RELEASE: Mayor Hogsett, Indy DPW announce opening of Community Powered Infrastructure applications
- [登録者]Indianapolis DPW
- [言語]日本語
- [エリア]Indianapolis (Mile Square), Indiana, アメリカ合衆国
- 登録日 : 2024/12/10
- 掲載日 : 2024/12/10
- 変更日 : 2024/12/10
- 総閲覧数 : 0 人
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December 10, 2024
Mayor Hogsett, Indy DPW announce opening of Community Powered Infrastructure applications
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Today, Mayor Joe Hogsett, City-County Councilor Nick Roberts, and Andrew Hart, CEO of The Oaks Academy, joined the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) to announce the opening of applications for the 2025 round of Indianapolis Neighborhood Infrastructure Partnership (INIP) funding through the Community Powered Infrastructure program. Community Powered Infrastructure doubles the effective value of tax dollars, awarding funds for public infrastructure projects as a 50/50 cost share between community-based organizations and the City of Indianapolis. Funds can be used for new projects within the right-of-way including roads, sidewalks, and multi-use paths.
This year’s INIP program features an updated, streamlined Community Powered Infrastructure application process – combining Tactical Urbanism, Art in the Right of Way, and the Indianapolis Neighborhood Infrastructure application under one, easy-to-navigate digital application.. This change comes directly in response to resident feedback. it ensures that the projects selected reflect the priorities and values of the communities they serve and the ability to apply for the program is more accessible.
“The opening of the Community Powered Infrastructure application process marks the next chapter in our city’s commitment to neighborhood-driven improvements.,” said Mayor Hogsett. “These investments ensure that every Indianapolis resident can take pride in their neighborhood. I encourage all of our communities to apply, share their ideas, and join us in shaping a more connected, vibrant future for our city.”
"In recent years, INIP has supported a broad range of projects—sidewalks, crosswalks, and other vital enhancements—that bolster both pedestrian safety and multi-modal transportation options," said Councilor Kristin Jones, Chair of the Public Works Committee. "We take great pride in working hand-in-hand with the community to ensure that these projects truly meet their needs."
Key Details:
- Program Focus: Infrastructure improvements that prioritize pedestrian safety, multi-modal access, and neighborhood connectivity
- Applications Open: Friday, December 13
- Application Deadline: Friday, February 14
- Application requirements:
- Who can apply? Nonprofit community-based organizations or included towns within Indianapolis/Marion County are eligible to apply. Community-based organizations include entities like community development corporations, economic improvement districts, community centers, neighborhood associations, homeowner associations, or educational organizations (including charter schools, private schools, and education foundations).
- What projects are eligible?To qualify, projects must:
- Be located within Indianapolis/Marion County (projects in excluded cities are ineligible).
- Focus on construction or improvement of public infrastructure (e.g., roads, sidewalks, multi-use paths) within the existing public right-of-way at the time of construction. (Donations of additional right-of-way from adjacent property owners may also be considered.)
- Are there any restrictions? Each organization may submit only one proposal per year.
- Where can people apply? Applications can be submitted online at:
Andrew Hart, CEO of The Oaks Academy, expressed his enthusiasm for the program. "Receiving an INIP award has truly made a meaningful difference for our students. With the new sidewalk panels in place, our students can get to and from school safer and more secure,” said Andrew Hart. “This improvement fosters a stronger sense of community and ensures our students arrive each day ready to learn and grow. We are grateful for this partnership with the City and look forward to the positive, lasting impact it will continue to have on the children and families we serve."
Indy DPW remains committed to working with neighborhood and community organizations to continue to deliver infrastructure projects that improve residents’ everyday lives. To date, nearly $8 million in matching funds issued to neighborhoods across the city through INIP. That's nearly $16 million worth of construction projects since the program’s inception in 2018. Through Tactical Urbanism, Art in the Right of Way, and INIP projects, Community Powered Infrastructure continues to serve as a vehicle for Indy DPW to bring meaningful change to Indianapolis residents by funding a 50/50 cost share for art and infrastructure that promotes the safety of vulnerable road users.
Neighborhood groups, community organizations, and residents are encouraged to learn more about the program and begin preparing their proposals by visiting the
website . Questions can be sent via email to
ReimagineROW@Indy.Gov .
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