Upcoming programs: Bird Walking Tour at Don Edwards National Wildlife Re fuge, Lotería Game Night, and Bike Safety Information & Repair Workshop.
- [สมาชิกที่ลงทะเบียน]Sunnyvale Public Library
- [ภาษา]日本語
- [แอเรีย]Sunnyvale
- วันที่ลงทะเบียน : 2024/10/23
- วันที่โพสต์ : 2024/10/23
- วันเปลี่ยนแปลง : 2024/10/23
- จำนวนรวมของการเปิดดู : 35 คน
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Library Events for Adults
2024 Ballot [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/city-clerk/elections ]
Have questions about what's on your ballot as a Sunnyvale resident? Click here [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/city-clerk/elections ] to get information on all measures, city council candidates, and amendments.
Want to make sure you're registered to vote? Click here [ https://vote.santaclaracounty.gov/home ] to enter the County of Santa Clara Registrar of Voters page. You can check your polling place, track your mail-in ballot, view election results, and more.
Election Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024.
Group birding at Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12652918 ]
IN-PERSON: Bird Walking Tour at Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge
Sunday, Oct. 27, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Looking to get outdoors in a new way? Searching for a fun and rewarding pastime? We hope you join us for a Bird Walk with Interpretive Guides from the San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society. We are excited to host a short presentation, followed by a small birding stroll along the New Chicago Marsh Trail at the Alviso Unit of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The trail is ADA Accessible and suitable for anyone with mobility limitations. This event is geared toward all ages but will be most enjoyable for those ages eight and up.
This walk will take place at Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge located at 1751 Grand Blvd, San Jose, CA 95002.
Registration [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12652918 ] is required. Please see directions attached for more information.
Loteria [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12901775 ]
IN-PERSON: Lotería Game Night!
*Monday, Oct. 28, 7 to 8 p.m. *
Join us for a game night of Lotería!
Lotería is a traditional Mexican board game in the style of Bingo. Players match images from a deck of cards to the images on their "tabla", or board. The first player to have all the images on their "tabla" matched wins the round. Winners will receive a prize! Both seasoned Lotería players and beginners are welcome.
This program will take place in the Library Program Room. It will be presented in English and is *adults only.*
Registration [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/12901775 ] is not required but is encouraged.
Bike safety [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/11341315 ]
IN-PERSON: Bike Safety Information and Repair Workshop
*Saturday, Oct. 26, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.*
Is your bike in need of a repair or tune-up? Not sure how to tell if your bike is safe to ride? Bring your bike to the Library Plaza!
Volunteers from Bike Sunnyvale (the local chapter of the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition) will be onsite to teach the ABC Quick Check, share safety tips, give out bicycle goodies and answer other bike-related questions.
Professional bike mechanic Ryan Murphy will be available for advice and help with issues like changing a tire or adjusting gears or brakes. Assistance from Ryan will be first come, first served.
Note: Sunnyvale Public Library and Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition do not have spare bicycle parts for replacements.
