ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting
- [注册人]Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Baltimore, MD
- 注册日期 : 2024/08/23
- 发布日 : 2024/08/23
- 更改日期 : 2024/08/23
- 总浏览次数 : 66 人
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- 这家餐厅专门提供用新鲜的夏威夷食材制作的汉堡包。您可以享受到独特的原创汉堡,如蘑...
檀香山汉堡公司(Honolulu Burger Company)擅长用新鲜的夏威夷食材制作汉堡。 汉堡的肉来自夏威夷大岛的Puu Waawaa牧场和可爱岛的Makaweli牧场等私人牧场饲养的草饲牲畜。 蔬菜也是当地种植的,如马诺亚生菜、当地农场多汁的西红柿和伊娃甜洋葱。 炸薯条也是厨师在火奴鲁鲁汉堡厨房用土豆手工制作的。 试试蘑菇蘑菇汉堡、蓝色夏威夷汉堡和其他独特的原创汉堡。它们非常美味!。
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- 在 "Pesca Waikiki Beach "餐厅和婚礼⛪💗上享受地中海海鲜美...
Pesca Waikiki Beach 是特殊场合和夏威夷之行必去的海鲜餐厅,在这里您可以一边品尝新鲜的海鲜,一边俯瞰夏威夷的壮丽景色。餐厅还可用于举办婚礼,敬请光临。
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- 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。多种处理方法和半...
提供一系列适合个人品味的颜色,从自然到个性,包括流行的白蜡色、设计色、灰色和使用色彩处理的特殊颜色。 多种着色剂可供选择,满足每个人的理想风格。 以咖啡馆为灵感的可爱沙龙,让您成为梦中的时尚女孩 ♪ 友好、开朗的造型师为您提供上门美发服务。 通过细致的咨询,我们将提出适合您 "想要成为的人 "的设计方案。
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- 南房总的老字号寿司店 Mihama 在靠近大海的地方提供使用新鲜当地时令食材烹制...
创业于 1981 年的老字号寿司店 Mihama,以其对优质食材的关注和拥有海外厨师经验的店主的精湛技艺,为顾客提供真正令人满意的寿司。我们还可以满足各种需求,包括宴会和外卖订单,为您量身定制菜单,敬请光临。
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
*September 10-11, 2024 *ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting **
Consistent with the requirements of section 1886(d)(5)(K)(iii) of the Social Security Act, applicants submitted requests to create a unique procedure code to describe the administration of a therapeutic agent, such as the option to create a new code in Section X within the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS). CMS will not be presenting these new technology add-on payment (NTAP)-related ICD-10-PCS procedure code requests that involve the administration of a therapeutic agent at the upcoming virtual meeting on September 10-11, 2024. The two NTAP-related ICD-10-PCS procedure code requests that involve the administration of a therapeutic agent are:
* Administration of emapalumab-lzsg
* Administration of tarlatamab-dlle
The materials for these topics are now available on the CMS website at: CMS is soliciting public comments regarding any clinical questions or coding options for the listed procedure code topics related to NTAP-related ICD-10-PCS code requests that involve the administration of a therapeutic agent in advance of the meeting continuing through the end of the public comment period. The deadline to submit comments for these topics being considered for an April 1, 2025 implementation is October 11, 2024. Members of the public should send any questions or comments to the CMS mailbox at: by the designated deadline.
The NTAP-related ICD-10-PCS procedure code requests that do not involve the administration of a therapeutic agent and all non-NTAP-related procedure code requests will continue to be presented during the virtual meeting on September 10, 2024, consistent with the standard meeting process. Those materials are not yet available.
Registration is _required_ for attendance to the virtual September 10-11, 2024 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting.
To register in advance for the webinar go to:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The final agenda and meeting materials for the procedure code topics to be discussed at the virtual meeting will be posted on the CMS website [ ].
The final agenda and meeting materials for the diagnosis code topics to be discussed at the virtual meeting will be posted on the CDC website. [ ]
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