최신내용부터 전체표시
알림2025/01/22 (Wed)
알림2025/01/23 (Thu)
알림2025/01/29 (Wed)
알림2025/01/29 (Wed)
알림2025/02/02 (Sun)
알림2025/02/03 (Mon)
알림2025/02/05 (Wed)
알림2025/02/09 (Sun)비비나비 도요하시
同報系防災行政無線(市内63箇所)、豊橋防災ラジオから「これはJアラートのテストです。」と3回繰り返しの試験放送が流れますので、ご承知おきください。また、豊橋ほっとメールにも配信されます。 -
알림2025/02/11 (Tue)
알림2025/02/16 (Sun)
알림2025/02/19 (Wed)
알림2025/02/20 (Thu)
알림2025/02/20 (Thu)
알림2024/09/25 (Wed)
알림2024/09/26 (Thu)비비나비 도요카와
Make sure you sleep well よい眠りを心掛けましょう
This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
Today I will be talking about our internal clocks.
Have you been feeling sleepy during the day lately? It is said that this is becau... -
알림2024/09/27 (Fri)
알림2024/09/29 (Sun)비비나비 도요카와
10月2日(水曜) 10:30〜11:00
10月... -
알림2024/09/30 (Mon)비비나비 도요카와
Information from Toyokawa(豊川市からの情報)
1. ほいとも祭 2024
Hoitomo Festival 2024
On October 13 (Sun.), “Hoitomo Festival 2024” is held in front of Toyokawa station and in the shopping district around Toyokawa Inari.... -
알림2024/09/30 (Mon)비비나비 도요카와
Public Lifesaving Course (2nd Adult Course) Event Informatio...
A basic first aid course will be held at Toyokawa City fire department.
We are looking for approximately 20 participants who are 15 years of age or older (excluding junior high ... -
알림2024/09/30 (Mon)비비나비 도요카와
Notice of closure of Fureai Center Nuku Nuku Yu ふれあいセンターぬくぬく...
This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
This time we would like to inform you that " Fureai Center Nukunukuyu is closed."
The bathing facility "NukuNukuYu&qu...
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