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City of Reno
Vivinavi 리노Reno is the largest city in Northern Nevada With a population of over 220k. It is located on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in an area called the Truckee Meadows.
Reno and the surrounding area provide unlimited indoor and outdoor recreational activities. Spectacular Lake Tahoe and the largest concentration of ski facilities in the world are all within a fifty-mile radius. Biking, camping, hunting, fishing and mountain climbing are all activities Reno residents and visitors enjoy. -
City of Boston
Vivinavi 보스턴Boston is one of the most livable, most innovative cities in the United States. Boston was first incorporated as a town in 1630, and later as a city in 1822. Our Mayor is Michelle Wu and the City is currently home to more than 675,000 residents.
We expect conversations to follow the rules of polite discourse and we ask that participants treat each other, as well as our employees, with respect. Read our full external user agreement at -
County of Sacramento
Vivinavi 새크라멘토As the area's largest service provider, the County employs more than 11,000 dedicated and trained professionals in more than 30 departments that serve Sacramento County residents.
From animal services, to public safety to health and welfare to zoning, Sacramento County is an award winning service provider.
For a transcript of any video, please contact -
City of San Jose, CA
Vivinavi 실리콘밸리With almost one million residents, San José is one of the safest, and most diverse cities in the United States. It is Northern California’s largest city and the 13th largest in the nation. Colloquially known as the Capital of Silicon Valley, San José’s transformation into a global innovation center has resulted in one of the nation’s highest concentrations of technology companies and expertise in the world. -
Port of Seattle
Vivinavi 시애틀Founded in 1911, the Port owns and operates Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, two cruise ship terminals, Fishermen's Terminal — home of the North Pacific Fishing Fleet, one grain terminal, a public cargo terminal, four public marinas, and manages a number of real estate assets for financial return and economic advantage. The port’s operations currently help create nearly 200,000 jobs and $7 billion in wages throughout the region. Over the next 25 years, the port’s “Century Agenda” seeks to create an additional 100,000 jobs through economic growth while becoming the nation’s leading green and energy-efficient port. Learn more at -
City of Dallas
Vivinavi 댈러스Want to know what's really happening in the City of Dallas, Texas? You've come to the right place.
This site welcomes family-friendly comments and posts. We reserve the right to immediately remove content that contains personal attacks, profanity and information unrelated to the topic.
Comments posted to this page will be monitored. The City of Dallas, Texas reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten or defame any person or organization, violate the legal ownership interest of another party, promote illegal activity, promote commercial services or products or are not topically related to the particular posting. -
City of Las Vegas
Vivinavi 라스베가스Official YouTube page for the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. To see segments from our KCLV Channel 2 TV Station, visit For other channels, visit and to sign up for our newsletters, visit -
City of San Diego
Vivinavi 샌디에고This is the official YouTube Channel for the City of San Diego, California.
The City of San Diego's use of external social media is provided as a public service. The City disclaims liability for advertisements, videos, promoted content, or comments accessible from any external web page. The responsibility for external content of comments rests with the organizations or individuals providing them. Any inclusion of external content or comments on social media sites does not imply endorsement by the City of San Diego. -
San Diego
Vivinavi 샌디에고Your insider guide to San Diego. Follow us for inspiration on activities, attractions and exclusive deals from Happiness is calling.
This is brought to you by the San Diego Tourism Authority - The official travel resource for the San Diego region. -
City of Los Angeles
Vivinavi 로스앤젤레스This is the official City of Los Angeles YouTube page.
The best City in which to live, work, and play.
The City of Los Angeles'
Information Technology Agency
manages this social media account. -
Vivinavi 오키나와沖縄を拠点にして、インターネット広告代理事業を主軸に、SEO/WEB集客/HP制作など、WEB戦略に対する総合的な企画や開発、コンサルティングを行っています。事業内容は、「インターネットメディア事業」「インターネットマーケティング事業」「クリエイティブ事業」という3つの事業内容を柱に、さまざまな分野のコンテンツを運営しています。サーチマーケティング技術を研鑽し、技術を通じて「エンドユーザー・取引先・従業員・当社」それぞれがより良い関係になれるよう探求し続けます。 -
医療脱毛・美容医療ならエルプラスクリニック【公式】 | 沖縄那覇おもろまち駅前の美容皮膚科クリニック
Vivinavi 오키나와沖縄那覇おもろまち駅前の医療脱毛・美容皮膚科クリニック|脱毛スタート応援プラン開催中!当院の医療脱毛はジェントルMAXプロをはじめ薬事承認医療機器のみ使用。医療分割払いも対応しています。まずは無料カウンセリングでご相談ください。 -
Vivinavi 로스앤젤레스☆ペットの相談
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아이싱 쿠키 등 다양한 종류의 구운 과자 세트로 구성된 선물세트와 쇼트케이크, 타르트 등의 케이크를 판매한다. 특별한 날의 데코레... +81-90-9224-6116pâtisserie coquillage
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자랑거리인 스테이크는 직접 현지에 가서 생산자를 만나고, 납득할 수 있는 카즈사와규 ・ 이시와미와규 ・ 미타규를 구입하여 소금과 후추로만 간을 하고 기슈 비장탄 직화로 정성껏 구워냅니다. 카즈사 숯불구이 스테이크 照葉樹는 요리의 원점을 바라보며 재료의 맛을 최대한 끌어내는 소금 간을 중요하게 생각합니다. 따라서 자연이 풍부한 카즈사 땅에서 자란 산해진미...
+81-438-97-7900ビストロ&炭焼ステーキ 照葉樹
Check out our videos and see what makes Portland awesome. Then, come visit this weekend, or next weekend, or whenever. Totally up to you.