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- マウンテンバイク 26インチ
Price 100 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only 必要でしたら
ベル、鍵、空気入れを お付けします
- 新品Starbucks City MUG 2個
Price $20 Location ホノルル Delivery Option Pick-up only Collector series のマグカップKONA。2個セットで$20です。20oz の大きめのマグカップです。クリスマスギフトに如何ですか?
Price $2 Location ホノルル Delivery Option Pick-up only 小さくなった石鹸を入れて無駄なく最後まで使えるバッグです。2枚入りでしたが一枚使いましたので残りの一枚をお譲りします。
- 新品 ファー付きスリップドレス
Price $15 Location Pasadena, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本購入品
- 新品 ヒョウ柄タイトスカート
Price $10 Location Pasadena, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本購入品
- ファー付きカーディガン
Price $10 Location Pasadena, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本購入品
- パウパトロール ボール
Price 3個で$2 Location Los Angeles Delivery Option Pick-up only マイティパウパトロールのボールです。
- オシャレ収納&飾り棚 オレンジ
Price 35ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only 引出しが真ん中に付いており、天板は硝子の鏡張りです。手頃な大きさで使いやすく、真ん中のオレンジがアクセントカラーになりお部屋がとてもオシャレになります。中古品ですので細かな傷はありますが、目立つ傷はありません。珍しいデザインだと思いますので、ご興味がございましたらご連絡ください。...
- グリル 本体+専用カバー+ガスボンベ+BBQツール
Price 45 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Let's Discuss 2年ほど前に購入しました。年に4、5回ほどの使用です。
- グリルフォイル/アルミプレート 50×30 他計21点
Price 8 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Mr.Foil 49.8×29.9×7.6センチ 14点
Mr.Foil 29.8×23.6×10.2 1点
アルミプレート46×34×7 1点
- キッチン棚オーガナイズに 全部で6点 (鍋は含まれません)
Price 8ドル Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only キッチン周りだけではなく用途は色々あると思います。
- ベッド下の収納ケース
Price 5ドル Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only 美品です。
- クリアー収納ケース4点
Price 10 Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only 下の2つはサイズ的に書類オーガナイザーでもあります。
- ハンガー色々 全部で27本
Price 3ドル Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only 小さい方は子供の服や、大人のズボンなどをかけるにも便利でした。
- メンズワイシャツ サイズM
Price 5 Location San Pedro Delivery Option Pick-up only 一度着たのみでサイズが合わなくなってしまいました。
- 【未使用】 せいろ2段 26センチ 蒸し物肉まん パーティーに
Price 4 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 未使用の せいろ 2段です。
- 掃除機 ペット毛対応
Price $40 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only ペット対応の掃除機です。使用期間1年未満でキレイです。
- バスケット靴 男10.5 ニューバランス
Price $30 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only 1ヶ月ほど前に旦那が購入し、サイズが合わなかったので売ります。ブランドはニューバランス、男性10.5サイズです。
- ミニテーブル2セット
Price 2つで$10 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only 木製のミニテーブルです。2つ合わせてコーヒーテーブルに、一つずつでベッドサイドテーブルとしても使えます。
Long Beachと Bixby Knollの間くらいに位置するアパートまで取りに来ていただける方。
- 黒いデスク
Price イスとセットで$20 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only 黒い机です。イスとセットです。私はサブデスクとして使っていましたが、低めなので子供用の勉強机にもぴったりです。
机 73.2cm×50xm, 高さ74.5cm
イス 高さ78cm
- サイドテーブル②四角石造り
Price 3ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only 小さなテーブルです。天板は石で足は木です。ベットサイド横に置いたり、何か飾りを置いたりするのに便利です。重厚感はありますが、古い物のため見えにくいですが、木の部分がはげたりしています。お安くしますので、中古品にご興味があればご連絡ください。
- ダイニングテーブル
Price $15 Location Long beach Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEAで買った白いダイニングテーブルです。両側を広げると大きくなります。2年ほど使用し、大きな傷などなくキレイです。
Long Beach とBixby Knoll の間くらいの場所にあるアパートまで、
- TV台 スタンド
Price $30 Location Long beach Delivery Option Pick-up only ターゲットで購入した黒いテレビ台です。1年ほど使用。しっかりした作りで、重さもそれなりにあります。キズや汚れもなく新品同様です。
縦38.2cm, 横102cm, 高さ76.1cm
Long Beach とBixby Knoll の間くらいの場所にあるアパートまで、<...
