E-Newsletter 9.13.2024 |Hermosa Beach Concert Series 🎫🌅, Dog License Rene wal 🐶 🐕, Measure HB 🗳️
- [注册人]City of Hermosa Beach
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/13
- 发布日 : 2024/09/13
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/13
- 总浏览次数 : 48 人
- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 田纳西州日美协会成立于 2000 年,旨在促进日本人与田纳西州居民之间的相互文化...
田纳西州日美协会成立于 2000 年,旨在促进日本人与田纳西州居民之间的相互文化理解和友谊。该协会是一个 501(c)3 非营利性公益组织,由企业 ・ 个人会员费资助。共同名誉会长包括州长比尔-李(Bill Lee)・和日本驻纳什维尔总领事馆总领事渡边信治(Shinji Watanabe)。田纳西州日美协会由来自主要公司、组织和协会的志愿董事会管理。
+1 (615) 663-6060テネシー日米協会
- 日语足球学校将在尔湾开设 !.
尔湾市民您好 ! 洛杉矶日语足球学院 ⚽ ️ 从9月28日((周六))开始,我们将在日语补习学校!为您提供一个课余时间通过足球学习日语的有趣场所,详情请看下面。 🔹 日本足球 详情🔹 [日期] 9 月 28 日起每周六 [时间] 13:30-14:30 [地点] 橘郡大公园 [对象] 所有性别,4-12 岁 [费用].20 美元 / 次 [付款] Venmo [联系] kokio...
+1 (858) 342-7644Los Angeles Japanese Soccer Academy
- 桑尼维尔和圣马特奥唯一一家日本 NATA 认证的运动训练师和运动医学&脊骨神经学...
小池医生的诊所,小池医生是唯一一位拥有功能神经学(DACNB)和运动医学(DACBSP ®)两个学位的日本医生,也是一位获得 NATA 认证的运动训练师。在桑尼维尔和圣马刁设有诊所。如果您患有运动损伤、背痛或肩部僵硬,或有不明原因的身体问题,或希望提高运动成绩,请联系我们 ! ● 运动损伤 ● 腰痛 ● 坐骨神经痛 ● 背痛 ● 头痛 ● 肩痛 ● 颞下颌关节 ● 肩痛 肩撞击综...
+1 (408) 444-2202Health Integration Chiropractic
- Roadside Station Furakusato Tomiyama 2F]...
? 本店由近藤牧场直接管理,该牧场以游牧方式饲养日本稀有品种的奶牛 ! 还出售披萨、意大利面和牛奶等其他产品🐄 请在访问二津或馆山时顺便光顾。!
+81-470-57-3909近藤牧場 富楽里店
- 我们由 OC 经验丰富的医生提供最新的美容手术。我们将以可靠的信任和技术来应对您...
♢ 我们由医生提供高质量的治疗,而且价格具有竞争力。 ♢ 您可以放心,您的治疗将由经验丰富的专业医生进行。 ♢ 治疗是在一个完全私人的独立房间里进行。
+1 (657) 218-9859GentleCare Laser Aesthetics
- 使用最新鲜时令鱼类制作的寿司和生鱼片,以及又大又脆的炸鱼饼(kakiage)是 ...
餐厅主要提供江户前麻油天妇罗、寿司、鳗鱼、河豚鱼、日本牛肉、套餐、各种套餐、单点菜和许多其他菜肴。 我们可以根据您的预算准备菜肴,用于宴会、会议、商业娱乐、庆祝、哀悼等。 在轻松的日式包房里享受您的膳食和饮料。 你可以选择桌子上的座位和榻榻米房间。
- 成立于 1975 年。中华料理东洋 ! 在鸭川品尝正宗的中华料理,我们将为您提供...
东洋中华料理店是一家成立于 1975 年的老字号中华料理店,在鸭川 ・ 和木更津店都可以品尝到深受欢迎的 "土锅丸豆腐"。! 此外,还提供包间座位和适合不同预算的宴会套餐。
+81-4-7093-2345中国料理 東洋 鴨川店
- 无论您是离婚还是恢复婚姻,我们都能帮助您处理婚姻关系。在线咨询 ・ 我们提供调解...
这对夫妇正在为他们的关系苦苦挣扎,他们想修复关系,但又想找个人作为中间人,或者他们已经决定离婚,但又无法与伴侣商量。 我们可以帮助这类夫妇解决问题。由于是法务大臣认证的 ADR 机构,您可以放心使用这项服务。日本顾问和律师在您出国期间提供在线支持。
- 位于千叶县二津市大濠的修剪沙龙* 我们还为猫咪洗毛,并尽可能照顾兔子等小动物。我...
