December 2024 Senior Center Monthly Newsletter
- [등록자]City of Mountain View
- [언어]日本語
- [지역]Mountain View, CA
- 등록일 : 2024/11/27
- 게재일 : 2024/11/27
- 변경일 : 2024/11/27
- 총열람수 : 10 명
- 가게를 검색하고 싶을 땐 <타운가이드>
- 메디케어 건강보험 플랜을 찾고 계십니까 ? 일본어로 친절하게 안내해 드립...
메디케어 ・ 서플리먼트 ? 또는 메디케어 ・ 어드밴티지 ? 메디케어 ・ 플랜 선택은 잘못하면 매우 비경제적일 수 있습니다. 당신도 혹시 손해를 보고 있을지도 모릅니다 ? 일본어로 친절하게 설명해 드리고, 의료비/보험료가 가장 저렴한 플랜을 안내해 드립니다 ! 모든 서비스는 무료입니다. ! Email: info@tnciaca.com Cell: (31...
+1 (310) 505-9003メディケア・エージェント ヘイグ博子
- 하와이 이사 ・ 하우스 클리닝 ・ 방 정리 ・ 가구 재판매는 언제든지 상...
고객의 마음을 헤아려 문제를 함께 고민하고 해결책을 함께 고민하며 긍정적인 방법으로 고객이 만족할 수 있는 서비스를 제공합니다. 하와이 이사 ・ 하우스 클리닝 ・ 방 정리정돈 ・ 가구 재판매는 언제든 부담없이 상담해 주세요.
+1 (808) 489-1628アップ & ダウンサイジング | Up & Downsizing
- 칠순, 성년식, 성년식, 성묘, 일본식 웨딩 가족사진, 스튜디오 촬영 &...
기모노 대여, 헤어메이크업, 사진촬영이 하나로 묶인 저렴한 포토패키지를 다양하게 준비하고 있습니다. 전국 출장 촬영, 출장 기모노 대여도 문의해 주세요.
+1 (818) 646-8088ワンストップ着物スタジオ KIMONO SK
- 드디어 OPEN🎊 ! 방소에서 잡은 생선을 사용한 해산물 요리를 먹을 수...
1/6に『海鮮食堂 膳』がOPENしました🎉ランチもディナーも営業しています!!! 점심은 수량이 한정된 메뉴도 준비되어 있으니 궁금하신 분은 서둘러 오시기 바랍니다. 저희 가게가 추천하는 'ZEN 해물 덮밥'은 해산물이 듬뿍 들어간 일품입니다 ✨ 꼭 한번 확인해보세요 ✔ 여러분의 방문을 기다리고 있겠습니다. 내방 어부로부터 직접 구입한 생선과 지역 중심으로 구...
+81-439-29-5554海鮮食堂 膳
- 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 거주하는 와세다대학교 졸업생들의 동창회입니다...
샌프란시스코 인문회는 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역에 거주하는 와세다대학교 졸업생들의 동창회입니다. 회원은 약 100명이며, 연 1회 정기총회 외에 피크닉, 콘서트, 세미나 등을 개최하여 회원 상호간의 친목을 도모하고 있습니다.
- 매장 내 식사 OK ! 테이크아웃 OK ! 런치 ・ 디너 예약 OK ! ...
일본 가정식을 먹을 수 있는 레스토랑 '하나노사토'는 점심 ・ 저녁에는 맛있는 일식 정식과 도시락을 판매한다. 주류는 판매하지 않으므로 BYOB로 반입해 주세요 ♪ 느긋하게 앉을 수 있어 아이와 함께, 혹은 많은 인원이 함께 이용하기에도 부담 없이 이용할 수 있습니다. ※ 약 8년간 와이키키 ・ 하얏트 리젠시 호텔 뒤편에서 2020년 사우스 킹으로 이전.
+1 (808) 949-2679花の里 | Hana no sato
- 미국 회계법인입니다. 법인, 개인을 불문하고 세금보고, 미국 회사 설립 ...
한-미간 세무지원 ! 신속한 수속과 사후관리 ! 일본어 ・ 영어 모두 대응하고 있습니다.
+1 (877) 827-1040Todd's Accounting Services / Mayumi Ozaki (尾崎会計事務所)
- 오렌지카운티 전역 & 사우스베이 대응 에어컨 수리 ・ 설치, 히터, 전기...
일본어로 안심 15년간의 신뢰와 실적!!! 새로 집을 구입하신 분, 또는 집의 에어컨 설치, 전기, 수도 수리가 필요하신 분, 부동산 리노베이션을 원하시는 분, 음식점 등의 수리가 필요하신 분.... 꼭 연락주세요 ! ! 정시, 정시, 정중하고 신속하게 대응하겠습니다 ! ! 안심할 수 있는 사후관리!!! 타사보다 사후관리가 철저하고, 설치 후에도 문제가...