- シンク スポンジ洗剤置きスタンド
Price 3ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only シンクに置くスポンジと洗剤を置くスタンドです。下のトレイが斜めになっており水が自動的に流れるタイプです。シンク内にスポンジをかけるよりも、洗い場のスペースが広くなるので便利です。中古ですが、お探しの方がいましたらぜひ。
- リビングソファー
Price $30 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only アマゾンで2年前に購入した黒いソファです。カウチベッドにもなります。足は取り外し可能。
Long Beachと Bixby Knollの間くらいに位置するアパートまで取りに来ていただける方。
縦87cm 横182cm, 高さ39cm<...
- オーブンパン トレイ
Price 3ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only オーブン利用時に使うトレイです。数回使用していますので多少汚れはありますが、比較的キレイな状態かと思います。
- 透明プラスチックケース3段
Price 3ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only 透明のプラスチックケースです。3段あるので使いやすいです。汚れがありますのでお安くします。ガレージの整理に使っていました。
- 透明プラスチックケース 1段
Price 5ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only 透明のプラスチックケースです。少し傷や蓋に汚れがありますのでお安くします。あると何かと整理整頓に便利です。
- 透明プラスチックケース蓋取っ手青
Price 5ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only プラスチックケースです。
- 緑プラスチックケース 大
Price 5ドル Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only 蓋が緑色の透明プラスチックケースです。大きめサイズで整理整頓に便利です
- smart wonder core abdominal workout device
Price $15 Location Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only ワンダーコア シリーズ ライムグリーン 腹筋 腕部 太もも エクササイズ用
- HP 2710m monitor
Price $ 25 Location Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only HP 27inch PC Monitor with HDMI, 27-Inch Diagonal Screen; 16:9 Aspect Ratio; 1920 x 1080 resolution; Full HD
- Microsoft Surface Pro 1
Price $ 45 Location Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only I kept it at home for sub use. I am selling it because I don't use it. It is clean with no scratches. Comes with stock keyboard.
- Zojirushi insulated lunch box lunch jar
Price 25 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only Zojirushi insulated lunch box lunch jar
- CASIO EX WORD Electronic Dictionary XD-N6000
Price 50 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only USED CASIO EXWORD electronic dictionary XD-N6000
No stylus.
- Cooler box with wheels
Price $ 20 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only Cooler box with wheels
still clean.
Please take care of it.
- G form set for children
Price $ 20 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only G form set for children
Baseball gloves, wrist guard, elbow guard and pants.
Please take a look.
- 50 baseballs for baseball practice
Price $ 30 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only 50 baseball practice balls
Thank you very much.
- SSK Children's sports long shirt
Price $ 5 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only SSK Children's sport long shirts
very clean.
Please take care.
- Under Armour Shirt Set
Price $ 5 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only Under Armour Shirt Set
Thank you very much.
- Adidas Children's Jacket Size130
Price $ 10 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only Adidas Children's Jacket Size130
I think you can still come.
Thank you very much.
- Mizuno Children's Window Jacket
Price $ 10 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only Mizuno Children's Window Jacket
Very clean.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.
- CF ZEN Usssa drop5 bat
Price $ 100 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only CF ZEN Usssa drop5 bat
Very popular model.
new grips.
please do not hesitate to contact us.
- DeMarini The Goods BBCOR Bat 31/28 (-3)
Price $ 70 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only DeMarini The Goods BBCOR Bat 31/28 (-3)
Needs new grips.
My son loved it but is selling it to upsize.
It is used but I b...
- Hugo Boss watches
Price $ 200 Location Harborcity Delivery Option Pick-up only Hugo Boss watch
1 - I have only put it on twice and kept it in storage.
Very clean.
Battery needs to be replaced
- New ✴︎ Vera Bradley gown
Price 15 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only Vera Bradley fleece gown.
Lightweight and very warm.
Tag removed but never used.
- Bookcase ・ Chest of drawers
Price 60 Location San Pedro, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only I purchased this shelf at an import furniture store for about $500.
It was used as a decorative shelf for books and miscellaneous ite...
- Beautiful Mattress Queen
Price $ 80 Location Long Beach Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a queen size mattress. It is almost like new as it has only been used for about 6 months and was used with a cover over it. Please c...
- 48 bottle Wine Rack
Price 20 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only 48 bottle Wine Rack
- Bicycle 24inch
Price 65 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only It's a 24" bike
18 gears. No brake problems
No tire air leaks, over 89% grooves.
- Gakken's Live Illustrated Book Dinosaurs
Price $ 3 Location Foster city Delivery Option Pick-up only There is no DVD, but the book itself is clean.
- Unused ! Bicycle inflator
Price $ 8 Location Riverside Delivery Option Pick-up only The bike was only ridden a few times and has not been used since it was purchased in April 2024.
I have another bicycle and a helm...
- Baby's hakama
Price $ 3 Location アーバイン Delivery Option Pick-up only Size 70cm baby's hakama
Set includes jacket and tsumari
Only worn once, but cotton fabric and easy to unhook, so it should be easy...
