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● オークランドは、本21日(火)23:59よりレベル3に下がります。同レベルは、2週間は維持される見込みです。NZ政府は、10月4日(月)に、レベルの再検討を行います。
● ハウラキ北部(ワイカト地方)の居住者等について、9月24日(金)までレベル4と同等の措置が適用されます。
● オークランド及びハウラキ北部以外の地域は、...
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/tampagov/city-of-tampa-recruits-cert-volunteers-hosts-33rd-annual-mayors-alliance-awards-ceremony-and-more?e=a25e72d565)
County Executive George Latimer delivers on his promise, cutting the ribbon on affordable Senior Housing development in Greenburgh.
Join us for a ceremony on 9/24 in honor o...
● 静岡県内の市町村の在外選挙人名簿に登録されている在外選挙人証...
2(カンタベリー日本人会からのお知らせ)ファーストエイド、メンタルヘルス、救急救命の無料講習会を、当地Red Cross等に委託し、CHC...
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/tampagov/city-of-tampa-shows-considerable-job-growth-moves-forward-with-micromobility-plans-and-more?e=a25e72d565)
[Title: Gold Star Mothers & Families Memorial Ceremony Tribute - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer and Veterans Service Agency Director Ronald C. Tocci ...
● 本9月13日、NZ政府は記者会見を行い、オークランドについて、9月21日(火)23:59よりレベル3に下げる見通しであると発表しましたが、決定は、9月20日(月)に行われる予定です。
● オークランド以外の地域は、レベル2が当面の間維持されます。
1. 本9月13日午後4時、アーダーン首相及び保健省は記者会見を行い、以下について発表し...
[Title: Westchestergov.com - Description: Westchestergov.com]<https://www.westchestergov.com/>
Clean Up Safety
With George Latimer
Westchester County...
If you are a qualifying homeowner who suffered significant property damage, find out how you can apply for assistance through FEMA.
Join County Executive Latimer as he unvei...
[Title: Westchestergov.com - Description: Westchestergov.com]<https://www.westchestergov.com/>
Hurricane Ida Update
With George Latimer
Westchester C...
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/tampagov/city-of-tampa-hosts-public-meetings-launches-tpa-wrx-and-more?e=a25e72d565)
September 7, 2021
Dear Neighbors,
Devastation from Hurricane Ida is all around us. It is difficult to put into the words the loss we have seen across Westchester Coun...
[Title: 20th anniversary - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer invites you to join us 20th anniversary September 11th Unveiling of memorial De...
County Executive George Latimer Gives Weather Briefing Following Tropical Storm Ida, Declares State of Emergency for Westchester.
Join County Executive Latimer as he unveils...
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/tampagov/city-of-tampa-celebrates-new-mural-for-vision-zero-opens-vaccination-site-and-more?e=a25e72d565)
[Title: 20th anniversary - Description: Westchester County Executive George Latimer invites you to join us 20th anniversary September 11th Unveiling of memorial De...
Join County Executive Latimer as he unveils a new memorial dedicated to first responders who passed from 9/11 related illnesses.
Westchester County Police are once again hos...