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Today, the City of Columbus is introducing a proposal to modernize the zoning code on Columbus’ corridors. This proposal includes updated zoning text, new policies and new zoning districts applied to 12,300 parcels of land.
Over the next 60 days (through June 10, 2024) we will actively be gathering community input and feedback on this proposal - and we look forward to Zoning In with you!
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We’ve created the Zone In Gallery – an interactive space where you can learn all about the proposed code, have your questions answered and share your thoughts with us.
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*Plan your visit! *The Zone in Gallery, located at 141 N. Front St., will be open six days a week during the proposal’s public comment period. Tours and appointments are available from *April 9 * through *June 7*:
* Open Hours: for the public, with tours starting every 30 minutes
* Area Commission Hours: for area commissioners or civic association members
* 1:1s or Special Request: for property owners subject to revised zoning, with individual consultations
* Group Events and tours for community and professional groups
ZI 13 [ https://zone-in-columbus.hub.arcgis.com/pages/the-gallery?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]ZI 16
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We hope to see you at the Zone In Gallery. However if you are not able to make it in person all of the information can be found on the project website. This includes the code text, an interactive map and opportunity to provide feedback.
ZI 17 [ https://zone-in-columbus.hub.arcgis.com/pages/code-proposal?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery ]
*Email: ZoningUpdate@Columbus.gov | Phone *614-645-5343**
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