- Helmet ( used several times )
Price $ 8 Location Riverside Delivery Option Pick-up only Used only a few times. 2024, purchased in April.
I also have a bicycle and an air tank for sale.
If you buy 3 items at the sa...
- Used, several times ! Bicycle 26", 3 keys, light, ...
Price $ 170 Location Riverside Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought it in April 2024 to use for commuting to school, but only used it once due to the hilly terrain.
Since then, it has only been ...
- Precure Future Breath
Price $10.00 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Not much use and very
I will give it to you with the batteries in, but
I think you will need to replace th...
- 2 board games
Price 10 Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Two types of board games.
An American version of the game of life, where you decide where to go by playing roulette and do the subjects...
- Pretty Cure Melody Sword
Price $15.00 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Operation check live
Battery is about to run out.
Need to replace with new battery.
- Pretty Cure Twinkle Tiara
Price $10.00 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only
I have only played with it a little since it was given to me
so it is very clean and sound.
I will give it to you with the ba...
- Sukonoko bed ( double size )
Price 20 Location Irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only I bought this in Japan. If you have a small child and are worried about the height of sleeping on a bed, I think it will be useful because I...
- Pretty Cure Talking Populi
Price $25.00 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Only in the house, very clean as I have only played with it
for a short time since it was given to me as a gift from a family member in...
Price $ 15 Location torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only It is USED but in beautiful condition.
Color is gray.
Purchased in Japan, list price 9,680 yen.
Please pick it up in f...
- Wheelbarrow for children
Price Forty dollars. Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only One child ( girl ) bought new,
used and stored with care.
The stroller had been difficult for her to get on
but she was happy...
- Brand new 2024 13 inch MacBook Air with Apple M2 c...
Price $700 Location Lomita, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Brand new and unopened,
13 inch MacBook Air with Apple M2 chip (
16GB unified memory, 256GB SSD)
Color Dark Gray
* Details are...
- Coffee Table
Price 99 Location Baldwin Park, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Marble Coffee Table
Size: 22 x 36 x 20"
Used few years, Excellent condition
- Anpanman Decoration
Price 3 Location Mountain view Delivery Option Pick-up only Used only once.
- New] Play kitchen, set with ingredients.
Price $ 60 Location Honolulu Waikiki, Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only Gourmet Kitchen Play Set
New, unused, unopened and in good condition.
It comes with play food and other items for play food. ...
- Christmas goods Storage box, identified by color, ...
Price Price reduction 12 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only HOMZ Christmas color storage box.
This large capacity box can hold Christmas-related decorations, presents, lights, etc. It also has tw...
- Cockroach extermination ✴ ︎ Cockroach Muenda Spray...
Price 20 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Pick-up only This 5-piece set includes boric acid dumplings and cockroach muenda purchased in Japan,
and a hoi polloi purchased in Hawaii.
I bo...
- New] Christmas tree 7.5 f tree prestigious light &...
Price Price reduction 65 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a new Christmas tree.
This Christmas tree is made by Puleo International, one of the oldest and most prestigious Christmas tree...
- Bicycle - Honda 21 speed 🚲 🚲 🚲🚲
Price $ 80 Location Santa Clarita, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Honda Trail Pilot (red 🟥)
21 speed
Very clean ride. It has been cleaned ! !
If you are interested, please contact me for...
- Bicycle-Trek 18 speed 56inch🚲🚲🚲
Price $ 150 Location Santa Clarita, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Trek blue🟦
18 speed, 56"
if you are interested, please contact me for a delivery location ・ price.
- Petit Mine Black Jacket 120
Price $18.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, no tags.
Purchased in Japan.
Outerwear with ribbed lines and thin padding for a light and dry fit.With side p...
- SLAP SLIP Khaki Jacket 100
Price $12.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, no tags.
Purchased in Japan.
Easy to put on and take off with zipper.
- MOZ Sweatshirt, long-sleeved cut and sewn 2-piece ...
Price $25.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
2-piece set.
Green sweatshirt is lined.The first picture is close to the actual color.
- MOZ Sweatshirt with hoodie 120
Price $17.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
It is light and pleasant to the touch.
- Stretch Denim 110
Price Five dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
Lined, elastic waistband, stretch material.
- Collared sweater 110
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
Soft knit, loose-fitting silhouette.
- Oversize Shirt 120
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
Suede camel colored shirt.
Can be worn cool as a woven jacket.
- Green Sweat 120
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
Lined, loose-fitting.
- UNIQLO Snoopy Sweatshirt 110
Price $9.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
- Fluffy Sweatshirt, set of 2 110
Price $18.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
- UNIQLO Quilted pajamas 90
Price 14.00 each Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
I love this series of pajamas and have used them since I was a baby.
