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  • Registrant : tanaka
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/08/02
  • Published : 2022/08/02
  • Changed :2022/08/02
  • Total View : 715 persons
2022/7/31 - 2022/8/14 / Los Angeles, California / School / Seminar

We have started to distribute videos from the Knowledge Series !.

A Japanese financial consultant talks about money !.

We have started to distribute videos of the Knowledge Series by Asako Okuma, a Japanese financial consultant.

We have started to distribute videos of our financial seminars to those who need them.

This video is titled "2022: Rumors of Recession, What to do with your money in such a time ?

Recession is coming, gas prices are too high!
Worried about inflation, etc., we made this video.

It will be available until August 15. If you are interested, please sign up at the link below.

Please apply from the link.
Address Los Angeles, California, 91356 アメリカ合衆国
Date 2022/7/31 - 2022/8/14
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Vivinavi - Events

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