Community Investment Team Senior Manager (SPM I)
- [등록자]King County
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]King County, WA
- 등록일 : 2024/09/27
- 게재일 : 2024/09/27
- 변경일 : 2024/09/27
- 총열람수 : 46 명
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미국 부동산은 APOGEE에 맡겨주세요. 미국 최대 규모의 검색 시스템과 연동하여 지역, 예산, 연식, 방 수, 넓이, 원하는 구조 등을 고려하여 최적의 매물을 소개합니다 ! 직원들은 모두 영어와 일본어를 구사할 수 있는 바이링구얼 ! 당신을 대신하여 협상을 진행합니다.
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■ 배우는 힘을 만드는 ・ 주체성을 키우는 ■ 학력공방 키사라즈 교실에서는【학력 = 배우는 힘】이라고 보고, 수험뿐만 아니라 다양화되는 현대사회를 살아가기 위한 진로지도 ・ 학습지도에 주력하고 있습니다.
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*The Department of Community and Human Services values diverse perspectives and life experiences. The Department encourages people of all backgrounds to apply, including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, veterans, and those with lived experiences.*
King County's Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) [ https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services.aspx ] provides equitable opportunities for people to be healthy, happy, and connected to community.
The Adult Services Division (ASD) of DCHS works in partnership with communities to develop, support, and provide human services programs focused on achieving results in housing stability, financial stability, healthy living, and social engagement for veterans, service members, and their families; older adults and their caregivers; and other populations who experience vulnerability. The division's work also includes efforts to strengthen connections within and improve access to the human services system.
ASD manages and provides equity-focused stewardship of revenue from the Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL), the RCW 73.08 veterans assistance fund and King County general fund-funded human services programs. ASD also supports the King County VSHSL Advisory Board and the King County Women's Advisory Board. King County is an active partner in King County's Area Agency on Aging.
We are recruiting an experienced and dynamic people leader to serve as the Senior Manager for our Community Investment Team (CIT). This position will lead the direction, development, and monitoring of our non-veteran contracted investments administered by the Adult Services Division, including Requests for Proposals and resulting contracts, administering over $50M annually in investments. This position will lead the CIT, which includes 16 FTEs, and provide direct supervision, mentoring, and coaching for 4 CIT Leads (Project Program Manager (PPM) III). This team's focus includes Older Adults and Healthy Aging, Resilient Communities, and Special Projects, with investments that may include housing stability supports, legal aid, caregiver supports, disability supports, financial literacy, domestic violence and sexual assault survivor supports, immigrant and refugee supports, and other human service supports funded by the VSHSL, General Fund, State and/or Federal fund sources.
This position will report to the Deputy Division Director and will work collaboratively with the Veteran's Administrator and Operations Manager, as well as other department-wide teams, to support standardized division processes. This position will be a member of the ASD Leadership Team.
*WHO MAY APPLY:* This position is open to all qualified candidates that meet the minimum qualifications. Interviews for this selection process will take place on or around 10/28/2024.
*If you are interested in pursuing this position, please follow the application instructions carefully. If you need this announcement in an alternate language or format, would like to request accommodation or assistance in the application or assessment process or if you have questions please contact the recruiter listed on this job announcement.
The following items are required to be considered for this vacancy:
* *NeoGov Job Application *"(The responses on your job application should be thorough and complete and will be used in the screening process)"
* *Supplemental Questions *"(The responses to the supplemental questions should be thorough and complete and will be used in the screening process)"
Your application may be rejected as incomplete if you do not include the relevant information in the application. Cover letters and/or resumes are not accepted in lieu of a completed application. Applications and/or Supplemental Questionnaires that state "see my resume" or "see my personnel file" are considered incomplete and will not be accepted.
*WORK SCHEDULE/CONDITIONS:* This is a Special Duty Assignment (SDA) or Term-Limited Temporary (TLT) position anticipated to end 6/30/2025, but subject to change dependent on operational need. This position is scheduled to work 40 hours weekly, Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm. Current minimum in-office requirement is every Wednesday. This position is exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and is not eligible for overtime. A union does not represent this position.
*MISSION CRITICAL POSITION STATUS:* This position has been designated Mission Critical. Unless otherwise directed by the County Executive, department director or agency head, all employees, regardless of designation, are expected to report to work or request leave during an emergency or inclement weather. For more detailed information, please visit HR Policy County Operations During Emergency Situations [ https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/audience/employees/policies-forms/hr-policies/IntranetTransfer/County_Operations_During_Emergency_Situations_Inclement_Weather.ashx?la=en ] and the King County Guidelines for Workforce Management in an Emergency [ https://kingcounty.gov/~/media/audience/employees/policies-forms/hr-policies/King_County_Guidelines_for_Workforce_Management_in_an_Emergency.ashx?la=en ].
*TELEWORKING REQUIREMENT:* The work associated with this position will be performed through a combination of teleworking and onsite work and meetings. Employees will have access to shared workspaces at various King County facilities. Employees must reside in Washington state and within a reasonable distance to their King County worksite to respond to workplace reporting requirements.
Employees will be provided with a county-issued laptop and must maintain a workspace with an internet connection (access may be supplemented in some situations) where they can reliably perform work and remain available and responsive during scheduled work hours. Please note that when an employee conducts work that is likely to bring them in contact with another individual, safety precautions are required, including the wearing of masks in some situations [ https://kingcounty.gov/audience/employees/policy-forms/~/media/audience/employees/policies-forms/hr-policies/TEMPORARY_LEAVE_AND_TELECOMMUTING_POLICY_-_3,-d-,24,-d-,20.ashx?la=en ]. King County is doing its part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and remains committed to reducing our carbon footprint.
King County has a robust collection of tools and resources [ https://kingcounty.gov/audience/employees/emergency-information/Coronavirus.aspx ] to support working remotely. The individual selected for this opportunity will be joining an innovative and progressive team that is redefining how we work as we transition to the department's hybrid environment.
*RECRUITER:* Greg Mallory, grmallory@kingcounty.gov
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