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  • [Registrant] : AH
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Gardena, California, USA
  • Posted : 2024/10/12
  • Published : 2024/10/12
  • Changed :2024/10/12
  • Total View : 266 person
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How to fill out a W4 if you are paid by more than one company, about TAX RETURN, about overtime


I have been paid by several companies over the past few years, but I have not been able to fill out my W4 properly and have had to pay a lot of money on my TAX RETURN.
Also, after tax return, I wanted to make the payment as soon as possible, but the payment method was not clear and I could not make the payment by the due date, so I ended up paying a penalty and late fee.

If anyone can help me with the following information, it would be greatly appreciated.
◆ How to fill out a W4, like a handbook or tips.
◆ If it becomes a payment, what is the procedure?
About overtime
Example: hourly rate $ 20 / 3 days per week × 11 hours per day = Total 33 hours per week

◆ If you are working as described above, is the legal Which formula is correct?
$ 20 x 11 = $ 220
( $ 20 x 8) + ( $ 20 x 1.5 x 3) = $ 250
If anyone can help me with these three If anyone is able to help us, please contact us.
We estimate about 30 minutes - 1 hour and $ hope to ask for about 20.

W4 can be described as a video chat session (no need to show your face) or in person at a cafe, etc. \I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to describe your W4, such as by video chatting (no need to show your face) or meeting in person at a café, etc.
If we meet in person, we can come as far north as Bel Air or Montebello, as far south as South Bay, and as far east as near Lakewood.
(If you teach at a cafe, we will of course pay you $ 20 plus drinks. )

Please understand that it may take some time for us to reply.

Thank you very much.

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