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City of Auburn Blog
"Dec. 31, 2024"
APD and pickleball: building connections and resilience through sport
Auburn Police Officer playing some pickleball
When you’re in the thick of a volley, nothing else matters. Shuffle left, arms up, here it comes, don’t miss — sure, it’s slower than tennis, but hesitate for even a second, and it’s your fault. Literally.
Just ask the Auburn Police Department’s pickleball players, a scrappy group of officers, commanders, detectives, retirees, spouses and more, all unified by the love of one extremely-Pacific Northwest game, which happens to the fastest growing sport in America: pickleball.
“We wanted to create some fun, something active that would allow our team to stay healthy and engage with each other outside of the usual work environment,” explains Angel Ogando, the police department’s wellness program designer. “An opportunity to do life outside of this building with all kinds of people.”
The idea stemmed from the desire to create intentional social and wellness opportunities for the department, says Angel, offering a break from the often challenging and stressful policework that can bog down the day to day. So they started a pickleball team and joined the Auburn Parks, Arts and Rec league.
They got demolished. Often and with impunity.
*Read More* [ https://auburnwa.medium.com/b3d219a6eba7 ]
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