我们的美容院将为您提供适合您的宠物狗的修剪服务。 我们将调整预约时间,以适应那些不喜欢狗或修剪的人,我们将提供适合他们的治疗 ! 我们将提出适合他们的修剪建议,如设计剪裁或菜单上的单品。 我们还在力所能及的范围内照顾猫、兔子和其他小动物。
+81-80-7527-1020PET salon Peterpan
- 从英语作文到小学、初中和高中作业,再到商务英语,我们为您的学习提供支持 ! 完全...
• 灵活的服务,包括家访、办公室访问和 Skype 课程。 • 每周 7 天、每天 24 小时提供 Skype 课程 *需要预约。 • 经验丰富的教师 • 收费合理(30 分钟 10 美元起) 您是否在孩子的学习或个人进步方面遇到这些问题? ・ 您希望我们用日语为您的孩子讲解和教授美国学校的功课和家庭作业吗? ・ 您希望我们帮助补习学校或日本学校的家庭作业和学习吗? ・ 您希望学...
+1 (909) 260-0353AAP - eTeachers
- 我们将负责任地维修、检查和保养您的车辆。您可以放心地将车辆交给我们。胎压检查是一...
您是否正在寻找一个可以让您的爱车放心的地方? 在 M's Factory,拥有 30 多年经验、爱车胜过一日三餐的机械师松冈清成将为您的爱车进行检查 ・ 和维修 ! 。
+1 (310) 533-4897M's Factory
- 万豪度假俱乐部是度假所有权领域的行业领导者,现正招募积极进取的人才。
阿罗哈 ! 感谢您对万豪度假俱乐部感兴趣。我们正在寻找精通英语和日语的有志之士 ! 我们是最大的豪华分时度假/度假所有权提供商。?我们提供各种福利,包括医疗保险、401K、学费报销、万豪・喜达屋家族酒店(包括丽思卡尔顿和喜来登)的员工折扣。 如果您对此感兴趣,请随时与我们联系 !。
(808) 534-7681Marriott Vacation Club
- 购买夏威夷房产 ・ 出售房产 ・ 长期租房 ・ 假期租房 ・ 让 Starts ...
Starts Hawaii 是日本著名的"Pitatto House 在当地的子公司。我们为您提供广泛的服务,不仅包括买卖,还包括租赁、物业管理、假日租赁和房地产税务。 ・ 物业销售 ・ 物业管理 ・ 商业地产
- 创业 50 年。我们是千叶县市原市的一家老字号腌菜店。我们生产和销售的产品种类繁...
吉野腌菜 "是千叶县市原市一家生产和销售腌菜的老字号,以当地生产、当地消费为宗旨。我们在超市和路边车站销售腌菜,让更多人品尝到创业 50 年来的美味。在炎热的天气里,作为盐的补充,或者作为一天中的点心,来一点吧 ? 我们期待着您的光临。
- < 志愿者 ・ 投资者 ・ 我们正在寻找参与公司 > 我们 "达摩 "是一个通过...
该公司的代表上田在日本和美国从事房地产开发已有 40 多年的经验,移居美国后,他对美国的无家可归者问题深有感触。为了实现自己的想法,支持无家可归者和低收入者自立的项目,他决定利用自己的经验,在圣地亚哥的 Hillcrest 建造一座大型综合建筑,并将利润捐献给支持项目。 一些同意这个想法的工作人员从洛杉矶以及圣地亚哥赶来,宣传达摩的活动。!作为志愿者、房地产投资者・或投资人?加入达摩的活动!
+1 (619) 322-5030SD Daruma Inc.
September 13, 2024 | News from the City of Hermosa Beach
no hate v2
"At its September 10th meeting, City Council recognized September 21-27, 2024 as United Against Hate Week. The City is dedicated to preventing and opposing hate, bullying and intolerance in our community and we encourage our citizens to support LA vs Hate, United Against Hate Week activities in our county this week and every day."
