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  • [Registrant] : 松戸市
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]千葉県 松戸市
  • Posted : 2024/05/20
  • Published : 2024/05/20
  • Changed :2024/05/20
  • Total View : 158 persons

About Phone De Fraud Predictive Calls

We provide this information because Matsudo Higashi Police Station has sent out an e-mail concerning a phone deception.

Today, a caller pretending to be from a gas company in Matsudo City
This is 00 Gas Company.
We will be visiting you later for inspection.
What day would be best for you?
We have been receiving calls that appear to be a scam.
More recently, we have been receiving calls from people claiming to be from a credit card company and saying
We have detected unusual activity while monitoring your account,
We are trying to secure your account. To keep your account secure, we are asking you to re-authenticate your card information.
Please log in to the following URL to verify your information.
You have received an email that appears to be a scam, such as.

Even if you receive these calls or emails,
・ Give your personal information or account number
・ View the URL in the email and login or enter your personal information.
・ Give money or cash card to a stranger
・ Operate an ATM for procedure while making a phone call
Do not do such acts and report to the police.

[To Prevent Fraud Victims]
Victims of telephone deception believe that the person who made the "appointment call" is a city hall employee or related person, and hand over cash cards or cash, or operate ATMs.
If you are in a household with only elderly people around you, or if you see an elderly person operating an ATM while talking on the phone when using an ATM, please call out to them to warn them.
Also, please inquire about countermeasure devices in Matsudo City.
~Inquiries: Cat Support 0120-5454-25~
Matsudo Higashi Police Station, Chiba Prefecture
Yagasaki, Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture 4-51-9


Vivinavi - Notification from Municipality

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