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  • [Registrant] : mami
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Huntington Beach, California, USA
  • Posted : 2024/09/20
  • Published : 2024/09/20
  • Changed :2024/09/20
  • Total View : 779 person
What we do

☆ Spiritual Reading ☆

There have been a lot of changes recently, and I am at a turning point, but I don't know where I am going. I want to get a better grasp of the current situation. What is my role? It is a time of great change in our personal environment and thoughts, along with changes in the energies of the earth.

I provide direct psychic and channeled messages and consultations to help you live happily and move forward.

☆ After talking with her, you will have a clear vision of the future and the fog inside you will be cleared.

☆ When I read back my notes later, I can see that what I was told has happened and that I was right.

☆ Please consult me about love, family, work, LGBT, past lives, pets, past, present, future, star children, anything.

☆ This is the type of service that accurately assesses your current situation and finds out how to make you happy in the future. 

☆ Whatever your concerns are, we will give you a deep and in-depth message.

☆ We will help you integrate into a new era.

Over 20 years of experience as a reader and healer.

For more information.

Vivinavi - Find Info

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