+1 (714) 474-5818Victory Home Service
- 군진시를 중심으로 도로공사 및 토목공사 현장에서 경비를 하고 있는 동신경...
치바현을 거점으로 현내 각지에서 경비 활동을 하고 있습니다. 20년 이상 교통 경비를 하며 공사 현장과 주변 사람들의 안전을 지켜왔습니다. 나이, 경력, 성별에 관계없이 다양한 연령대의 사람들이 일하는 현장입니다. 치바 지역의 경비는 맡겨주세요 !
. +81-43-221-5580(株)東伸警備
- 65년의 역사를 자랑하는 지바현 기사라즈시에 위치한 클래식 발레 교실 !...
개관 이래 종합예술인 클래식 발레 본연의 무대를 경험하게 하고 싶고, 경험했으면 좋겠다는 마음으로 매일 정진하고 있습니다. 65년의 실적과 경험을 바탕으로 편안한 공간에서 클래식 발레를 경험해 보세요 ?
. +81-80-7883-4901山戸もと子バレエスタジオ
- 샌프란시스코 ・ 베이 지역 리무진 서비스는 믿을 수 있습니다. 안심하고 ...
더 안전하게. 더 편안하게. 당신의 여행을 지원합니다. 공항픽업부터 관광 전세까지 폭넓게 대응해 드립니다. 《나파 ・ 소노마와나리 투어》 《샌프란시스코 시내 관광 투어》 등 고객의 희망사항을 듣고 함께 코스를 결정하는 관광 전세도 실시하고 있습니다.
+1 (650) 259-1883Ishi Limousine
- \あなたの”キレイ”をレベルアップ!/サンフランシスコに憧れて東京からやって参り...
アメリカで日本と同じサービスを受けられるヘアサロンです。サンフランシスコで日本人美容院の先駆けとして35年もの長きに渡る歴史を持つ美容院を去年の春に譲り受け、Nepenji salonとして営業中。レギュラーパーマから、デジタルパーマ、ストレートパーマまでお任せください。
+1 (415) 921-0135Nepenji
- 초기비용 0엔 ! 타현에서 입주도 OK ! 이치하라시 장애인 그룹홈 「구...
견학자 모집중입니다(^ ▽ ^)남성 ・ 여성 모두 입주 가능합니다 ! ( 1층 남성 ・ 2층 여성입니다 ) 2층의 깨끗한 신축 주택이므로 지적장애 ・ 정신장애 ・ 신체장애
신체적 장애를 가진 분들도 부담없이 문의해 주시기 바랍니다. +81-436-26-6852グループホーム ぐらっど姉崎
- ダラス・フォートワース日米協会は、ダラス在住日本人と現地コミュニティの友好関係及...
+1 (469) 573-6880ダラス ・フォートワース日米協会
- 일본 이사를 베이 지역에서 ! 미국 내 이사, 장거리 이사를 맡겨주세요 ...
[귀국편] 이사가 결정되면 먼저 견적을 받아보세요 ! 이사 시기가 겹치므로 귀국 2개월 전부터 준비하시는 것이 좋습니다. 포장부터 포장이사까지 풀서비스부터 예산을 줄이고 싶은 분들을 위한 기본 서비스까지. 잔여 가구 처분, 지인 배송, 하우스 클리닝 등의 옵션도 있습니다. [주 간 이사] 미국 내 장거리 이사 가재도구와 자동차를 함께 이사 예산에 따라 ...
+1 (650) 773-6411Cross Nations, Inc.
senior center at dusk
*266 Escuela Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94040
*Contact Us
*Phone: 650-903-6330
Email: senior.center@mountainview.gov
Website: MountainView.gov/Seniors [ http://www.mountainview.gov/seniors ]
Monday - Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
New & Now
The Senior Center will be closed Tuesday, Dec. 24 and remain closed until we re-open on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025.
The Senior Nutrition Program will have a modified schedule during the holiday season closure. See below for dates and times of service.
We have multiple Holiday Events worth attending in December: Holiday Orchestra Performance, Holiday Gala, Frosted Fun, and Pre-Chanukah Celebration. Dates and times below.
This month's workshops include: Life Fire Safety and Cyber Security Overview by AnewVista Community Services.
Please sign up for workshops in advance by sending an email to senior.center@mountainview.gov, <senior.center@mountainview.gov>calling the Front Desk at 650-903-6330 or stopping by in person. This will allow us to contact you if there is a program change.
Life Fire Safety
Life Fire Safety
"Thursday, Dec. 12"
"Social Hall, 1 p.m."
