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  • Registrant : church
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/10/05
  • Published : 2024/10/05
  • Changed :2024/10/05
  • Total View : 323 persons
2024/10/11 - 2024/10/11 / Pasadena, カリフォルニア州 / Other

Davar Church October 12 Holy Day ( Sabbath ) Worship Service

Jesus ・ Christ offers those who believe in him forgiveness of sins, deliverance from suffering and sickness, hope for life, and light in a world of darkness.
Let us thank Jesus and worship with him.
If you don't know Jesus yet, this is a great opportunity to hear the words of the Bible and find out what He has done for you ?
Everyone is welcome to join us.

Sabbath Service Information
Saturday, October 12

9 : 00 Japanese service
11 : 00 English service
*The English and Japanese service times have been swapped since September.

For those who bring children on the day of the service, there will be a children's church school time during the service. Details are available on this page.

Other details and activities are available on the church website. Please click on the link below.

Jesus ・ Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later. ・ This was so that those who believed in His death and resurrection would receive forgiveness of sins, be restored to a relationship with God the Father, be given eternal life, and be set on the path to live as new persons.

Let us thank that Jesus and worship with him. If you don't know Jesus yet, please take this opportunity to hear the words of the Bible and find out what He has done for you ?
Everyone is welcome to join us.

"I am the resurrection. I am life. He who believes in Me, , though he may die, he shall live." ( John 11 : 25 )

Worship during the week :
Advanced Bible Study Monday Sunday Language 7 PM : 00, English 6 PM : 00
Prayer School ( Japanese/English combined ) Friday 6 PM : 30
( All are US California Pacific Time )
You can also join us via the live streaming link below.

Venue Davar ( Davar ) Kingdom of God Chapel
Address 2750 New York Drive, Pasadena, カリフォルニア州, 91107 アメリカ合衆国
Date 2024/10/11 - 2024/10/11
Time 9:00 minute(s) - 12:30 minute(s)
Time detail 9 : 00 Japanese language section
11 : 00 English service
Getting here New York driveを西側Alta Dena方面から走行すると進入しやすいです。
Venue detail 「Coral Innovation Center」ビルディング内


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