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- 美品!カップケーキ型(テフロン加工)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only あまり使っていないので、きれいです!
- 大容量!ケーキカップとバニラフレーバー(Trader Joe’s)
Price $2~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only カップケーキ作りに・・・・
*150枚分のカップケーキ用 ベーキングカップ $2
*アルコールフリーのバニラエクストラクト $4
- 日本製新品箱入り!サッカーガラスのタンブラー 2個
Price 2つで$1、50 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 佐々木硝子製のサッカーボール型の小さめのタンブラーです。
- 日本製 つっぱり棚 大小2種*値下げしました*
Price $4 、$6 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の突っ張り棚です。
*小 D22cm、W27~43.5cm
*大 D20cm、W62~83cm
※奥の1列は立てられます。(写真4枚目 参照)
- 未使用!ドアストッパー
Price 50セント Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゴム製なので、滑らず、室内、室外に便利です!!
- 日本製体重計
Price $1 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only デジタルではないので、それなりの精度です。
- マグネット付き、収納(傘立てや、杖、等の背の高いものの収納に)
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製の傘立ての収納用のものですが、
- 美品!保存用ケース、大2小2 計4つ
Price セットで$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only *お米や麦等の容量の多いものを収める丸型容器
- 新品未開封!!日本製 竹炭
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本から持ってきた、竹炭です。
- 未使用!リラックマ メラミン樹脂 カップ
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only リラックマの未使用カップです。
- ガラス製 小型のローフパン 2種
Price 各$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ミートローフやパウンドケーキ等の
- 美品!小さなガラスカップ×5個&小さめシンプルグラス
Price 全部で$3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ゼリーやプディング用のシンプルな小さめ(直径7.5cm、高さ8cm)グラス5個
- 値下しました!! IKEA コーヒーカップ 2種
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 同じ大きさのコーヒーカップ 2種です。
- 値下げしました!!CRAZY HORSE ガラス製 カップ ペア
Price セットで$2←3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only CRAZY HORSE PARISと書いてあります!
- 値下しました!!スプーンとフォーク 大 小のセット
Price セットで$4←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ブルーの取っ手がおしゃれなカトラリーのセットです。
- お買い物用、大型バッグ
Price $0.50~ Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 保冷機能のあるもののみ(1点)$1
- おしゃれなかご
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only とてもきれいな状態です。
- *値下げしました!*オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)
Price $5←$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only オレンジ色の布(幅115cm×丈182cm)
- スリッパ3種 セットで
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only スヌーピーのスリッパ2種(青はサイズMくらい。グレーはサイズLくらい)
- *値下げしました*IKEAワーク ランプ USB可のLED
Price $5←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEA製 HARTE LED Work Lampとして$19.99で販売されています。
- *値下げしました*ベッドサイドのライト IKEA 製
Price $5←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only IKEA製のベッドサイド用の小さめのライトです。
- puma プーマ3点セット:財布(紺、黒)筆箱※紺の財布は新品!
Price 3点で$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only PUMAの筆箱(外にも内側にもファスナー付き、マチもあって容量が大きいです!)
PUMAの黒 財布 チェーン付き。
紺 財布 チェーン付き。未使用品!!
- 照り焼きソース<マリネもできる!> Spicy
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 照り焼きソースとしても、マリネ液としても使えます。
賞味期限 7/26/2025です
- *値下げしました!*シマヤ いりこだし 160gの大容量!
Price $4←7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 賞味期限1/30/2025です。
- *値下げしました!!*大容量 20oz Sriracha chili sauce
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大容量20oz(567g!!)のシラチャ チリソースです。
消費期限1/30 2025
- *値下げしました!*オーガニック バルサミコ酢 (イタリア産)
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 賞味期限7/4/2025
- 新品未使用!!寿司桶、お寿司づくりセット
Price セットで$15 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 寿司桶、巻きす、しゃもじ×2(写真には3本ありますが、2本になります)
- *値下げしました!!*箱付き!ティーサーバー(コルクの台付き)
Price $5←8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 大きい容量のティーサーバーです。
- 美品!!ユニコーンパジャマ(フード付きなので、暖かい)
Price $8 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 160cmくらいの身長まで可能です。
- 日本製!あったかルームシューズいろいろ
Price 全部で$7 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 日本製のルームシューズいろいろです。
- 未使用!!電球 たくさん!
Price 全部で$10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 小型の電球からバスルームに使うようなものまで全部で10個以上です。
- *値下げしました!*未使用、クリスマスオーナメント
Price $3←5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 未使用のクリスマスツリー飾り。
- *値下げしました!!*未使用!クリスマス用、キャンドル バス&ボディーワークス
Price $4←6 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Bath&Body Worksのクリスマスキャンドルです。
- 新品タグ付き!!クリスマス★キャンドルホルダー(キャンドル付き!)
