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  • [Registrante] : City of Auburn
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • [Área]Auburn, WA, US
  • Fecha registrada : 2024/10/26
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2024/10/26
  •   ;: fecha de cambio2024/10/26
  • Vista de Página. : 

Halloween Harvest Festival & Trunk-or-Treat - Saturday October 26, 1-5 PM

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City of Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation
Halloween Harvest Festival & Les Gove Park Trunk-or-Treat [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=13587840¤tDate=2024-09-08&view=event ]

Saturday, October 26 | 1:00-5:00 pm

Les Gove Park | 910 9th Street SE

Dress up and bring the whole family out for the 2024 Halloween Harvest Festival and Trunk-or-Treat [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/cms/One.aspx?portalId=11470638&localStartDate=2023-08-04T21%3a00&pageId=13102507&localEndDate=2023-08-04T23%3a00&contextId.253644=13102509&parentId.253644=13102510&returnTo=13102510&objectId.253644=13587840¤tDate=2024-09-08&view=event ] event at Les Gove Park and the Auburn Community & Event Center on Saturday, October 26 from 1:00-5:00pm.

The Halloween Harvest Festival is a fun-filled afternoon that primarily serves children ages 2-10 and their families.

The event is free to attend and will feature games; crafts, a Boo-Seum put on by the White River Valley Museum; rides, and inflatables. 


The event features a fun Trunk-or-Treat experience around the trail at Les Gove Park featuring Auburn-area businesses, non-profits, and other community organizations. Your little ones will not want to miss this fun and festive event!

Carnival rides will include a fun house maze, ballistic swing, circus train, super sonic, and a dual lane inflatable slide. *Rides are unlimited with a $5 wristband.  *

Bring a can of food for admission into the Community Center to support the Auburn Food Bank. *"
"* [ http://apm.activecommunities.com/auburnwa/Activity_Search/6483 ]


Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!!


Sound Credit Union

Be sure to visit our sponsor, Sound Credit Union's [ https://www.soundcu.com/ ] booth at the trunk-or-treat! Sounds Credit Union is committed to standing with members, employees, and our community through all waves of life, the big goals and the normal day-to-day.

Also sponsoring is Auburn's Great Northwest Dental [ https://www.greatnorthwestdental.com/ ]! Be sure to visit their booth and learn more about their local, comprehensive dental solutions for the entire family. Great Northwest Dental can help you begin your journey to a healthy, beautiful smile.

Great Northwest Dental

Trunk or Treat Examples

Auburn Parks, Arts & Recreation | *auburnwa.gov/events [ https://www.auburnwa.gov/workspaces/One.aspx?objectId=13588295&contextId=13102510 ] | **253-931-3043 *


Auburn WA Logo [ http://www.auburnwa.gov ]

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