General election results, Official office portrait artist announced
- [注册人]State of Washington
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Olympia, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/11/08
- 发布日 : 2024/11/08
- 更改日期 : 2024/11/08
- 总浏览次数 : 35 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 在传统怀石料理的基础上,餐厅提供日本料理,其原料来自夏威夷,使用夏威夷独立州阿罗...
+1 (808) 376-0928章 | AKIRA Japanese Restaurant
- 旅馆的温馨氛围让人忍不住想说 "我到家了",这里也是运动员和大学体育夏令营使用的...
备受欢迎的 "Ajikaku no Yado Shirai "的居家氛围推出了限时午餐计划 "怀石料理9种拼盘午餐",让您尽享怀石料理。午餐供应期至 7 月 18 日((周四)),每周二更换菜单!。同时,外卖仅限预约,请在工作午休时间或有客人来访时前来享用午餐。我们期待您的光临。
+81-120-872-914味覚の宿 志ら井
- 万豪度假俱乐部是度假所有权领域的行业领导者,现正招募积极进取的人才。
阿罗哈 ! 感谢您对万豪度假俱乐部感兴趣。我们正在寻找精通英语和日语的有志之士 ! 我们是最大的豪华分时度假/度假所有权提供商。?我们提供各种福利,包括医疗保险、401K、学费报销、万豪・喜达屋家族酒店(包括丽思卡尔顿和喜来登)的员工折扣。 如果您对此感兴趣,请随时与我们联系 !。
(808) 534-7681Marriott Vacation Club
- 位于卡卡科的H-Mart的韩国餐厅。
丰富的韩国菜阵容,包括砂锅饭、海鲜煎饼、bulgogi、sundubu jjigae等。还提供Jajang面条等。
+1 (808) 201-1196GAMA
- 按摩水疗中心位于威基基中心的 Galleria Tower 6 楼。经验丰富的合...
位于 DFS 购物中心 Galleria Tower 6 楼的按摩水疗中心,提供 8 种不同的按摩服务。当然,您也可以根据自己的需要进行定制。经验丰富的专业按摩师将根据您的身体需求为您量身定制按摩服务。如需预订,请致电 TobiViNavi。 !
+1 (808) 393-6921Kama’aina Massage and Foot Spa
- 如果您需要拉面($ 12\)、便当盒($ 12\)或日本食品餐饮・外卖,我们可以...
如果您的办公室、聚会或学校需要拉面、便当或日式餐饮,Kenichi Kawashima's Kitchen 将竭诚为您服务。 \ 川岛厨房的魅力在于现场气氛 ! ! / 食物就在您的眼前准备好,由厨师送到您的面前。 主厨能够直接听取顾客的反馈意见,从而迅速做出有利的回应。 所有菜单都是厨师独创的,独一无二。 寿司和拉面都是顶级厨师做的最好的。 我们有固定菜单,也接受顾客的定制。...
+1 (415) 238-4447Kawashima's Kitchen
- MOM在怀孕、分娩、育儿、母乳喂养按摩和医疗方面为您提供支持。
+1 (604) 980-8539MOM Family Support
- 位于大都会混合酒店内的 Spa Rirakuen 是唯一一家提供正宗岩盘温泉、按...
Spa Rirakuen 的理念是日式感官疗法。在平和、现代的日式室内装饰和宁静的氛围中,您可以享受按摩浴,还可以享受使用 SGE : 天久石(Tenkutsu Stone)的岩石浴,这种岩石是从日本九州 ( 祖母倾斜山 ) 远道而来的天然矿物质制成的,可以从核心温暖您的身体,放松您紧张的肌肉,同时排出废物。该浴场是美国第一个成熟的基岩浴场。这是美国第一个正宗的岩盘浴。结合按摩、芳香疗法或面部护理...
+1 (310) 212-6408AS-Create LLC. / spa Relaken
- Vantage 是一所英语学校,旨在提高儿童的英语语言技能。Vantage 随时...