Price $4 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 箱にややダメージがありますが、新品です。
- *値下げしました*クリスマスのお人形と雪だるまのお人形セットで
Price $15←20 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 脚が伸びるようになっているジンジャーブレッド風、キャンディーケイン風のお人形と雪だるまくんのセットです。
- 赤いさいころの電気
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only クリスマスのデコレーションの一部にいかがでしょう?
- 無縁ロースター グリル 魚焼き器
Price 40 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Delivered if nearby 日本から持ってきた煙らん亭
- *値下げしました!*歴史本ほか、小学生用本、いろいろ
Price $2 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 小学低学年~中学年用の本です。
- からすのおみせやさんシリーズ 4冊
Price $12 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only かこさとし さんの人気本です。汚れなどなく、とてもきれいな状態です。
- かこさとし さんの本2冊
Price 2冊で$5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 「うさぎのぱんやさんのいちにち」「はははのはなし」
- パーティードレス(Nordstrom)
Price $10 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only ノードストロームで購入したドレスです。1度のみ使用の美品です!!
- パーティードレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only サイズS~M
- パーティードレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only サイズS~M
- パーティドレス
Price $5 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only キラキラした生地のターコイズブルーです。
- ドレス(ワンピース)
Price $3 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only 普段使いのドレスです。
- 即購入可能!【シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ『アウアナ』】12/15(土) 17:30公演 チケット2枚 セ...
Price 219 Location Honolulu Delivery Option Delivered シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユの新作『アウアナ』が、ハワイ・ワイキキで初めて上演!
• 座席情報: セクション102、ロウE、席番号18-19
• 価格: 1枚あたり $219
• 電子チケット...
- New Porjo Pouch
Price Price reduced $9 → $5 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only I threw away the tag but it is brand new.
- New with tags》LIFE IS GOOD pouch
Price Price reduced $14 → $10 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only 100% cotton solid material.
length approx. 18cm × width approx. 31cm × bottom gusset approx. 7cm
- New with tags》 GU Kids Soft Cotton Crew Neck T
Price Price reduced ! $6 → $4 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Size 140cm ( 135-145cm )
Soft cotton crew neck T
56 olive
100% cotton
- H&M gloves
Price Price reduced $8 → $6 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only One size fits all US sizes
- New with tags》 UNIQLO HEATTECH Socks
Price Price reduced $8 → $6 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only Fluffy Heat Tech Socks
Japan size 23 - 25cm
- New with tags》 UNIQLO Air Rhythm Leggings
Price Price reduced $8 → $6 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only US size S
56 Olive, but it is almost dark gray.
- New with tags》 UNIQLO Thong Sandals
Price Price reduced $10 → $8 Location ホノルル (Lower Mānoa), ハワイ州 Delivery Option Pick-up only US size M, 35 brown
- Toy box cute, big, lightweight, foldable, storage
Price 4 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Box for storing toys.
Size 11 × 37 × 31 cm
Large capacity but light. It is light but firm.
It's a good size fo...
- New] Christmas tree 7.5 f light & sold separately ...
Price Price reduction 70 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only This is a brand new Christmas tree, purchased about 2 years ago, but never used, so I removed the tag to take pictures.
It is frosted...
- Tree stand + Nutritional supplements for a real tr...
Price 5 Location Irvine, California Delivery Option Pick-up only This stand supports a live tree for a Christmas tree.
I bought this because I wanted to celebrate Christmas with a real tree at least o...
- [Not for sale, unopened] D23 Mickey Mouse ✖️Angels...
Price 25 Location Torrance (Northwest Torrance), California Delivery Option Pick-up only This bobblehead was distributed in a limited edition of 23,000 at the Angels Ballpark.
There are two available, one for sale.
How ...
- Not for sale ・ distributed at the ballpark] Dodger...
Price See details Location Torrance (Northwest Torrance), California Delivery Option Pick-up only 2024 Ballpark Distribution Not for sale, unopened
I have 2 of each, I'm selling one
How about a Christmas gift or a souvenir from ...
- Kumon Figure Mosaic Puzzle
Price $ 15 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Box shows signs of use, but contents are in good condition.
Can be picked up at Japanese supermarkets in Torrance and Gardena.
- Gears Gear Blocks
Price $ 5 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only Box shows signs of use, but contents are in good condition.
Can be picked up at Japanese supermarkets in Torrance and Gardena.
- Lakeshore board game Write Word
Price $ 7 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only If you have a whiteboard marker, you can play with it.
Good condition, fun to learn spelling.
Can be picked up at Japane...
- Lakeshore Board Game Allowance
Price $ 7 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only It is fun to play like a game of life.
Good condition, one blue mark is missing, but can be played without any problem.
