King County Industrial Waste Newsletter - Fall 2024
- [注册人]King County
- [语言]日本語
- [区]King County, WA
- 注册日期 : 2024/10/17
- 发布日 : 2024/10/17
- 更改日期 : 2024/10/17
- 总浏览次数 : 34 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
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Fun ! Happy ! First in the USA ! DAM & Denmoku ID 终于登场 !
像在日本一样在美国享受卡拉 OK,系统齐全,歌曲众多 ! New songs added monthly ! ...有关价格详情,请访问 Gamba Karaoke 网站。 轻松定价,一个人也能随时享受。 来 Gamba Karaoke 约会、生日派对、夜晚外出、... +1 (408) 865-0955Gamba Karaoke
- 我们在纽约和新泽西用日语提供精神・心身治疗、药物处方、心理治疗(和心理咨询)。无...
他们中的许多人面临着各种压力,例如对外国的不熟悉、对新工作或新学校的不适应、文化和语言障碍以及与日本家人和朋友的分离。高度的压力会导致各种精神障碍。 您是否有这些症状 ? 情绪低落、疲劳、倦怠、失去乐趣、失去兴趣、孤独、易怒、内疚、空虚、食欲不振、食欲增加、焦虑、恐慌、恐惧症、压力、易怒、感觉模糊、愤怒、失眠、嗜睡、噩梦、注意力不集中、心烦意乱、坐立不安、失落、悲伤、厌食、暴饮暴食、头晕、麻...
+1 (201) 809-3508精神科・心療内科医 松木隆志
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出售您的夏威夷商店或公司 ? 我们是一家专门从事夏威夷业务的 M&A 经纪公司。出售您的夏威夷企业 ・ 转让您的企业 ・ 我们可以帮助您进行企业继承。我们将您的企业介绍给日本企业主和投资者。我们的代表同时也是日本的一家行政法律事务所,因此我们具有高度的可靠性和良好的业绩记录。
- 诊所在 Costa Mesa 和 Torrens 开业。医生和员工都是日本人,从...
如果您有牙齿问题,无论您是儿童还是老人,在橙县拥有 30 多年经验的室谷牙科诊所都能帮您解决。 日本医生将用日语为您仔细检查。请随时用日语向我们咨询普通牙科、蛀牙预防、神经治疗、儿童牙科、种植牙、美容牙科、美白等问题。
+1 (714) 641-0681室谷歯科医院
- 原汁原味的夏威夷风味著名的江户前寿司店 Sushi Takumi 恭候您的光临。...
寿司传奇餐厅 Takumi 落户威基基 ! 久负盛名的寿司餐厅 Takumi 终于在威基基丽兹・卡尔顿・公寓开设了其在日本以外的第一家分店。在这里,您可以品尝到中泽主厨精心挑选的 "omakase "式美食。
+1 (808) 729-9717すし匠 | Sushi Sho - Hawaii
- 硅谷经济协会成立于 1990 年,是一个非营利组织,在旧金山・湾区组织商业交流活...
硅谷经济协会(Economy Silicon Valley)位于创新圣地硅谷,25 年来一直为旧金山湾区的商业专业人士举办交流活动。每年有 700 多人参加这些交流活动,重点关注硅谷和世界各地当前最热门的商业话题,并提供一个与该领域专家进行讨论和互动的论坛。交流活动在以下地点举行。
経済シリコンバレー(Keizai Silicon Valley)
- 拉斯维加斯 ~ 有关亨德森的任何房地产事宜,请随时联系 Urban Nest R...
我们的业务涉及房地产的方方面面,包括住宅物业的买卖、投资物业的买卖和咨询、寻找租赁物业以及担任中介和跨租赁公司的翻译。我们为每一位客户提供 VIP 服务。通过免费筛选和咨询,我们将不可能变为可能,即使是已经放弃买卖希望的客户也不例外。无论遇到多大的困难,我们都会努力为客户服务,如有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我们联系。
+1 (702) 355-8050URBAN NEST REALTY(井上かおり)
- 如果您正在千叶县君津市寻找内科・矫形外科・儿科・皮肤科,那么请访问川奈家庭诊所。...
如果您正在千叶县君津市寻找内科・矫形外科・儿科・皮肤科,那么请访问川奈家庭诊所。此外,该诊所还提供各种健康检查 ・ 接种疫苗和上门治疗 ・ 出诊服务。
- 日本千叶县二津市青堀车站步行5分钟🚶 ♂ ️🚶 ♀ ️这是一家木屋风格的牙科...