Vantage 学校开发了一种独特而有效的多媒体方法,向母语不是英语的学生传授听、说、读、写技能。其目的是让学生不把英语当作外语,而把它当作第二母语,以更自然的方式学习英语。 英语会话 ・ ESL ・ 亲子班 ・ 日语 ・ 小学、初中和高中考试班 ・ 普通大学生 ・ 行政班 ・ 在线班 … 以及更多课程,以满足您的需求。 我们还支持学生回国进入难度较大的大学。约翰毕业于麻省理工学院,他利用自己多...
+1 (408) 616-8881Vantage School
- 工作机会 ・ 求职者是 Tricom Quest - 专业招聘机构
我们的双语顾问致力于了解您的职业目标,为您提供正确的建议和支持,帮助您实现目标 。 从协助撰写简历,到与公司进行个别咨询 ・ 了解双方 、 职位介绍和面试准备会议,以及就业后的跟踪服务 。。
+1 (310) 715-3400TriCom Quest
- 这家餐厅专门提供用新鲜的夏威夷食材制作的汉堡包。您可以享受到独特的原创汉堡,如蘑...
檀香山汉堡公司(Honolulu Burger Company)擅长用新鲜的夏威夷食材制作汉堡。 汉堡的肉来自夏威夷大岛的Puu Waawaa牧场和可爱岛的Makaweli牧场等私人牧场饲养的草饲牲畜。 蔬菜也是当地种植的,如马诺亚生菜、当地农场多汁的西红柿和伊娃甜洋葱。 炸薯条也是厨师在火奴鲁鲁汉堡厨房用土豆手工制作的。 试试蘑菇蘑菇汉堡、蓝色夏威夷汉堡和其他独特的原创汉堡。它们非常美味!。
+1 (808) 376-0435Honolulu Burger
- 当您搬到新家、度假屋或面包房时,请将清洁工作交给我们。我们的日本清洁专业人员将保...
夏威夷 ・ 我们为檀香山的度假出租物业、欧胡岛的别墅物业以及夏威夷居民提供房屋清洁服务。我们的员工都是日本人,都是主要从事房屋清洁工作的专业人士。我们采用专业技术,始终保持水和窗户这些难以积聚污垢的地方的清洁。 Bakeren ・ 度假屋 ・ 搬家 ・ 装修后和年终清洁 ・ 定期清洁 ・ 高级住宅清洁
+1 (808) 224-4108Yuka's Housekeeping
- 捐卵者 ( 捐卵 ) 通缉。酬金$ 8,000 - $ 15,000.为患有不孕...
我们正在寻找年龄在 18 岁到 29 岁之间、身心健康、不吸烟的女性。 酬金 $ 8,000 $ 15,000 起。 我们的总部位于加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳 ( ) 洛杉矶附近,但 即使您住得很远,我们也会支付所有交通、酒店和餐饮费用。 对于来自日本或美国以外的捐赠者,我们也将支付交通费和餐费。 我们将为您保密,您的信息不会透露给本公司或诊所以外的任何第三方。 创世纪・集团是一家为全球...
+1 (310) 550-6889Genesis Egg Donor & Surrogacy Group, Inc.
- 日本弥生园的味道。通过我们丰富的菜单 !,尽享日本风味。
受欢迎的菜肴包括寿喜烧、炸猪排套餐、烤鲭鱼套餐、烤肉居酒屋和拌饭套餐。餐厅使用 100% 的日本大米,提供任食米饭,再现日本的原味。在餐厅的宁静氛围中享受轻松惬意的时光。
+1 (650) 315-2287YAYOI Hillsdale
- ALOHA CAFÉ Pineapple "是一家印有菠萝标志的餐厅,在这里您可...
早上在我们的餐厅用餐如何?在这里,您可以在海滩附近享用夏威夷美食?马拉沙达(Malasadas)、巴西莓碗(acai bowls)等。我们还提供外卖服务,建议您在海滩用餐或在公园野餐。
+1 (808) 739-1630ALOHA CAFE PINEAPPLE
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General election results take shape
The national general election took place Tuesday and its results are becoming [ ] clear. In contrast to a national Republican swing, Washington state Democrats earned nearly every statewide executive office on the ballot and gained additional seats within the state Legislature. Several ballot measures intent to overturn significant progressive state policies also failed at the ballot box.