- EM X GOLD EMX ($84 List Price)
Price $ 50 Location Kakaako Honolulu Delivery Option Pick-up only I will give it away for $50 a bottle. 2 bottles available.
It will clean your skin and your stomach.
- Table and 4 chairs
Price $ 150 Location Torrance, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Set of table and chairs. Used for 6 months. There is a round stain on the table. It was mostly used with a tablecloth.
- Bicycle Road bike 26inch
Price $ 300 Location Foster City, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only It is a black Cannondale road bike.
$ I bought it for about 700 and rode it for about a year and kept it indoors after that.
It is...
- New Balance Sneakers 23cm-23.5cm
Price 7 Location Saratoga Prospect center Delivery Option Pick-up only Not much use, good condition.
23cm, but it is large.
For those who can pick it up immediately.
- NIKE Zoom Sneakers 25.5cm
Price 7 Location Saratoga Prospect center Delivery Option Pick-up only Not much use, good condition.
For those who can pick up immediately.
- UGG short boots 23cm
Price 20 Location Saratoga Prospect center Delivery Option Pick-up only Worn a few times but in good condition.
Side zipper
Available for immediate pick up.
- digital piano
Price $ 30 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Delivered if nearby CASIO CTK-3500
It is better to put batteries in to make it easier to press the buttons, but you can use just the power cord.
- plastic rail
Price All in $ 10 Location Honolulu, Hawaii Delivery Option Delivered if nearby Some of them are a little old as some were given to me.
15 straight
23 curved
7 with 2 branches
3 with 2 sets
- Children's Camping Chair #1
Price $ 8 Location Campbell, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only This is the following product by Coleman. It has been used for camping and has some stains but nothing broken.
- Children's Camping Chair #2
Price $ 8 Location Campbell, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only This is the following product by Coleman. It has been used for camping and has some stains but nothing broken.
- Children's Camping Chair #3
Price $ 5 Location Campbell, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only I forgot to take a picture of the entire storage bag, but there are no tears. The chair itself has some plastic parts broken as shown in the...
- Kao Biore Moisture Moist Water
Price $ 15 Location Santa Fe Springs, カリフォルニア州 Delivery Option Let's Discuss Unopened. Kao Biore lotion. Weakly acidic.
- Tiger 🐯 Mark rice cake pounder
Price 120 U.S. dollars Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Tiger 🐯 Indo Mochi Pounding Machine
Like New
Cooks 510
- Tiger Mark Mochi Pounding Machine
Price 120 U.S. dollars Location Gardena, California Delivery Option Pick-up only Tiger India Mochi Pounding Machine 5 ~ No.10
Like new
Model smj-a1bu
- Bicycle 24inch
Price 65 Location Torrance Delivery Option Pick-up only It's a 24" bike
18 gears. No brake problems
No tire air leaks, over 89% grooves.
- Bumbo Baby Chair
Price 5 Location foster city Delivery Option Pick-up only Bambo Baby Chair
Sold to a person who understands used.
- Tourna Ballport Deluxe Tennis Ball Hopper with Whe...
Price 20 Location Saratoga Prospect center Delivery Option Pick-up only
Here it is. Used, but usable without any problem.
- Bumbo Baby Chair
Price 5 Location foster city Delivery Option Pick-up only Bambo baby chair.
Sold to someone who understands used.
- Baby Jumpers Jumpsuits
Price 15 Location foster city Delivery Option Pick-up only Only used once for a few hours
baby gap jumpsuit.
size 12-18m but I used it on my 6m child.
I think it can be worn with no pr...
- Ski boots 27-27.5cm
Price 50 Location Saratoga Prospect center Delivery Option Pick-up only It is in very good condition as it was hardly used.
Please be available to pick up immediately.
- Insignia 26" LCD TV/Monitor
Price $ 10 Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Goods will be picked up at Tokyo Central in Torrance ( corner of Sepulveda and Hawthorne ). Priority will be given to those who provide a mo...
- Cyber Power Surge Protector
Price $ 3 Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only Goods will be picked up at Tokyo Central in Torrance ( corner of Sepulveda and Hawthorne ). Priority will be given to those who provide a mo...
- 17 Ryotaro Shiba paperbacks + FURIN KAZAN ( 1 pape...
Price $ 10 = > $ 8 price reduced ! Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- Japanese Literature Bunko 1 ( Total 24 books ) ***...
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced ! Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only If you have applied, please let us know the cell phone number provided as we did not receive your email.
- Japanese Literature Bunko 2 ( Total 17 books ) * N...
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- Bunko 3 ( 17 books ) **Please let us know your mob...
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- Practical books ・ Self-help books and magazines to...