诊所致力于确保患者本人对自己的整体口腔情况有一个清晰的认识。 我们会根据患者口腔的整体情况和个人情况进行综合评估,并提出治疗方案,而不仅仅是导致就诊的部分。 我们会说明现状,提出治疗方案,并解释每种治疗方法的特点、・优缺点以及所需的时间和费用。
- 购买夏威夷房产 ・ 出售房产 ・ 长期租房 ・ 假期租房 ・ 让 Starts ...
Starts Hawaii 是日本著名的"Pitatto House 在当地的子公司。我们为您提供广泛的服务,不仅包括买卖,还包括租赁、物业管理、假日租赁和房地产税务。 ・ 物业销售 ・ 物业管理 ・ 商业地产
- 🌿 Vert Frais,位于LIC的餐厅🌿。
餐厅 Vert Frais 以植物(绿色)为主题,提供拉面、咖啡和其他咖啡馆菜肴、蛋奶酥薄煎饼和手工鸡尾酒。
+1 (646) 822-9258Vert Frais
- Bistro Boze 这是一家别致的餐厅,您可以在这里放松身心,品尝意大利美食...
点菜酒单和各种鸡尾酒,当然还有配菜和饮料。 营业至凌晨 1 点(,周五营业至凌晨 2 点),让您可以放松地享受美食。 提供单点菜肴,如菲力牛排、墨鱼汁意大利面和番茄酱意大利面。
+1 (310) 320-5820Bistro Beaux
- 我们可以帮助您解决房屋的一切问题,包括新建房屋、扩建房屋、室内装修、屋顶、外墙和...
独立式住宅 ・ 设计 ・ 施工 ( 新建筑 ・ 改建 ・ 扩建 ・ 室内工程 ) 一般、商业 ( 购物中心、餐馆和其他商店 ) 餐馆其他零售设计 ・ 施工 ・ 施工监理。 室内工程 ・ 外部工程、橱柜、台面、管道、地毯、地板、瓷砖、油漆等 建筑和房屋管理综合 !
+1 (808) 383-7782Dream Constructions, Inc.
- 日本人提供最优质的家庭护理服务。Holly Services 的服务范围覆盖整个...
自2004年以来,该公司一直为洛杉矶地区的日裔美国老人提供家庭护理服务,现在将开始在夏威夷提供家庭护理服务。在美国,非医疗护理不属于医疗保险的范围。家庭护理服务可以从每周一天开始定期使用,使该服务在成本上易于管理。 我们在日本有一家经营疗养院的集团公司,我们的员工在日本和美国都有培训。这项服务也只提供给讲日语的人。 主要服务 ○准备膳食 ○简单的清洁 ○陪同购物和医院探访 ○防止跌倒的...
+1 (808) 466-3481Holly Services
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King County Industrial Waste Program Newsletter - Fall 2024
In this issue
* Annual estimate letters coming
* Update on the mandatory comprehensive industrial user survey
* Envirovation applications due Nov. 30
* Commitment to Compliance award presentations
* Keeping your pH probe calibrated can save you time and money
* King County is hiring
* Meet the tiny helpers in wastewater treatment
*Annual Estimate letters coming*
drawing of a letter and envelope
The King County Industrial Waste Program (KCIW) is currently working on providing annual estimate letters to companies that pay compliance monitoring & administration (CM&A) fees and/or surcharge treatment fees. You should expect to receive your letters by mid-November.
Update on the Mandatory Comprehensive Industrial User Survey
drawing of a clipboard and pencil
All companies must manage their wastewater properly, but only some need permits or formal authorizations to send industrial wastewater to the sanitary sewer. Federal regulations require that KCIW, as a delegated pretreatment program, issue waste discharge permits to all entities considered to be Significant Industrial Users (SIUs). KCIW has hired a consultant to collect data for the 2024-2025 mandatory comprehensive Industrial User Survey. The responses we collect will support King County’s efforts to protect regional water quality and comply with federal requirements.
*Collecting information about PFAS*
WTD’s West Point NPDES permit requires KCIW to collect information about per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS), known as “forever chemicals” from its commercial and industrial user base. Accordingly, the survey will contain questions related to PFAS. The PFAS data will help King County develop best management practices (BMPs) for businesses, which is another permit requirement that the Washington Department of Ecology has placed on WTD’s Industrial Waste program.
