An Olio of Octobers, The Visitations of a Martyr, and Kate McKinnon 🍂
- [注册人]Los Angeles Public Library
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Los Angeles
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/16
- 发布日 : 2024/10/16
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/16
- 总浏览次数 : 46 人
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- [如月舞蹈学校・修和会]礼节・尚书・日本性・可以学习穿衣等广泛的科目。很多人并不...
我们的目标是营造一个面带微笑的友好氛围,让人们在这里学习礼仪和礼节,但不拘泥于形式,重视和谐。 此外,为了让和服更有魅力,让人们有机会穿上和服,我们还传授简单的穿衣方法以及舒适自如地穿着和服的技巧和方法。
- Sharakukan 是日本最大的摄影工作室之一,位于千叶县木更津市。我们提供现...
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+1 (310) 782-7979HOPE International Homecare, Inc.
- 位于老托兰斯的律师事务所。我们拥有超过25年的经验和知识,处理各种离婚、破产、刑...
~ 与您并肩作战 ~ 复杂案件的结果取决于律师的经验、知识广度以及最重要的诚信。约瑟夫-皮特拉(Joseph Pitera)最关心的是他的家人和客户,他将与您一起顽强战斗。我们收费合理,并提供日语服务。如需咨询,请与我们联系。
+1 (310) 756-2571Joseph Pittera Law Offices (ジョセフピテラ法律事務所)
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Six-year-old Carol Johnston, a first grader at Sunny Brae Avenue
Elementary School in Canoga Park, joyfully trying on Halloween
costumes at Sears Valley Plaza, [October 25, 1962]. Photographer: Alan
Hyde, Valley Times Collection [
Angeles Public Library
Valued Patron,
Enjoy the latest writing and digital content from the Los Angeles
Public Library.
An Olio of Octobers
Did you know that October, now the tenth month, was originally the
eighth? This quirky detail is just one of the many fascinating facts
we’re exploring this month. Join librarian Daniel Tures as he takes
us through the evolution of our calendar, from the ancient Roman
system to Julius Caesar’s reforms—and don’t forget October’s
holidays and observances along the way.
Looking at Art: _Ste. Ostrich in Manhattan: The Visitations of a
Discover the whimsical world of _Ste. Ostrich in Manhattan: The
Visitations of a Martyr_, a unique artist's book by Lois Morrison and
paper engineer Julie Chen. This carousel book unfolds 360 degrees,
featuring an anthropomorphic ostrich navigating iconic New York
landmarks. Learn how Morrison’s intricate illustrations and Chen’s
innovative design bring this playful narrative to life.
Interview With an Author: Kate McKinnon
Award-winning performer and writer Kate McKinnon sits down with
librarian Daryl Maxwell to discuss her debut novel, _The Millicent
Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science_. McKinnon
shares her childhood love for science, her inspiration for the story,
and her favorite reads growing up. Whether you're a fan of Weird
Barbie or curious about what makes McKinnon's new book so exciting,
this interview is a must-read.
Creators in Residence Showcase - 2024
Discover the creative magic of Andy Crocker and Shing Yin Khor, the
Los Angeles Public Library's 2023/24 Creators in Residence. In our
latest YouTube video, Andy shares the immersive experiences she’s
designed for library locations. Shing hosts an engaging panel with
Robyn Myers, Nydya Mora, and Louis Jacinto, discussing the artistic
inspiration behind their collaborative map project. Discover how their
residency highlights the power of the Library as a creative space.
Sci-Fi Short Story Club: Mexican Climate Fiction With Guest Stephen
Thursday, October 24, 6 p.m.
Join us for an exciting online event with UCLA Professor Stephen Tobin
as we explore the world of climate fiction (Cli-Fi) through two
compelling selections:_ The Grand Experiment_ by Alberto Chimal and
_Seed_ by Iliana Vargas. Both stories, available in English and
Spanish, delve into urgent environmental themes with imaginative
storytelling. RSVP to receive your copies of the texts and don't miss
this opportunity to engage with these thought-provoking works and the
insights of a renowned scholar in Mexican cyberpunk literature.
Good Trouble Reading Group – A Selection of Stories From _No
Sweetness Here_ by Ama Ata Aidoo
Wednesday, October 30, 4 p.m.
Join us for our next Good Trouble Reading Group on Zoom, where Dr.
Andrea Liss will lead a discussion on selected stories from _No
Sweetness Here_ by renowned Ghanaian author and poet Ama Ata Aidoo.
Aidoo's sharp, honest, and humorous storytelling offers a rich
exploration of postcolonial life in Ghana, as characters navigate the
tension between tradition and modernity. Through their voices, we
experience the bittersweet realities of identity and change.
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