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  • Registrant : 入間市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/13
  • Published : 2023/09/13
  • Changed :2023/09/13
  • Total View : 409 persons
2023/11/7 - 2024/2/20 / 入間市 / Shopping

Fureai Marche Iruma

Fureai Asaichi Promotion Council holds "Fureai Asaichi" every Saturday in the parking lot of Civic Hall, which started as a place where citizens and producers can meet.

Fresh agricultural products from Iruma City, etc. will be sold.
For sale : Eggs, shiitake mushrooms, tea, vegetables, tofu, miso, etc.
You can hear directly from the producers about their particular production and delicious cooking methods.
Please prepare your own bags and coins.

Address 入間市
Date 2023/11/7 - 2024/2/20
Time 11:00 minute(s) - 13:00 minute(s)
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