Mayor Harrell Shares Public Health Strategy and Proposes Budget Investments to Address Opioid Crisis
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Press Release
For Immediate Release
*Contact Information*
Kevin Mundt
*Mayor Harrell Shares Public Health Strategy and Proposes Budget Investments to Address Opioid Crisis*
"Includes new investment strategies as part of the City’s Public Health – Seattle & King County contract"
*Seattle* – Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced proposed public health investments for 2025 – building on progress from ongoing initiatives and placing critical emphasis on combating the ongoing opioid overdose crisis. In 2025, Mayor Harrell is proposing to invest over – nearly a threefold increase over 2024.
“We are continuing to implement a dual public health and public safety approach to address the crisis of fentanyl and help people suffering from substance use disorder,” *said Mayor Harrell.* “With our partners, this collaborative approach is showing early positive results, and this public health budget proposal will continue to build on that progress. This is a proposal that invests in saving lives by following best practices and proven solutions, expanding access to treatment, and creating comprehensive paths to recovery.”
*Key Strategies Addressing the Opioid Crisis*
Last year, Mayor Harrell issued an Executive Order to stand up new programs and partnerships to combat the impacts of the synthetic opioid crisis. As of August 6, there has been an 18% decrease in overdose deaths year-over-year. However, Seattle continues to see significant numbers of overdose fatalities, particularly in downtown neighborhoods.
In response to this urgent public health crisis, the City of Seattle is focusing on four key strategies within its 2025 contract with Public Health – Seattle & King County, outlined in the proposed budget:
* _Access to Care_ – "Bridge gaps and help people navigate physical and behavioral health care"
* _Harm Reduction & Engagement_ – "Increase access to life-saving strategies and engage people on treatment pathways"
* _Substance Use Disorder Treatment_ – "Provide meaningful pathways to treatment and recovery"
* _Trusted Relationships & Social Connectedness_ – "Foster hope and resiliency that increases and sustains health and wellness."
This approach is informed by a comprehensive multi-year literature review and data analysis conducted by the Human Services Department [ https://www.seattle.gov/human-services?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] in collaboration with the Mayor’s Office Innovation and Performance [ https://www.seattle.gov/innovation-and-performance?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] team, identifying promising best practices in the public health sector to reprioritize public health strategy and investments.
“Mayor Harrell’s proposed budget prioritizes innovative solutions that provide immediate responses to the opioid crisis while laying a strategic foundation for future public health investments aligned with the City’s goals,” *said Tanya Kim, Director of the Human Services Department*. “I look forward to implementing data-driven public health initiatives that effectively address the evolving needs of Seattle residents. I remain deeply inspired by the dedication of our first responders and community partners working tirelessly every day to save lives with urgency and compassion.”
*Current and Future Investments Addressing the Opioid Crisis*
These new public health strategies build on previously announced investments that form the City’s frontline response to the opioid epidemic.
_Health 99_
Initiated by Mayor Harrell’s Executive Order 2023-04 [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/23/2023/04/Executive-Order-2023-04-Opioid-Crisis-FINAL-signed-4.17.23.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to tackle the public health and safety impacts of the opioid and fentanyl crisis, the Health 99 pilot [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2023/09/19/progress-update-on-city-of-seattles-health-99-overdose-response-team-pilot/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] launched in July 2023. This innovative post-overdose response team includes Seattle Fire Department (SFD) firefighter/EMTs and a Human Services Department case worker who respond directly to overdose calls. Modeled after successful EMS-based teams nationwide, the program bridges immediate care and long-term recovery supports. Health 99 has responded to 595 alarms: 486 overdoses, and 109 post-overdose follow-ups.
In March of this year, the Mayor and SFD added a pilot program [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2024/03/12/seattle-fire-department-launches-pilot-program-allowing-paramedics-to-administer-buprenorphine-in-the-field/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#:~:text=In%20July%20of%202023%2C%20the,overdose%20calls%20in%20the%20City. ] allowing paramedics to administer buprenorphine to individuals experiencing an opiate overdose or withdrawal symptoms. Early findings from this pilot are promising, indicating a higher rate of engagement with treatment services with nearly 40 doses administered to date.
_Opioid Recovery & Care Access (ORCA) Center_
In May, Mayor Harrell announced a new investment strategy [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2024/05/09/mayor-harrell-announces-new-city-investments-in-post-overdose-recovery-facility-and-enhanced-mobile-addiction-treatment-services/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to enhance the City’s infrastructure for addressing the crisis. Using a total of $7M in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funding, $5.65M in capital funds are dedicated toward establishing a post-overdose stabilization and care facility at DESC’s Morrison Hotel in Pioneer Square. The ORCA Center will allow post-overdose clients to receive medical attention and case management services for up to 23 hours, ensuring they have the support needed for recovery. The facility is scheduled to be operational in Q1 2025 with operations supported by opioid settlement funds.
Evergreen Treatment Services is an award finalist for the remaining CDBG funds and is re-envisioning their proposal following winter flooding that impacted two Seattle-based facilities.
_Set-aside Treatment Beds at Valley Cities Recovery Place Seattle_
Last month, Mayor Harrell directed $2.85M in opioid settlement funds [ https://harrell.seattle.gov/2024/08/14/mayor-harrell-directs-2-6m-to-expand-substance-use-disorder-detox-and-treatment-beds/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] to establish City dedicated bed capacity for substance use disorder detox and treatment as part of pilot with Valley Cities Recovery Place Seattle. [ https://valleycities.org/service/detox-and-residential/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ] This vital resource is expected to be operational in Q4 of this year, with referrals facilitated by first and secondary responders for individuals seeking immediate access to treatment-- including individuals referred to the ORCA Center. The program is expected to serve 150 people over the 12-month pilot.
Additionally, the Human Services Department is currently developing an implementation plan for Council Budget Action HSD-813-B, [ https://council.seattle.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Amendment-Group-B-Packet.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery#page=16 ] introduced by Council President Sara Nelson, which provides $300K for substance use disorder treatment.
*"What People Are Saying"*
*Dr. Faisal Khan, Director, Public Health – Seattle & King County*
“Public Health - Seattle & King County looks forward to continuing our solid partnership with the City of Seattle and in particular the Human Services Department to enhance the complete spectrum of prevention, treatment, harm reduction and long term care services for people affected by the Fentanyl/Opioid abuse crisis.”
*Daniel Malone, Executive Director, DESC*
“We see people every day wanting treatment for opioid use disorder. The new ORCA Center with major capital and operating funds from the City in addition to other sources will significantly expand our ability to provide treatment to many more people who need and want it, especially in the often-delicate moments following an overdose.”
*Vicki Brinigar, Director of Recovery Place Seattle, Valley Cities Behavioral Health*
“This new partnership with the City of Seattle provides us with the opportunity to offer willing Seattle residents struggling with substance use disorders access to our services for as long as they will benefit from them, regardless of their ability to pay,” said. “It allows us to confidently continue offering walk-in services 24/7, knowing that we will have enough staff to keep everyone safe and comfortable.”
*Jon Ehrenfeld, Mobile Integrated Health Program Manager, Seattle Fire Department *
"Since SFD launched its overdose unit, Health 99, it has found that overdose survivors need rapid, trauma-informed response, quick access to medications for opioid use disorder, and a therapeutic, low-barrier destination for clinical and social support. In the coming months the City of Seattle and its partners will increasingly be able to provide just that."
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