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  • [Registrant] : 市原警察署
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]0436-41-0110
  • [Location]千葉県 市原市
  • Posted : 2023/10/04
  • Published : 2023/10/04
  • Changed :2023/10/04
  • Total View : 160 persons

Beware of refund fraud ! !

This is a notification from the Ichihara Police Department.
Today, in the Yamadabashi area of Ichihara City, a caller pretended to be from the city office and said, "Your medical expenses will be refunded. Today, in the Yamadabashi area of Ichihara City, a phone call has been received by a person claiming to be from the City Hall and claiming to be from a refund scam.
If you receive such a call at your home, it is a scam. City halls and financial institutions will not direct you to an ATM for the refund process.
Nor will you receive your refund at an ATM.
Also, if you see someone operating an ATM while talking on a cell phone, please notify the staff of your local financial institution. Please take measures to avoid talking directly to the perpetrator of the scam by using the answering machine function on your home landline phone or setting your phone to reject blocked calls.
Please report any suspicious calls to the Ichihara Police Station.

Information on Phone De Fraud ( Chiba Prefectural Police Website )

[Sent from]
Chiba Prefectural Ichihara Police Station
1965-17 Yawata Kaigandori, Ichihara, 290-0067
TEL 0436-41-0110

Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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