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My Westchester Newsletter – December 17, 2020

The 2021 Budget reduces the Westchester County property tax levy by $1 million for the second year in a row.

The Westchester County Department of Consumer Protection is warning all Westchester residents to be vigilant for Covid-19 vaccine scams.

CE Latimer and the County’s Department of Emergency Services demonstrate the “Do’s and Dont’s” of fire safety during the holiday season.

The Westchester County Office of Economic Development has announced additional funding for small businesses and nonprofits impacted by COVID-19.

The County’s IDA has preliminarily approved financing for the complete renovation of Marble Hall, a 134-unit affordable housing project in Tuckahoe.

La pandemia COVID-19 está lejos de terminar. COVID-19 es una infección grave que puede tener un impacto a largo plazo en su salud.

La pandemia COVID-19 está lejos de terminar. COVID-19 es una infección grave que puede tener un impacto a largo plazo en su salud.

Enjoy the arts online and in person. Check out ArtsWestchester’s top picks for virtual & in-person arts happenings throughout the County.

#My Westchester Photo: Enzo Lombardi, age 4, stands in front of the Lord & Burnham Greenhouse and artist studio(restored by his father Michael Lombardi and Grandfather Joseph Lombardi) Lord & Burnham, the premier maker of greenhouses in the 19th century, was based in Irvington, NY. - Photographer: The Lombardi Family, Irvington, NY.

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