“Last night, Washingtonians sent an unequivocal message that they want action on pollution and climate change. Washingtonians also made clear they want to preserve the equity of our tax system with the capital gains tax on the super wealthy. When they or a loved one need long-term care, they want the WA Cares Act to be there for them,” said Gov. Jay Inslee in a statement [ ].
Bob Ferguson will serve as the next governor of Washington state, and Nick Brown will be its next attorney general. Dave Upthegrove will be the next commissioner of public lands, and Patty Kuderer will become the next state insurance commissioner. Incumbents Lt. Gov. Denny Heck, Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, State Treasurer Mike Pellicciotti, and State Auditor Pat McCarthy each will continue in their roles.
Donald Trump will return to the White House, and state Democratic leaders have encouraged Washingtonians that their state government is braced to defend against any federal incursions of the rights they’ve voted to protect over the years.
Photo of Gov. Inslee at podium
Gov. Jay Inslee held a press conference Wednesday to discuss election results and reassure Washingtonians concerned about federal overreach during another Trump presidency.
"We are well positioned to defend Washingtonians from the egregious conduct of this new president,” said Inslee during a Wednesday media availability. “We have the personnel in place, we have the statutes in place, and I’m confident we will do as much as humanly possible to protect Washingtonians going forward," said Inslee during a media availability [ ] on Wednesday.
Over Inslee’s three terms as governor, Washington state has experienced robust economic growth and adopted nation-leading policies to protect immigrants, choice, and climate action. The state’s shield laws and data safeguards will prevent other states and the federal government from prosecuting Washington doctors and patients for reproductive care and from accessing their health data. The state’s Climate Commitment Act will continue the state’s progress on building a clean economy and lowering emissions. And state law prohibits state agency cooperation with federal family separation and deportation programs.
Governor-elect and Attorney General Bob Ferguson held a press conference [ ] Thursday morning to describe his new administration’s preparedness.
“I want Washingtonians to know that the attorney general’s office has been preparing for some time and feel prepared to defend their freedoms and their rights,” said Ferguson.
Dark blue graphic with white text Washington leaders have acted to protect Washingtonians from federal efforts to roll back rights and block progress
Artist Grace Flott selected to create Inslee portrait
Following a competitive nationwide search conducted by ArtsWA, Gov. Jay Inslee and First Spouse Trudi Inslee have selected artist Grace Flott [ ] to create the governor’s official portrait.
Flott is a Spokane-raised and Seattle-based painter and educator. After a fire-related injury disrupted her life and studies, she found a new purpose in using her art to foster belonging and safety to people with similar experiences. Her ‘New Icons’ series features life-size oil portraits of people with burn injuries, and she conducts workshops for burn survivors to help them create art from their scars.
Flott’s art, which also includes commissioned portraits and landscapes, combines realism with Italian Renaissance iconography and surrealistic narratives.
*Read the full story on Gov. Jay Inslee's Medium page. [ ]
News you might have missed:
Boeing and Machinists settle upon contract, ending prolonged strike
A 53-day strike concluded Monday night after machinist union members voted to approve a new contract [ ] from Boeing. The 33,000 represented machinists are to receive a 38% pay raise over the next four years.
"Tonight's vote by the machinists puts Boeing's future back on more solid footing. Washington is home to the world's most skilled aerospace workers and they understandably took a stand for the respect and compensation they deserve. Congratulations to IAM District 751 and Boeing on reaching an agreement,” said Gov. Jay Inslee in a statement [ ].
Inslee orders flags to half-staff to honor naval pilots killed in October crash
U.S. Navy aviators Lt. Serena Wileman and Lt. Cmdr. Lyndsay Evans died on Oct. 15 when their EA-18G Growler crashed near Mount Rainier. Gov. Jay Inslee ordered flags to half-staff [ ] statewide on Thursday, Nov. 7, in their honor.
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