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Kumai Strength and Conditioning, LLC.

FORMA TU CUERPO; FORMA TU VIDA! Ejercita tu cuerpo y crea buenos hábitos: podemos ayudarte a perder peso, fortalecerte, conseguir la forma que deseas para ti y llevar un estilo de vida más saludable !.

Hey, I’m Justin! I am a personal trainer with 5 years of experience. I have a love for fitness and a strong passion to help individuals attain their fitness goals. As a trainer, I love to push and encourage individuals in reaching new heights in their fitness journeys. I am a certified personal trainer, weight loss specialist, and athletic coach through NASM and the NCCPT.

My vision is to build you up as an individual, not just your muscles.

Whether you’re wanting to lose weight, get stronger, look better, or kick start a healthier lifestyle, let me help you out!


Phone +1 (206) 619-2961
Address , Seattle, WA, 98102 US
Hours Domingo Closed
Lunes 6:00-19:00
Martes 6:00-19:00
Miércoles 6:00-19:00
Jueves 6:00-19:00
Viernes 6:00-19:00
Sábado 6:00-15:00
  • Vivinavi - Guía de Ciudad

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