The King County wastewater system is the downstream recipient of PFAS, so upstream intervention, or “source control,” is at the forefront of our strategy to keep PFAS out of wastewater and, in turn, out of our regional waterbodies. It’s a shared responsibility among local, state and federal governments, the public, and the chemical manufacturers that produce these toxic chemicals. In short, keeping contaminants out of the system helps reduce cost for King County ratepayers and reduces impacts to the environment and public health.
We’ll continue to work with multiple agencies, including Public Health – Seattle & King County, to take a regional approach to managing contaminants such as PFAS. Addressing these harmful chemicals requires a collective effort, and we continue to collaborate with state and federal partners to support laws, regulations, funding and programs that promote source control and producer responsibility.
*Reminder: EnvirOvation award applications due Nov 30th*
KCIW encourages all permitted facilities to apply for its annual EnvirOvation Award for excellence in pretreatment. For a downloadable application and to learn about the awards criteria, visit KCIW’s awards and recognition page [ ].
icon of a water drop inside a circle in blue, green, and yellow
Commitment to Compliance award presentations
four photos showing groups of people receiving an award
Congratulations again to our 2023 Commitment to Compliance Award recipients. These five facilities have received a Gold Award for five consecutive years! Pictured above beginning clockwise from the top left:
* Exotic Metals Forming Co.
* Skills Inc. - Auburn Facility
* Boyd GMN Inc.
* Boeing Company - Plant 2 Facility
* National Industrial Concepts (not pictured)
Learn more about our recognition program [ ] and see all of the facilities that met or exceeded their wastewater discharge permit requirements in 2023.
Keeping your pH probe calibrated can save you time and money
Photo shows a probe, a silver pipe with black and white tip attached to a black hose.
Don’t forget to regularly calibrate your pH probes and replace them on a maintenance schedule based on manufacturer recommendations. One of our customers recently discovered that their system was adding more caustic solution than normal. Once they calibrated their probe, it reduced the amount of caustic they needed to add, reducing their costs. You should calibrate your probe once a week at a minimum. Remember that probes become less effective over time, so plan ahead for replacement.
*King County is hiring*
A group of people wearing hard hats and high visability vests grouped together posing for a photo.
Our WTD workforce is growing, and we know diversity is key to our success in building the next generation of talent. Are you or someone you know interested? Check out WTD’s career opportunities [ ].
Meet the tiny helpers in wastewater treatment
Microscopic photo of microbes, specifically a colony of stalked ciliates.
Microbes are the unsung heroes in our wastewater treatment plants, breaking down pollutants and cleaning the wastewater. Hundreds of species of microbes, including bacteria and protozoa like the stalked ciliates (pictured above), as well as rotifers and nematodes, are essential for maintaining a stable and healthy microbial ecosystem.
With their graceful, inverted tulip or bell-shaped bodies, the hair-like cilia of stalked ciliates create a water vortex around their mouths to feed on bacteria-rich wastewater. To keep these “bugs” healthy, they need a good supply of oxygen, which we provide in our aeration tanks.
The stalked ciliates (and other beneficial microbes) get to work by eating and metabolizing the organic material back down into the basic components: nitrogen compounds, carbon dioxide and water! Afterward, the water is disinfected before it’s piped to Puget Sound.
These microbes do wonders with organic material, but they struggle to breakdown pollutants such as heavy metals, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), pharmaceuticals, PFAS (Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) and microplastics. This makes the work of KCIW and our partners in industry so important in keeping our local waterbodies clean. Pretreating wastewater helps protect workers, local and regional sewer and treatment infrastructure, and the products of the treatment process, such as water that is released back into the environment and biosolids that are used to grow plants and trees.
Curious to learn more about the fascinating process of wastewater treatment? You can go on a tour of one of our facilities! Check our Events page [ ] for upcoming treatment plant tours to learn how we protect public health and the environment.
Questions about the industrial Waste Program?
Contact us by phone 206-477-5300 [ # ], email or on the web:
This newsletter is sent to the designated representative of any organization with a permit or authorization from King County Industrial Waste Program. Others in your organization can subscribe to this newsletter, update preferences or unsubscribe from messages. Click here [ ] and select “Industrial Waste Pretreatment Program Newsletter” under subscriber preferences."
"This service is provided to you at no charge by King County, WA."
About King County Wastewater Treatment Division
King County Wastewater Treatment Division protects public health and the environment by collecting and cleaning wastewater while recovering valuable resources for a healthy and resilient Puget Sound. We provide services to 18 cities, 15 local sewer districts, the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, and nearly 2 million people across a 424-square-mile area in King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties.
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