NR 09-04-2024 (Charting success: Kaua‘i Sea Scouts celebrate 15 year anniversary)
- [注册人]Kaua'i Police Department
- [语言]日本語
- [区]Kaua'i
- 注册日期 : 2024/09/04
- 发布日 : 2024/09/04
- 更改日期 : 2024/09/04
- 总浏览次数 : 46 人
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County of Kaua'i, State of Hawaii
*News Release*
For Immediate Release: September 4, 2024
Kaua'i Police
(808) 241-1600
*Charting success: Kaua‘i Sea Scouts celebrate 15 year anniversary*
LĪHUʻE – The Kaua‘i Sea Scouts commemorated its 15th anniversary this past Friday at the Nāwiliwili Boat Harbor.
On Friday, Aug. 30, families and community members gathered to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts. The ceremony featured a formation muster by the Scouts, a speech from the Scout leader, and a special proclamation read by Assistant Chief Mark Ozaki of the Kaua‘i Police Department on behalf of Mayor Derek Kawakami.
The Kaua‘i Sea Scouts program, founded in 2009 by father-and-son team Larry and Max Richardson, has become a cornerstone of youth development on the island. Initially sponsored by the Kaua‘i Police Activities League (K-PAL), the program has thrived under the support of the community and local leaders, including Mayor Kawakami, who was on K-PAL’s Board of Directors at the time of its inception.
“This program has been a guiding light for our keiki, forming many into leaders while being a safe place to build comradery and lifelong friendships,” said Mayor Kawakami. “Congratulations to the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts on this amazing milestone, and more importantly for the years of dedication to our island’s youth.”
Over the past 15 years, the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts have provided hundreds of local youths with invaluable experiences aboard the Sea Scout vessel "Decisive." The program has earned national recognition, being named to the National Flagship Fleet three times and ranking among the top ten Sea Scout programs in the nation. It currently has 20 members and is the only Sea Scouts program in the State of Hawai‘i.
At Friday’s event, Assistant Chief Ozaki reflected on the program’s impact with deep appreciation. “It is a true honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts. I have known Coach Larry from his days coaching wrestling for K-PAL, and I’ve seen firsthand the incredible dedication he and his son Max have poured into this program. Their vision has transformed the lives of many young people here on Kaua‘i. On behalf of Mayor Kawakami and the Kaua‘i community, we extend our deepest gratitude for the lasting impact you’ve made.”
The anniversary celebration also marked the start of the Sea Scouts’ Labor Day Weekend cruise, adding to the excitement of the anniversary’s festivities.
*About Kaua‘i Sea Scouts:* The Kaua‘i Sea Scouts program offers young men and women a unique opportunity to engage in maritime activities and develop essential life skills. Celebrated for its outstanding contributions to youth development, the program has received national acclaim and continues to positively impact the lives of Kaua‘i’s youth.
Kauai Sea Scouts
Assistant Chief Mark Ozaki of the Kaua‘i Police Department, representing Mayor Derek Kawakami, proudly presented a special proclamation commemorating the 15th anniversary of the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts on Friday.
*Media Contact:
If you are a member of the media with an inquiry for the Kaua‘i Police Department or its representatives, please email Mahalo!
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