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  • Registrant : London
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/12/19
  • Published : 2023/12/19
  • Changed :2023/12/19
  • Total View : 287 persons
2024/10/31 - 2024/11/24 / London / อื่นๆ

ABBA Voyage

ABBA Voyage is taking residence in the East London venue ABBA Arena bringing back to life the beloved pop band across generations for the first time in 40 years with a jaw dropping performance.

ABBA Voyage is taking residence in the East London venue ABBA Arena bringing back to life the beloved pop band across generations for the first time in 40 years with a jaw dropping performance.

Address London
Date 2024/10/31 - 2024/11/24
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วิวินาวิ - ข้อมูลกิจกรรม

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