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  • [Registrante] : Chris
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • [TEL]323-570-4742
  • [Área]LA, CA, Los Angeles
  • Fecha registrada : 2021/11/11
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2021/11/11
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2021/11/11
  • Vista de Página. : 1079   persona
Hobby / Entretenimiento

プロカメラマンによる超お得な価格での撮影📸 / ウェブサイトにて記載(通常の70%〜80%で撮影承り中)

2021/11/1 ~ 




使用しているカメラは45MPの写真と8Kのビデオが撮れるCANON EOS R5です。



電話: 323-570-4742
メール: chrisvice315@gmail.com


Hi ! My name is Chris and I’m originally from United States and Spain, i traveled to Japan many times and many other countries around the world, I'm a professional videographer, photographer model and editor i worked for famous industries such as international music events like life in color, EDC, casting, movie stars and celebrities. i use a very highly professional camera CANON EOS R5 that takes 45 MP pictures and does 8k videos i use a studio sometimes so let me know if you need a private shooting or videography i generally work using Adobe premiere, Lightroom, after effects softwares with special effects and if you need a makeup artist let me know i can also provide you with a list of professionals around los Angeles this is my website you can check some of my work i graduated from a model agency so i can help you with posing for the perfect picture, i live 30 minutes from downtown, so if you want to arrange a meeting by phone before to discuss any other details please call me at 323-570-4742 or text me, my email is chrisvice315@gmail.com

Imagen / Vídeo

Vivinavi - Trabajo en concierto

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