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이메일 주소 :   


  • [등록자] : Paul M☆USMC☆
  • [언어]English
  • [지역]Queens
  • 등록일 : 2024/04/12
  • 게재일 : 2024/04/12
  • 변경일 :2024/04/12
  • 총열람수 : 746 명
애인 / 결혼 상대

Looking for my special someone.

Hi I'm an 54y American man who would love to have a Japanese women in my life. I love to go to Concerts sporting events camping hiking kayaking. I love road trips. Going siteseeing. I love to enjoy life. I been to Japan many times. Love the Country and its people. I have a half Japanese daughter who is 12 and is fluent in Japanese. Let's talk and make plans to have fun in NYC!

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