Join us for a Fire Prevention Workshop hosted by Fire Inspectors with the Mountain View Fire Department! Learn essential tips on protecting your home, including kitchen fire safety, using a fire extinguisher and smoke alarms, planning your escape, holiday safety, and home safety. Take advantage of this opportunity to gain life-saving knowledge from experts in your community.
Cyber Security
Cyber Security Overview by AnewVista Community Services
"Thursday, Dec. 19"
"Social Hall, 1 p.m."
In this lecture, seniors will participate in a practical discussion about common cyber security threats. Discussion will cover the difference between a “fake” email and a real email, learn about password management, safe browsers and more.
Holiday Events banner
holiday orchestra 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/26/file_attachments/3084045/Holiday%20Orchestra%20-%20Lobby.pdf ]
Holiday Orchestra Performance
"Wednesday, Dec. 4
Social Hall, 3 p.m."
Celebrate the season with an MVLA Adult School Orchestra performance of festive music!
Holiday Gala 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/19/file_attachments/3076035/Holiday%20Gala.pdf ]
Holiday Gala
"Wednesday, Dec. 11"
"4 - 6 p.m."
Don your finest attire and celebrate the season in grand style at the annual Holiday Gala! Join us on Wednesday, December 11, from
4 - 6 p.m. in the Social Hall for an evening of dancing and holiday cheer with a DJ and light refreshments. 55+ welcome.
gingerbread house
Frosted Fun: A Teen & Senior Gingerbread Challenge
"Thursday, Dec. 19"
"Social Hall, 4 p.m."
Join us for a Teen & Senior Gingerbread House Competition! Don’t miss this festive chance to build, bond, and bring your gingerbread vision to life. A $5 holding fee is required to reserve your spot, and it will be returned on the day of the event. Please sign-up at the Senior Center Front Desk, no phone reservations will be accepted. Limited spots available and all supplies will be provided. 55+ welcome.
Pre-Chanukah 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/26/file_attachments/3084226/Pre-Chanukah.pdf ]
Pre-Chanukah Celebration
"Friday, Dec. 20"
"Multi B, 10 - 11 a.m."
Join us for a gathering of joy and community as we prepare for the Festival of Lights! Enjoy holiday crafts and activities, spinning the dreidel, classic Chanukah songs and inspiration, delicious treats and refreshments, and a Menorah lighting demonstration. Celebration led by the Chabad Jewish Center of Mountain View.
Community Event banner
Tree Lighting 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/21/file_attachments/3079443/Tree%20Lighting%202024.pdf ]
holiday closure banner
The Senior Center will be closed to all activities and classes beginning Tuesday, Dec. 24 and will remain closed until we re-open on Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025.
The Senior Nutrition Program modified schedule: Lunch will be served on Thursday, Dec. 26, Friday, Dec. 27 and Monday, Dec. 30. Doors will open at 10:30 a.m. and close at 1 p.m. Lunch will not be served on Tuesday, Dec. 31 or Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025.
senior Nutrition banner
Indoor Dining
Community Services Agency's Senior Nutrition Program has a full dine in meal service in the Social Hall of the Mountain View Senior Center. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Sign in will begin at 11 a.m. Lunch will be served from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. The Social Hall will close at 1 p.m.
*Lunch service is first come, first served. On occasion, not all patrons can be served.*
December Lunch Menu
menu 2024 dec [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/22/file_attachments/3080935/LUNCH%20MENU%20DECEMBER%202024.pdf ]
Click to enlarge
*Reservations are required *for *Holiday lunch *on *Friday, Dec. 13. *Reservations (in person ONLY) will be taken at *10 a.m. Friday, December 6 *in the Social Hall. One person is allowed to reserve TWO seats (total of two individuals). Sorry, NO phone calls or email registrations will be accepted. Please remember: Saving seats is NOT permitted. If you would like to sit together on *Friday, Dec. 13*, then sign-in together. In prior years, we have reached capacity within 48 hours.
Now Showing Sign
*Movies are on Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 p.m.
Wednesday movies start at 5:30 p.m.*
Come to one of our movie showings in Multipurpose Room B.
Maximum seating for movies is 36. First come, first serve.
When available, screenings have captions for the hard-of-hearing. There is no fee to enjoy these popular movies and seating begins 30 minutes before the show.
*NOTE: Please bundle up or bring a lap blanket with you to the movie. The room tends to be on the cooler side.*
"Dec. 3, 4 & 6"
While on assignment in Oahu, Hawaii, Military contractor Brian Gilcrest (Bradley Cooper) reconnects with his old flame Tracy Woodside (Rachel McAdams), now married to an Air Force recruit (John Krasinski). He also spends time with Allison Ng (Emma Stone), a hard-nosed fighter pilot who watches every move that he makes. As they travel throughout the lush terrain. Brian finds himself falling for his feisty guide, while his conversations with Tracy may provide a shocking revelation from their past.