Measure E &F [ https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/your-government/ballot-measures ]
Ongoing Programs
* *Next ESL Conversation Group In-Person:* Monday, Nov. 4
* *Next ESL Conversation Group Online:* Monday, Oct. 28 - Register [ https://sunnyvale.libcal.com/event/11746002 ] [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2F66mehcp7.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fsunnyvale.libcal.com%252Fevent%252F11745990%2F1%2F0101018f5ffaa88f-5f3e6592-d7e7-4d30-a645-d53672939123-000000%2F0y7ZyYvn5JWOdBhlxvBGdus60nQ=374/1/01010191478b1984-8246849d-e2d8-4662-8d52-fa33bf16402f-000000/dca0TzOcmSIxfk52e7bNGJnBD5-cL7-EwXvSwqJJpg0=365 ] [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2F66mehcp7.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fsunnyvale.libcal.com%252Fevent%252F11745986%2F1%2F0101018f5ffaa88f-5f3e6592-d7e7-4d30-a645-d53672939123-000000%2F2V5sdIf7HBBwiDoNLJKycBaauo0=374/1/01010191478b1984-8246849d-e2d8-4662-8d52-fa33bf16402f-000000/jEUaetTGxYN-OCogp_H45agPjTP78bZ0TB9MhdYonZg=365 ]
* *Next Sewing Lab**:* Tuesday, Oct. 29 - CANCELLED
* *Next Get Connected:* Wednesday, Oct. 30
* *Next Bike Safety Information and Repair Workshop:* Saturday, Oct. 26
Check our Events Calendar [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2F66mehcp7.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me%2FL0%2Fhttps:%252F%252Fwww.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov%252Fevents%252Fcalendar-month-view%2F1%2F0101018f5ffaa88f-5f3e6592-d7e7-4d30-a645-d53672939123-000000%2Frb3i3xUOvG7IDnqtp6FxQZ_bCh8=374/1/01010191478b1984-8246849d-e2d8-4662-8d52-fa33bf16402f-000000/JUnzJnjrEiWydh5zsehZlZT9UadJ9wuAMB0KaofU-yg=365 ] for times and descriptions of each program.
Mark Your Calendars
Library Calendar [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/events/calendar-month-view ]
Don't miss our programs. Check the Library's online calendar [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/events/calendar-month-view ] to stay up-to-date.
See you soon,
"Your Librarians"
*Program Disclaimer
This program uses a third-party website link. By attending this program, you may be using a website not operated by the Sunnyvale Public Library. For privacy concerns or questions, review Zoom's privacy policies [ https://zoom.us/privacy ]. View YouTube's privacy policies [ https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms ]. View Facebook's privacy policies [ https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/ ].
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Sunnyvale will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with disabilities. If you require special accommodation, please contact the library at 408-730-7300 or chat with a librarian [ https://sunnyvale.libanswers.com/ ] at least three days in advance of the program.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the programs or views expressed at the program.
We're Hiring!
Want to serve the community and bridge information gaps? The Library is hiring Temporary Part-Time Librarians [ https://links-2.govdelivery.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.governmentjobs.com%2Fcareers%2Fsunnyvale%2Fjobs%2F4575570%2Fpart-time-librarian-temporary/1/0101019101960a74-e4f39acd-50e8-4c88-9c9c-e088c718923c-000000/j0GRROBBth95oCsR2YBQjRxbMWG0_h00drPDSzSlM9s=363 ]. Librarian positions require a Master's degree in Library and Information Science from an American Library Association accredited program.
Quick Links
Virtual Assistance [ https://sunnyvale.libanswers.com/ ]
Library Catalog [ https://sunnyvale.bibliocommons.com/ ]
Digital Library [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/books-more/digital-library ]
eResources [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/books-more/eresources-by-subject ]
Events Calendar [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/events/calendar-month-view ]
For Kids [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/services/for-kids ]
For Teens [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/services/for-teens ]
[ https://66mehcp7.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Fgovernmentjobs.com%2Fcareers%2Fsunnyvale%3Fdepartment%255B0%255D=Library%2520and%2520Recreation%2520Services%26sort=PositionTitle%257CAscending/1/0101018f73c15040-5dab8da2-9a82-454e-89e7-439cce3cc462-000000/3gVT-PNEkh5pAFQuNTY2V9SqqBI=374 ]Library and Recreation Jobs [ https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/sunnyvale?department%5B0%5D=Library%20and%20Recreation%20Services&sort=PositionTitle%7CAscending ]
Sunnyvale Public Library [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/ ] · 408-730-7300 · Email [ https://sunnyvale.dynamics365portals.us/contact-us/ ]
*Library Hours [ https://www.library.sunnyvale.ca.gov/about-us/locations-hours ]*
* [ https://www.facebook.com/sunnyvalelibrary ] [ https://www.instagram.com/sunnyvalelibrary ]*
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