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2015 Nissan Versa - 引っ越しのため売ります
- 引っ越しのため売ります
- 傷や凹みはありますが、中身は綺麗です
- 値段交渉あり
Price | $52,000.00 |
Location | 2100 W Commonwealth Ave, Fullerton, CA, 92833 United States |
Model | Versa SD |
Maker | NISSAN |
Year | 2015year |
Body Type | 세단 |
Body Color | |
Transmission | AT |
Number of Doors | 4 |
Number of Seats | 5cc |
Inspection / Maintenance | 2024/06 |
Milage | 123000ml |
Condition | 상처/흠이 있음, |
Inspection / Warranty | 차량검사 있음/점검완료,SMOG CHECK완료, |
Option | 에어콘,에어백, |
Accessories | 오디오, |
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