"Genre: Romance/Comedy"
"Starring: Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, Rachel McAdams, John Krasinski"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 1 Hour 45 Minutes"
First Man
First Man
"Dec. 10, 11 & 13"
The riveting story behind the first manned mission to the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the decade leading to the historic Apollo 11 flight. A visceral and intimate account told from Armstrong’s perspective, based on the book by James R. Hansen, the film explores the triumphs and the cost, on Armstrong, his family his colleagues and the nation itself; of one of the most dangerous missions in history.
"Genre: Drama"
"Starring: Ryan Gosling, Claire Foy, Jason Clarke"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 2 Hours 18 Minutes"
Rescued by Ruby
Rescued By Ruby
"Dec. 17, 18 & 20"
State trooper Dan (Grant Gustin) dreams of joining the K -9 Search & Rescue team, but no one will give him the chance. Shelter dog Ruby dreams of having a home but is running out of hope. When fate brings Dan and Ruby together, it’s their unshakeable bond that helps them face their toughest challenge yet. Based on a true story.
"Genre: Drama"
"Starring: Grant Gustin, Scott Wolf, Kaylah Zander"
"Rated: TV-G"
The Family Man
The Family Man
"Dec. 23, 9:30 a.m."
A wealthy banker’s world gets upended when he wakes up on Christmas morning to find himself living a humble life and married to the love he left behind.
"Genre: Comedy/Drama"
"Starring: Nicolas Cage, Tea Leoni, Don Cheadle"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 2 Hours 5 Minutes"
Last Christmas
*Last Christmas*
"*Dec. 23, 1 p.m.*"
Nothing seems to go right for young Kate, a frustrated Londoner who works as an elf in a year-round Christmas Shop. But things soon take a turn for the better when she meets Tom – a handsome charmer who seems too good to be true. As the city transforms into the most wonderful time of the year, Tom and Kate’s growing attraction turns into the best gift of all – a Yuletide romance.
"Genre: Holiday/Romance/Comedy"
"Starring: Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh, Emma Thompson"
"Rated: PG-13"
"Running Time: 1 Hour 43 Minutes"
HB 2024
Having fun at the Holiday Bazaar.
Photo by AG
Please sign up for Social Services in advance by <senior.center@mountainview.gov>calling the Front Desk at 650-903-6330 or stopping by in person.
SALA appointments at the Senior Center on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. In order to receive free legal services, patrons must be at least 60 years of age and a Santa Clara County resident.
Free Grocery pick-up is the first through fourth Tuesday of each month, 8:30 - 10 a.m. Pre-registration is necessary. Please see the Front Desk for more information or visit the Free Grocery program on days/times of operation. Sponsored by the Second Harvest Food Bank [ http://www.shfb.org/ ].
BP screening
Free blood pressure screenings from a volunteer registered nurse on the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 12:30 - 1 p.m. in the Counseling Room. No prior registration required.
Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) appointments are available at the Senior Center the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Volunteer counselor can help you understand your specific rights and health care options.
newcomers tour dec 2024 [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/19/file_attachments/3075807/Newcomer ]
A tour welcoming you to the Senior Center is scheduled the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in the Lobby. Staff will review classes, upcoming events, social services, and more.
Dec 2024 puzzle swap [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/25/file_attachments/3082458/Puzzle%20Swap%20-%20December.pdf ]
Variety is the spice of life! Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the Lobby between 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Bring a puzzle(s) and swap with ours at no charge. No prior registration needed.
dvd library
Stop by the Front Desk and explore our DVD library of 850+ movies and enjoy them for up to a week. DVD's are checked out and returned at the Front Desk.
book club
The Book Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. December will be the Annual Holiday get together. January's selection is "This Is Paradise" [ https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/CAMOUNTAINVIEW/2024/11/21/file_attachments/3079266/This%20Is%20Paradise%20Kristana%20Kahakauwila.jpg ] by Kristana Kahakauwila
*SENIOR CENTER* [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center ]
*NUTRITION PROGRAM [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/nutrition-program ]*
*SENIOR RESOURCE GUIDES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/senior-resource-guide ]*
*VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/volunteer-opportunities ]*
*CLASS GUIDES [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/classes ]*
*SENIOR CENTER RENTAL [ https://www.mountainview.gov/our-city/departments/community-services/recreation/senior-center/senior-center-rental ]*
Alejandra Hernandez <Alejandra.Hernandez@mountainview.gov> – Senior Recreation Coordinator
Angela Mackowski <angela.mackowski@mountainview.gov> - Recreation Coordinator
Roy Day <roy.day@mountainview.gov> – Administrative Assistant
Mitchell Roman <mitchell.roman@mountainview.gov> – Recreation Leader II
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