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  • [Registrant]断捨離
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/11/23
  • Published : 2024/11/23
  • Changed :2024/11/23
  • Total View : 313 persons
Women's clothing

Brown dress

Price $ 10 → $ 5
Location Kakaako
Delivery Option Pick-up only

I bought it at a store in Omotesando, Tokyo this summer. I didn't have a chance to wear it very often and kept it in storage without ever wearing it. The back design is also cute with a ribbon shape.

There is no size indication, but it is close to M.


Women's clothing

Abercrombie&Fitch Purple Dress

Price $ 20
Location Kakaako
Delivery Option Pick-up only

It was purchased at Abercrombie and Fitch in Tokyo.
I never wore it and kept it in my closet.

Size is M.


Women's clothing

YK2 Black long sleeve

Price $ 10 → $ 5
Location Kakaako
Delivery Option Pick-up only

I bought it this summer at a store in 109 in Tokyo.
I never had a chance to wear it and kept it in my closet.

Size is one size fits all.


Vivinavi - Personal Buy & Sell

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