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  • [Registrante] : City of Kenmore
  • [Idioma]日本語
  • [Área]Kenmore, WA, US
  • Fecha registrada : 2024/07/25
  • Fecha de Publicación : 2024/07/25
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Press Release: Kenmore City Council adopts resolution in support of Northshore Fire Levy Rate Ballot Measure (Proposition No. 1)

News from the City of Kenmore

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*FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                        ** 
*July 25, 2024

City of Kenmore Communications

Kenmore City Council adopts resolution in support of Northshore Fire levy rate ballot measure (Proposition No. 1)

*KENMORE, Wash.* – At the July 22 meeting [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/256557/ ], the Kenmore City Council voted unanimously to adopt a resolution in support of the Northshore Fire levy rate ballot measure, also known as Proposition No. 1 [ https://info.kingcounty.gov/kcelections/Vote/contests/ballotmeasures.aspx?lang=en-US&cid=101315&groupname=SpecialPurposeDistrict ]. If approved, this levy would provide a major funding source for emergency services provided by the Northshore Fire Department.

The Northshore Fire Department is seeking voter approval to restore its fire levy to $0.70 per $1,000 of assessed valuation in 2024 (to be collected in 2025), which is an increase of approximately $0.18 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.

State limitations on funding increases have not allowed the Northshore Fire Department to keep up with increasing labor and operational costs and planned capital improvement projects. Voter approval of Proposition No. 1 would provide funding for the Northshore Fire Department to continue providing fire and emergency medical services at existing levels in Kenmore. The last time that the Northshore Fire Department asked for a fire levy rate increase was 20 years ago.

Proposition No. 1 will be included on the ballot for the primary election on August 6, 2024.

The City Council's adopted resolution can be viewed here [ https://kenmore.civicweb.net/document/256682 ].


*See more City of Kenmore news:* www.kenmorewa.gov/news [ https://www.kenmorewa.gov/our-city/city-news ]

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