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Private Reading Session, Couple Reading Session for Two, Energy Cleansing Session, Space Cleansing Session, Crescent Session, & Special Workshop, "Ego: guidance to recognize your self-judgement and discover your true value"
Hello, everyone!
From Feb. 8th Setsu's sessions and workshop are taking place in Los Angeles, CA.
Yes! Finally, our beloved friends in LA area can start booking Setsu's reading sessions and Ego workshop!
Very limited availability so please do not miss the chance!
To say we are excited is an understatement when we think of reuniting with our clients and meeting new people and what the opportunity will bring us.
Besides Setsu's regularly offered sessions like private & couple reading, energy cleansing and space cleansing, we are ecstatic for Ego workshop and the special session, "Crescent Session", your 2020 will be filled with full of hope, guidance, encouragement and motivation just to mention a few.
We are looking forward to meeting with everyone and grateful for sharing the one-and-only, fun and precious opportunity with you all.
Now let's move onto Ego workshop detail and how to book your session!
If you are not familiar with who we are, ONENESS IN LOVE INC. and who Setsu is, please visit us
~Workshop in Los Angeles, CA~
"Ego: Guidance to recognize your self-judgement and discover your true value"
"Every moment we are shaping our own future
Life is a choice" -Setsu
At this very moment whatever situation each of us is in, we think, choose and create our own future. Ego, self-judgement and biased belief also create restrictions within us. What happens if we continue thinking, choosing and creating a future within the limits?
Do you know that we are a soul being and a powerful being?
What if our power is hidden behind the ego, self-judgement and biased belief......
To recognize this, you will be released from unconsciously created wall of restrictions. And your life expands to the infinite potential and to living your true powerful self.
For any event that you experience in life,
You may want to express more joy.
Deep inside, you are feeling more happiness than you are actually showing.
You may want to be more in touch with sorrow than you are feeling on the surface.
You may want to be more kind...
Most of the messages in the workshop come from Setsu's psychic reading from the above: connecting with God, angels, the universe etc. In this one and only event presented by ONENESS IN LOVE INC., you can learn what is ego, what is self-judgement, and recognize biased views on yourself, how to turn negative judgement to positive one, and more. You do not want to miss out!
And, there are more to offer:
Guided meditation and super powerful energy cleansing by Setsu. Many repeaters anticipate for her meditation and cleansing at every events we hold.
Not finished here yet...
The price for the workshop is ONENESS PRICE!
No matter the situation, we would love every single one of you to be able to attend and meet Setsu to receive her love, and experience love from the universe! "Oneness price" is when you choose the price you wish to pay for the workshop.
So what's the wait? Share the great news with your friends and family and join us for the special workshop.
2020, let's start living free from ego mind that may be stopping us from reaching the highest possibilities in life!
Date & Time:
Sunday, Feb. 9th
Door opens @ 3pm
Workshop starts @ 3:15pm to 6pm
El Segundo, CA
*Details will be in a confirmation email
*Please pay the desired amount after the workshop
To book a spot:
Bring YOU, a pen & paper!
We are super excited to meet you all!
~Private Reading Sessions in Los Angeles, CA~
Saturday, Feb. 8th
Tuesday, Feb. 11th
Wednesday, Feb. 12th
El Segundo, CA
*Details will be sent in a confirmation email
Session Menu:
Private Reading
Couple Reading (For two people)
Energy Cleansing
Space Cleansing (We will come to your house or work place for this session)
Special Crescent Session (Exclusive limited time special session for 2020. Your year will be filled with hope, guidance, courage and full of motivation!)
Price: Please click on session menu for price on our website or the attached link
Book your spot:
See you all soon!!!
Local | El Segundo, CA (Notify by email in a booking confirmation email) |
Dirección | El Segundo, CA, United States |
Fecha | 2020/2/8 - 2020/2/12 |
Tiempo | |
Detalle de tiempo | |
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Detalle del local |
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