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  • [登録者] : City of Santa Clara
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Santa Clara, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/11/12
  • 掲載日 : 2024/11/12
  • 変更日 :2024/11/12
  • 総閲覧数 : 40 人

CENTRAL: From Lemonade to Leader: Helping Kids Start Businesses and Learn to Think Like Entrepreneurs

The City of Santa Clara - Stay Connected

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CENTRAL: From Lemonade to Leader: Helping Kids Start Businesses and Learn to Think Like Entrepreneurs

* Date: 11/20/2024 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
* Location: Central Park Library - Edinger Room
2635 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, California 95051 [ http://www.google.com/maps?f=l&hl=en&q=2635+Homestead+Road+%2c+Santa+Clara%2c+California+95051 ]

From Lemonade to Leader Flyer

Brian Weisfeld, former executive, 4x author, 2x TEDx speaker, and youth entrepreneurship advocate, will inspire kids to start their first business and empower them with an entrepreneurial mindset that will help them reach their potential, whatever they want to do in life. Kids will learn how to turn their individual interests into a business and be inspired by stories of kids who turned their passions into big, successful businesses. Brian will also teach children how to think like entrepreneurs (embrace risk, not fear failure, etc.) and will share stories of famous people who failed on their journeys to global success. Kids will leave this presentation more comfortable with risk, less afraid to fail, filled with grit and a growth mindset, and brimming with ideas for businesses that they can start today! Ages 6-12 . *KeyPoint Credit Union will give copy of "You're the Boss (one per family)" while supplies last.* Register to get an reminder [ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-lemonade-to-leader-helping-kids-start-businesses-and-become-leaders-tickets-1060318133079?aff=oddtdtcreator ], first come first served will welcomed into the space. 

  Click here for more information [ https://www.santaclaraca.gov/Home/Components/Calendar/Event/99895/ ]
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