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced ! Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- 13 books and magazine programs on Kabuki
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- 12 books on Rakugo and 1 DVD of Danshi Tachikawa
Price $ 10 = > $ 8 price reduced ! Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- 17 books and magazines on gastronomy
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- 16 books on film in one place
Price $ 7 = > $ 5 price reduced Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- 8 guidebooks and magazines on travel
Price $ 5 = > $ 3 price reduced ! Location Torrance, CA Delivery Option Pick-up only We live in Torrance, but if you are far away, we can send it to you by Media Mail ( actual cost ) + fee ( $ 5 ). Please let us know your cel...
- Find local business with Town Guide
- Carp Tori, a Yakitori restaurant in Hiro...
Carp Tori, a Yakitori restaurant in Hiroshima, is now open at McCallie Shopping Center in Waikiki ・ within walking distance from Ala Moana ! Authentic Charcoal Yakitori, Ramen and Okonomiyaki are high...
+1 (808) 949-7872Carp Dori
- BAYSIDE KANAYA, a resort facility overlo...
Glamorous + Cottage = BAYSIDE KANAYA offers a new type of lodging called "Grand Cottage", where you can enjoy the sunset over Tokyo Bay, barbecue, and roasted marshmallows by the fire in a relaxing at...
+81-439-27-1415BAYSIDE KANAYA ベイサイド金谷
- We sell candy apples that look like jewe...
candy cort's candy apples are often seen at festivals. candy cort has a wide variety of candy apples, including chocolate-covered ones and "blue apple candy" that looks amazing ! Please check the iden...
candy cort(キャンディコート)
- At Mama Bear Daycare Services, we take g...
At Mama Bear Daycare Services, we take great care of children ages 0-4 on behalf of their parents and sincerely appreciate our daily relationships with them. We are grateful for each child and watch ...
+1 (424) 221-0580Mama Bear Daycare Services
- MORAVIA is an installer of artificial tu...
MORAVIA provides high quality artificial turf and careful installation 。 】 Our experienced staffs provide customers with the best space by using high quality products. With a one-year warranty, MORA...
- International Marriage Agency ・ Internat...
We are a marriage agency for Japanese expatriates and permanent residents in Japan. Please contact us if you are a student studying abroad. We also provide introductions for women who wish to marry fo...
+1 (443) 470-5750Traditional Japanese Matchmaker
- 5-minute walk from Aobori Station, Futts...
At our clinic, we are committed to ensuring that patients themselves have a clear understanding of their overall oral situation. We will make a comprehensive judgment and propose a treatment method b...
- A Japanese-affiliated real estate agency...
Located in the heart of Waikiki, Lei Hawaii Real Estate is a real estate agency that offers properties that are uniquely Hawaiian. As a Japanese-affiliated real estate agency, we maintain a thorough c...
+1 (808) 922-3008レイハワイ不動産 | Lei Hawaii Realty
- We are a pastry shop with a light blue s...
Patisserie Coquillage" boasts madeleines that are perfect for gifts and today's snacks, and also sells cakes and tarts, and offers seasonal products, so you can enjoy this pastry shop no matter how ma...
+81-90-9224-6116pâtisserie coquillage
- A life-changing mental arithmetic progra...
Abacus for Calculation Skills ・ Abacus classes open since 1979 ! You can also learn online, so you can hone your math skills efficiently at home. The best program to improve your child's academic and ...
+1 (650) 504-4440Super Math - San Francisco
- A take-out eatery in Waikiki that serves...
We offer a variety of satisfyingly sized plated dishes, prepared with the utmost care and attention. All of our dishes are easy to eat and very popular. Please enjoy home cooking from all over the wo...
+1 (808) 744-1661EbiNomi
- Sankyo Gakuin carefully nurtures the "ab...
SANIKU GAKUIN aims for the healthy growth of children and the completion of a well-balanced human being in terms of "knowledge," "virtue," and "body" throughout their 12 years of childhood ・ elementar...
+1 (408) 378-8190Saniku Gakuin Japanese School
- A hidden hair salon located in Times Squ...
The stylists have over 10 years of experience in Tokyo, shooting for magazines ・ commercials, and winning contests. If you would like to have a memorable photo shoot in New York !, please contact us. ...
+1 (646) 590-7513Himitsukichi Salon
- House cleaning ・ Remodeling ・ If you nee...
House Cleaning ・ Remodeling ・ Leave it to Pikanetto for handyman ! We mainly operate in Chiba City, Ichihara City, Sodegaura City, Kisarazu City, Kimitsu City and Futtsu City in Chiba Prefecture. To...
(0438) 63-8394ぴかねっと
- We are a licensed Hawaii Real Estate Bro...
We are a licensed Hawaii Real Estate Broker ・ and handle the buying and selling of real estate in the state of Hawaii, including ・ life insurance ( annuities ) ・ long-term care insurance, 401K, IRA ro...
+1 (808) 387-1148ヒラタ ・コンサルティング