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  • [Registrante] : United States Department of Labor
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  • Fecha registrada : 2024/12/02
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Resource Guide to Prevent Opioid Use Disorder - Health & Safety Alert

Mine Safety and Health Administration [ https://www.msha.gov ]

MSHA Opioid Resources Health and Safety Alert

Resource Guide to Prevent Opioid Use Disorder

MSHA and NIOSH have partnered together to publish a resource guide to help employers protect workers from the dangers of opioid use disorder.

* The goal of this guide is to provide mine operators, occupational safety and health managers, and others with actionable tools to more effectively plan, implement, and integrate a range of workplace interventions to prevent prescription opioid misuse, illegal opioid use, and opioid use disorder among mine workers.

* Opioids are pain-relieving medications that can be made from natural or synthetic substances. *Opioids are extremely addictive*. Long-term use of opioids increases the risk of opioid use disorder and overdose.

* Opioid use disorder can be diagnosed by criteria such as *continued use* despite negative consequences, craving for opioids, a pattern of *taking larger amounts* of opioids over a longer period than intended, and *withdrawal symptoms* in the absence of opioids.

* Mine workers have been found to have among the highest rates of illegal opioid use compared to workers in other industries.

Click here to visit the MSHA/NIOSH Opioid Resource Guide [ https://www.msha.gov/sites/default/files/events/MSHA-NIOSH-OUD-Prevention-Resource%20Guide.pdf ]

learn more [ https://www.msha.gov/resource-guide-prevent-opioid-use-disorder-health-safety-alert ]

"Miners and mine operators can find ""safety and health information" [ https://www.msha.gov/training-education/safety-health-materials ]" on ""MSHA.gov" [ https://www.msha.gov/ ]"."

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