They are purchased in Japan and are loose-fitting.
- Uniqlo Leggings 90
Price 5.00 each Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Never used, purchased in Japan.
I love these leggings so much that I wear them every day, they are not constrictive and the child can m...
- UNIQLO Soft Touch Crew Neck T-Shirt 90/110
Price Seven dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
Available in 90 and 110 sizes.
- UNIQLO Stretch Pants 90
Price $10.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Purchased in Japan, never used.
[Product Specifications]
- Sweatshirt material with excellent stretch.
- Soft material ...
- GAP Pants, set of 4, 18-24M
Price $27.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
Comfortable, soft and stretchy material.
- GAP Pants, set of 2, 18-24M
Price $18.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
One is without tags but is the same item with a different design.Soft, stretchy material for easy movement.
- Carter's Trousers, set of 2, 18M
Price $9.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, no tags.
Stretch material, loose fit.
- OSHKOSH khaki pants 2T
Price $9.00 Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused.
Elasticized waist at back.
- Sulley Pants 110
Price Eight dollars. Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
[Supple stretch]
A new color joins the elastic classic sarouel pants with a focus on comfort and ...
- Sulley pants 90
Price 8.00 each Location irvine Delivery Option Pick-up only Unused, purchased in Japan.
[Supple stretch]
A new color joins the elastic classic sarouel pants with a focus on comfort and ...
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- Changing your eyebrows changes your face...
For those who have trouble with eyebrow makeup that doesn't look right every morning …, eyeliner that makes your eyes look panda when you look in the mirror …, and pale lips …. TAKAGI will create the ...
+1 (424) 265-9704【眉毛屋】TAKAGI BROWS
- Japanese-Japanese hair salon ! Our multi...
At American Salon, each stylist is independent and provides unique services. Therefore, please check the details with each stylist before coming to the salon. Please call or text us for more informati...
+1 (310) 373-6667AMERICAN SALON
- 11 U.S. locations + Tokyo. The largest n...
INTELESSE International is a comprehensive human resources service provider, including placement ・ and temporary staffing.
+1 (212) 391-9111Interesse International Inc.
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The Okinawa Postal Museum opened in 1994 ( to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Okinawa Postal Service in 1994 ) and was renamed the Okinawa Postal Museum on October 1, 2007 ( 2007 ). The museu...
- Why don't you have a great time with a s...
OC ・ We offer the finest Japanese food and sushi in Santa Ana. We also offer our original Shishito oil and omakase menu. Please also enjoy our seasonal draft sake from Japan. Sushi Murasaki's most p...
+1 (714) 241-1000Sushi Murasaki
- Our experienced stylists will solve your...
Our experienced stylists will solve your hair problems. We can suggest hairstyles that suit you, solve your hair problems, or make you look like a K-Pop idol !.
+1 (408) 296-9027Maria Hair Studio
- We sell sweets and drinks made with hand...
Only soybeans and water are used ! We handcraft and sell unadjusted soy milk that has the natural sweetness of soybeans. The soy milk pudding made with this handmade soy milk has just the right sweetn...
- The Japanese Association of Houston is f...
It is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization of Japanese, Japanese-Americans, and others interested in Japan living in the Houston, Texas metropolitan area.
Japanese Association of Greater Houston
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・ Want to save some money on insurance ・ Want to start saving for the future ・ Want to increase your existing savings If this is the case, you may benefit from using American insurance products ! ...
+1 (310) 855-3522insurance 110
- Suginami Animation Museum, a place to en...
The Suginami Animation Museum is the first facility of its kind in Japan where people of all ages can enjoy learning, experiencing, and understanding Japanese animation as a whole in a systematic way....
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We handle all types of insurance for individuals and businesses. Insurance is very important to be prepared for emergencies. At Daiwa Insurance, we understand the needs of our clients and will help yo...
+1 (310) 540-8595Daiwa Insurance Marketing, Inc.
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For all your remodeling and remodeling needs, contact Otani Corporation. Together with our partner team, we will proceed with the construction with on-site management by a site supervisor who unders...
+1 (949) 561-8539オオタニ工務店 UJ Thinktank Inc
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+1 (212) 442-1541Japanese American Social Service, Inc. (JASSI)
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Cafe & Bar where bagel sandwiches and original coffee are popular, and where you can also drink alcohol at night. Japanese staff is always available, so you don't have to worry even if you are not con...
+1 (808) 492-1470KAKAAKO CAFE
- This is a support group for parents of J...
We, the JSPACC ), are a Los Angeles-based support group for Japanese-speaking parents of children with disabilities. It was reestablished in 1994 in cooperation with the Little Tokyo Service Center, a...
Japanese Speaking Parents Association of Children with Challenges