC units, antique military vehicles and equipment, and patriotic music from 12 marching bands.
*KOMO 4 News* livestreamed the Parade – check out the video of the full parade and event photos [ ].
*Seattle Refined* has created a *beautiful photo gallery [ ]* of the parade .
Additional event photos and reels are available on the *City of Auburn Facebook Page [ ]*.
"General’s Award
Best in Parade"
*Gold Star Families
of Washington State*
Gold Star Families 2024
"Admiral’s Award
Best Military Entry*:
High School
Army Junior ROTC*
PVA 2024
"Memorial Award to Harold Page
Best Veteran Service Organization Entry*: *"
*Paralyzed Veterans
of America -
Northwest Chapter*
VHP 2024 Parade
"Colonel’s Award
Best Motorized Entry:"
*Vietnam Helicopter
Pilots Association*
Backcountry Horse 2024
"Veteran’s Award
""Best Non-Motorized Entry:"
*Back Country Horseman
of Washington State*
"Mayor’s Award
Best Musical or Drill Entry:"
*Ballard High School
Marching Band*
Ballard High School 2024
"The City of Auburn considers it a great honor and privilege
to host the Veterans Parade & Observance; and we are thankful to have so many wonderful individuals and groups who support this event – THANK YOU ALL!
We’d like to offer an extra special thanks to the
organizations and businesses listed below:"
2024 parade spectator
Muckleshoot Casino Resort | Quantum Fiber
KOMO 4 News
Talk Radio 570 KVI | __Northwest Newsradio AM 1000/FM 97.7 | __101.5 HANK FM
The *City of Auburn* Parks, Arts & Recreation, Police, PW Maintenance & Operations, Emergency Management and Communications Departments and all the other supporting Departments;
along with the *Valley Regional Fire Authority* for event support
and the large flag that drapes over the parade route.
The *United States Military Branches* and their Public Affairs Offices
for their support of this event, including organizing military participation,
military dignitary participation, the C-17 fly-over and a static display.
*King County Sherriff’s Department* for accommodating
the UH-1H Huey Helicopter flyover.
A BIG thank you to the *Seattle Seafair Parade Marshals* for organizing the
parade assembly area and to the
*Amateur Ham radio volunteers* for parade communication and support.
A shout out to *Auburn Chevrolet*, *Bud Clary Auburn Volkswagen*,
*Doxon Toyota*, *Valley Buick GMC *and *Way Scarff Ford
*for graciously providing parade vehicles for our dignitaries.
And to the *Auburn Noon Lions Club* for securing
volunteer drivers for the dignitaries in the Parade.
Volunteers from *EZ ACCESS* who supported the event with parade judges,
dignitary check-in support, sign holding, and graciously supplied
and handed out flags along the parade route to spectators.
*Auburn School District's Army Junior ROTC Unit *for serving as the
2024 Color Guard to lead the Parade procession.
*Boy Scout Troop 401* for assisting the Paralyzed Veterans of America
along the parade route and assisting with dignitaries and loaned cars at the end of the parade route.
*Starbucks* for providing coffee for our parade dignitaries and volunteer drivers,
the *Miss Auburn* organization for providing a singer for the National Anthem
and a reader of the Pledge of Allegiance for the Luncheon,
and to the *Auburn Garden Club* for providing beautiful,
patriotic flower arrangements for both dignitary check-in and the Veterans Lunch.
2024 Vet Other
*American Legion – Auburn Post 78* for offering a breakfast prior to the parade
and co-sponsoring the Remembrance Ceremony.
*Auburn VFW Post 1741* for supporting the Remembrance Ceremony
and hosting a Veterans Open House after the parade.
*Muckleshoot Indian Tribe* for supporting the Remembrance Ceremony
*Washington Department of Veterans Affairs* for coordinating their
Outstanding Veterans Award Winners to participate in the parade and attend the luncheon;
and for including the Award presentation as part of the luncheon.
*Auburn Noon Lions Club* for providing complimentary lunches
for the dignitaries attending the annual Veterans Luncheon held after the parade.
*Merrill Gardens* and their amazing team for serving as host and caterer
for the Veterans Luncheon held after the event.
*Auburn High School Marching Band* for sponsoring and coordinating
the Veterans Day Marching Band Competition and to *Auburn Mountainview High School Band
*for playing music and taps for the Remembrance Ceremony.
**60th Annual Veterans Parade & Observance*
*Saturday, November 8, 2025*
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