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  • [注册人] : United States Department of Labor
  • [语言]日本語
  • [区]Washington, DC
  • 注册日期 : 2024/12/05
  • 发布日 : 2024/12/05
  • 更改日期 :2024/12/05
  • 总浏览次数 : 33 人

Dump Point and Stockpile Safety - Safety Alert

Mine Safety and Health Administration [ https://www.msha.gov ]

MSHA Dump Point and Stockpile Safety - Safety Alert
Safety Alert

Dump Point and Stockpile Safety

Recent accidents highlight the risks associated with dump points and stockpiles, especially where stockpile stability and visibility are of concern. Fatalities and serious injuries have occurred when heavy equipment operators traveled or dumped material too close to a stockpile edge or worked too close to the toe of an over-steepened stockpile.

Best Practices

* *Examine stockpiles and dump sites for signs of instability* or other hazards before starting operations. Examine berms, ramps, stockpile slopes, and dump and toe areas throughout each shift.
* *Provide adequate lighting* at dump points and on stockpiles, especially during low-light conditions.
* *Provide positive wheel stops or berms *to* *prevent backing over the edge of a stockpile
* *If a wheel stop is not provided, use a spotter or dump material at a safe distance *from the edge and push the material over with a bulldozer.* *
* *Train all workers to recognize and eliminate or control hazards* when working near dump points and stockpile areas.
* *Never load out from a stockpile’s toe when dumping above.*
* *Stay clear of stockpile toes except when loading.*
* *Control stockpile size and shape* to reduce the risk of material sloughing or sudden collapse. Regularly reconfigure stockpiles to promote stability.
* *Establish safe traffic patterns* including designated pathways for equipment. Always keep a safe distance from dump points and active stockpiles.
* *Maintain clear communication* between operators and spotters. 
* *Use mirrors, cameras, or radar systems to maintain visibility* around equipment and other vehicles. 

learn more [ https://www.msha.gov/dump-point-and-stockpile-safety-safety-alert ]

"Miners and mine operators can find ""safety and health information" [ https://www.msha.gov/training-education/safety-health-materials ]" on ""MSHA.gov" [ https://www.msha.gov/ ]"."

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