주소를 입력하고 검색 버튼을 클릭하면 루트가 표시됩니다.
출발지 주소 | |
길 타입 | |
Pork bone ramen cooked for 12 hours to extract just the right amount of flavor from the meat and bones,
rich soy sauce ramen cooked with more chicken stock,
garlic pork bone ramen with more back fat,
inexpensive and delicious hand-made gyoza and crispy fried chicken.
전화번호 | +1 (626) 587-0034 |
주소 | , West Covina, CA, 91790 US |
영업시간 | 일요일12:00-20:00 월요일12:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 화요일12:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 수요일정기휴일 목요일12:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 금요일12:00-14:00 17:00-21:00 토요일12:00-20:00 정기휴일:水曜日 |
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