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リトルトーキョーのトリウミ・プラザ(E1st. Street & San Pedroの角)から平和・反核を訴える屋外イベントです。スピーチあり、音楽あり・・・。核のすべての犠牲者を悼み、黙とうと祈りを捧げ、平和への誓いを新たにします。イランとの戦争反対も訴えます。平和を愛するすべての皆さん、ぜひ参加してください。完全無料イベントです。イベント開始前、午後6時から、子供を対象にした読み聞かせプログラム(紙芝居)があります。また、イベントの最後はキャンドルライト・パレードで締めくくります。
Speakers include:
Michiko Kato, Fukushima Survivor
Denise Duffield, Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles
Farideh Kioumehr, Founder & Executive Director, International Health and Epidemiology Center
Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla, Candidate for Congress in CA-34
Hiroshima Jogakuin High School Students (Live from Hiroshima, Japan)
Special Guitar Performance by GOH (Goh Kurosawa), Bicultural Music Samurai
This event is sponsored by:
Fukushima Support Committee and Council for Pacific Asian Theology
Endorsers include:
PANA, Progressive Asian Network for Action
Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress, NCRR
Nikkei Resisters
Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles
Peace Action
Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) - Los Angeles
International Health and Epidemiology Research Center
Veterans for Peace Los Angeles
MLK Coalition of Greater Los Angeles
Answer Coalition
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Southern California War Tax Resistance
Friends of Chain Reaction
Holy Faith Episcopal Church of Inglewood
Topanga Peace Alliance
Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice
Socialist Unity Party
ICUJP, Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
Union of Progressive Iranians
Venue | Toriumi Plaza, Little Tokyo (E 1st Street. & San Pedro) |
Address | 101 Judge John Aiso Street, Los Angeles, California, 90012 United States |
Date | 2019/8/8 - 2019/8/8 |
Time | 18:30 minute(s) - 19:30 minute(s) |
Time detail | 18時30分:セレモニー開始 19時02分:黙とう 19時30分:サイレント・キャンドルライト・パレード |
Getting here | |
Venue detail | Toriumi PlazaはAiso Street Parking Garage(地下駐車場)の真上になります。 |
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