Here's The Latest
Hermosa Beach Concert Series
Last Sunday marked the official return of the Hermosa Beach Concert Series. The beach setting was beautiful and the bands rocked. We invite everyone to join us again this Sunday, September 15th at 3:00 p.m. for more outdoor entertainment. The series is open to all ages and will offer free live music and community fun on the beach south of the Hermosa Beach Pier. Headliners include Gilby Clarke and the Keef Richards. For more information, including the names of the musicians and bands performing, please visit the City’s website. [ ]
Concert Series Flyer
Dog License Renewal
The City will begin offering 2025 dog licenses beginning this upcoming Monday, September 16th. Dog licenses provide pet owners with proof of ownership, help reunite lost dogs with their owners, and ensure vaccination against rabies. City ordinances require dog licenses for all dogs four months and older, or within 30 days of receiving their first rabies vaccination. For those interested, the annual Rabies Clinic is back and will be held on Thursday, October 3rd from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Clark Field.
Licenses will be available for purchase online, in person and via mail. For more information, please visit the City’s website [ ]
National Preparedness Month
September is National Preparedness Month and raise awareness about the importance of emergency preparedness. The City of Hermosa Beach encourages all residents to “Be Ready [ ]” and prepare their homes and families for emergencies by taking simple steps to make a plan, get a kit, secure your home, and stay informed. Not sure where to start? Visit [ ] for information and helpful guides.
This month also represents an opportunity to pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of first responders who put themselves at risk for the safety of their fellow citizens. We encourage all community members to take time this month to recognize the importance of preparedness, honor those who serve our communities and work together to enhance our resilience and readiness.
Measure HB - Public Safety/City Services Measure
On November 5, 2024, Hermosa Beach voters will have a choice. The City Council approved placing the Public Safety/City Services Measure on the ballot to enact a local sales tax of 3/4%. If voters approve the Measure, it is expected to generate approximately $3 million each year in dedicated, and locally controlled funds that benefit Hermosa Beach residents and businesses. The Measure has a sunset clause of 20 years from the effective date or until ended by voters, with annual audits and citizen oversight committee. Please watch educational video [ ] to learn more or visit Measure HB’s website [ ].
National Voter Registration Day
September 17th marks the 12th anniversary of National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic holiday encouraging voter registration and celebrating our democracy. As a City, we are committed to the highest standards of election integrity and to encouraging broad voter registration, access, and citizen participation in elections among voter-eligible citizens. This day is an important opportunity for us all to come together and renew our commitment to support voter registration and citizen participation in elections – both locally and nationwide.
*Read More News* [!/ ]
Get Involved
*Coastal Cleanup Day*
On Saturday, September 21st, the City will host its annual Coastal Cleanup Day in partnership with Heal the Bay. Check-in begins at 9:00am on Schumacher Plaza, and participants are encouraged to bring their own reusable buckets and gloves. Please join us to protect and maintain our beautiful local beaches. For more information, please contact the Community Resources Department at (310) 318-0280.
*Movies at the Beach*
Tomorrow, September 14th, the Hermosa Beach Friends of the Parks will host its annual Movies at the Beach on the sand south of the Pier. This week’s movie will be School of Rock. For more information and event times, please visit Friends of the Parks’ website [ ].
Enjoy Your City
City of Hermosa Beach Pier
*View All City and Community Events* [ ]
*Fall Paper Shredding and Compost Giveaway Event *
Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm (noon)
Location: 710 Pier Avenue
_About the Event:_ The City and Athens Services will host a free, semi-annual Paper Shredding and Compost giveaway event at the Community Center. Residents may bring up to two boxes of documents for onsite shredding and must bring their own containers or bags for compost. The event is open to all residents and free of charge. Visit the City’s website [ ] for more information.
*Glow Ride for Cystic Fibrosis *
Saturday, September 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm
Location: Hermosa Beach Pier (1 Pier Ave)
_About the Event:_ The Claire’s Place Foundation will host its annual Glow Ride for Cystic Fibrosis, a walk/ride to raise funds and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis. All ages welcome to join them for a 3.4 mile round trip ride from the Hermosa Beach Pier to the Manhattan Beach Pier and back. For more information and event times, visit the foundation’s website [ ].
*City Council Meeting Recordings*
For those who couldn't make it to this week’s City Council meetings, we've got you covered! Click the link below to access recorded videos:
September 10 [ ] – City Council Meeting
Live City Council meeting links, agendas, meeting minutes and archived videos are always available on the City's website [ ]. Stay informed about community events, local issues, and policy decisions being made in our community.
Upcoming City Meetings
*Planning Commission Meeting *
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*Civil Service Board Meeting*
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*Public Works Commission Meeting*
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*City Council Meeting*
Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers
*View All Meetings* [ ]
In Case You Missed It
" To honor the memory of those who were lost on September 11, 2001, the City hosted a Wreath Laying Ceremony. While 23 years have passed, the 9/11 attacks will never be forgotten."
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City of Hermosa Beach
1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
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